
Showing posts from December, 2018

Day Three Hundred and Sixty-four

Trei Hansves Dedh Trei Ügens ha Pajar De Lün, üdnegves warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Monday, 31 st December An diwettha dedh an mis ew, ha’n diwettha dedh an vledhen magata. Termyn da ew rag glanhe an chei ha dhe worfedna tra gwil coth. Avorow a vedh dallath nowydh. An duw Roman darjow a wra mires war dhelher dhe’n vledhen ma ha war rag dhe’n vledhen a vedn dos. O an vledhen ma bledhen vas? Era nebes sowena? Wrüga whei desky tabm Kernôwek Diwettha, martesen? Avorow a vedh an diwettha dedh rag an blogg ma. Nena e vedh res dhebm dalla blogg nowydh rag 2019. Otta calander rag an nessa mis. mis Genver (Jenwar) seythen de Lün de Meurth de Merher de Yow de Gwener de Sadorn de Sül 1 1 2 3 4 5 6   ● loor nowydh 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 14 kensa qwartron 15 16 17 18 19 diwedh Gaver 20 dalleth De...

Day Three Hundred and Sixty-three

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Trei Ügens ha Trei De Sül, degves warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Sunday, 30 th  December Na vedn flehes sevel en còsel. Anjei a gar ponya adro en neb tû. Gleb ew an gwels bes na amownt. Ma ’ga dillas ow mos gleb bes na vern dhodhans. Da ew ganjans ponya ha slynkya. Calish ew aga gansenjy. Ownek ew an kei bian. Na venja va bos gansenjys naneyl. Ottava en pelder dadn brisken. Children will not stay still. They love running around in any direction. The grass is wet but it’s not important. Their clothes get wet but it doesn’t concern them (they don’t care). They like to run and slide. It’s hard to catch hold of them. The little dog is nervous. He wouldn’t like to be caught either. There he is in the distance under a bush.

Day Three Hundred and Sixty-two

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Trei Ügens ha Dew De Sadorn, nawhes warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Saturday, 29 th  December   E’n curl coth o wheg-oll a dhavonas dhebm edhyn whath moy. Dres lycklod me alja debry an brâssa radn anodhans (e’n Oojow Cres saw na en jedh hedhyw). E’n kensa seythen, òja grügyar e veu diw golobmen, teyr yar Frenk, peder mola dhû (maga dhû avel glow), pemp "besow" owryek (dres lycklod fesonts po owrdynkes), whegh goodh (ow qwerif), ha seyth elergh (ow neyja). Pana vanket! Na whath, na via da genam – veganes oma!    In the old carol my sweetheart sent me even more birds. Probably I could eat most of them (in the Middle Ages but not nowadays). In the first week, after a partridge there were two doves, three French hens, four colly (as black as coal or “coaly”) birds, five golden "rings" (probably pheasants or goldfinches/gold spinks), six geese (a-laying), and seven swans (a-swimming). What a banquet! However, I wouldn’t like it – ...

Day Three Hundred and Sixty-one

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Trei Ügens hag Onan De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Friday, 28 th December Ma cân coth adro dhe’n dewthek dedh a Nadelik. Ra fra (praga) ma dewdhek dedh? Martesen thera odhom dhe’n Düs Fir a dhewdhek dedh rag drehedhes Bethalem. E’n cân o wheg-oll a dhavonas dhebm royow. An kensa dedh an ro a veu grügyar. A veu va grügyar en gwedhen peren? Dres lycklod na veu. En Frenkek an ger rag grügyar ew “perdrix” ha ma hedna o seny pecar’a “gwedhen peren” en Sowsnek. Hanow Laten (ha hen-Greka) an edhen ma ew “ Perdix perdix ”.   Edhen gam ew hei. Nag eus bes nebes en Kernow lebmyn – ma mentenours owth ynia tiogow dhe witha aga glesinyow rag edhyn ow tinethy. There is an old song about the twelve days of Christmas. Why are there twelve days? Perhaps the Wise Men needed twelve days to reach Bethlehem. In the song my true love sent me presents. The first day the present was a partridge. Was it a partridge in a pear tree? Probably not. In French...

Day Three Hundred and Sixty

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Trei Ügens De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Thursday, 27 th  December Eus pajer ostyas? Nag eus. Ma pemp anodhans – agan mab, y wreg, aga gevellyon ha’n gath! E veu dhodhans viaj calish – lost kerry war an vorr dhort Pow an Sowson. Lowena dhewh! Visit cott dhort agan mergh (neb tra nakevys de). Lebmyn ma’n flehes ow còsca (ha'n gath ewedh). Pres ew dhe vos dhe’n gwely agan honan. Me a wrüg gorra an kibellow losow e’n portal rag own a rew. Are there four guests? No. There are five of them – our son, his wife, their twins and the cat! They had a hard journey – a tailback on the road from England. Hello! A short visit from our daughter (something forgotten yesterday). Now the children are asleep (and the cat too). It is time to go to bed ourselves. I’ve put the plant tubs in the porch for fear of frost.

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-nine

Trei Hansves Dedh Nownjek ha Dogans De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Wednesday, 26 th  December Gellys ew pemp ostyas. Lebmyn ma odhom dhen a barra agan honan rag an nessa ostyjy. Bes na veu an jorna hedhyw calish. Nei eth dhe chei teylu agan mab rag kidnyow. Na veu res dhen fyttya boos veth ha nei alja gwary gwary bord adro dhe'n bord. Lebmyn thera vy chei ha therama ow kewera an gwelyow. Avorow e vedh pajer vysytor moy. Five guests have gone. Now we need to  get ready for the next visitors. But the day today was not difficult. We went to the family home of our son for lunch. We didn't have to cook any food and we could play a board game round the table. Now I am home and I'm making the beds. Tomorrow there will be four more visitors.

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-eight

Trei Hansves Dedh Etek ha Dogans De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Tuesday, 25 th  December   Du Nadelik ew da rag flehes bes moy posigys ewa rag aga theylû. En kensa thew an flehes lowen gen aga royow. Rag an flehes pur yonk whath thew an paper gwell! Nena ma’n flehes moy coth ow talla dispûtya ort an gwaryellow. Re a whekow ew debrys ha na vedn nagonan debry aga kidnyow. War neb coor, nag eus tettys lowr ha nekevys ew an pudyn gen nebonan. Ma sira wydn owth eva re. Ev a wra còsca oll an dohajedh. Ma odhom dhe’n flogh omlavar a sôg bes trosüs ew an flehes erel. Thera vy ow kerdhes gen an keun (e’n glaw) rag pols bian a gres ha cosoleth. Joy mar vras!         Christmas Day is good for children but it’s more stressful for their family. At first the children are happy with their presents. For the very young children the paper is even better! Then the older children start to argue about the toys. Too many sweet...

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-seven

Trei Hansves Dedh Seytek ha Dogans De Lün, pajwora warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Monday, 24 th  December Jorna hogstog ew, an jedh ken Nadelik. Ma royow dhe vaylya ha boos dhe fittya. Da ew gans an flehes dhe gavos royow dadn an wedhen Nadelik ha aga dismaylya. Aga herens a gar debry ha eva. Nag ew da genen kig yar Gyny. O mergh wydn a wras nebes gen corrbes rag avorow!           It’s a very busy day, the day before Christmas. There are presents to wrap and food to prepare. Children like to find presents under the Christmas tree and unwrap them. Their parents love to eat and drink. We do not like turkey meat. My granddaughter made something with lentils for tomorrow!

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-six

Trei Hansves Dedh Whetek ha Dogans De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Sunday, 23 rd  December   Ma cân Nadelik da gen an bobel adro dhe garow ergh (Rudolph). Thera dhodho min rüdh ha’n kerwas erel a’n grevyas awos hedna. Saw flows ew hebma. Na ell kerwas ergh gweles an liw rüdh (po rüdhvelyn) po glas avel liwyow diberthys. Nag eus dhodhans an killigow own et aga lagajow. Na whath, anjei ell gweles golow ûghviolet, etho anjei ell gweles kewny dadn an ergh. Gwres ew hedna rag bownans e’n ergh. Ha anjei ell gweles bestas gwydn (na ellen nei gweles anjei) drefen bos UV dastewydnyes gen ergh ha ma blew (ha kewny) owth y gemeres emann. Ma dhe gewny ha blew semblans dû bedn ergh gwydn.        There is a popular Christmas song about a reindeer (Rudolph). He had a red nose and the other reindeer teased him because of that. But this is nonsense. Reindeer cannot see the colour red (or orange) or green as separate colours. They do not...

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-five

Trei Hansves Dedh Pemdhek ha Dogans De Sadorn, nessa warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Saturday, 22 nd December Thera dhen dew flogh wydn owth ostya genen newher. Anjei a fotograffas an eyl y gila rag o blogg. Na venja anjei mos dhe’n gwely abres ha na wrüg anjei difüna abres naneyl. Aga dama ha ’ga thas eth dhe gefewiow Nadelik. Na venja an gerens difüna avarr dhe guntel aga flehes, rag hedna na wrüg nagonan dos e’n mettin. Res veu dhebm cavos nepeth rag an flehes dhe dhebry rag haunsel ha li. Nag üjy anjei ow cara an keth boos ha da ew ganjans fittya aga frejyow aga honan. Deray e’n gegin! Anjei a gavas termyn lowr ewedh dhe wary e’n lowarth ha cuntel prei war aga dillas ha skijyow. Mostedhes moy e’n gegin! Aga thas a dheuth trei ar glogh. Skith o vy. Me a vedn glanhe an gegin avorow! We had two grandchildren staying with us last night. They photographed one another for my blog. They didn’t want to go to bed early and neither they didn’t wake up early. Their mother and their ...

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-four

Trei Hansves Dedh Peswardhek ha Dogans De Gwener, kensa warn ügens mis Kevardhû. Friday, 21 st  December   Mantol lowen dhe bub onan. Ma treylva hedhyw. Thew an jedh ma a bris. Lebmyn an dedhyow a vedh moy hir. Ma loor leun e’n ebòrn en nos ma.  Òja hebma an loor a vedn lehe. Ma’n diwettha dedh a’n Sether hedhyw. Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a’ Aver (an Gaver). Ma pub tra o treylya. Happy Solstice to everyone. There is a turning point today. This day is significant. Now the days will be longer. There is a full moon in the sky tonight. After this the moon will wane. There is the last day of Sagittarius today. Tomorrow will be the first day of Capricorn. Everything is changing.

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-three

Trei Hansves Dedh Terdhek ha Dogans De Yow, ügensves mis Kevardhû. Thursday, 20 th  December Cres an gwav ew ha pur isel ha gwadn ew an howl hanter dedh. Nag eus golow an howl et agan lowarth. E vedh avorow Mantol, an berra jorna. Òja hedna an dedhyow a wra dalla ystyn ha’n howl a vedh moy ûhel. Saw na vedh dhe ’gan lowarth spladnder an howl terebo gwenton. Nena nei wra gweles blejow a’n gùckou ha brially war an menedh ma. Nag eus delen veth war lies gwedhen. An del marow ew whethys dhe ves bes ma buddys solabres war nebes barrow. E’n prisk ma thew an skill gwithys rag gwens ha rew gen flourys marow. It’s the middle of the winter and the midday sun is very low and weak. There is no sunshine in our garden. Tomorrow will be the Winter Solstice, the shortest day. After that the days will begin to lengthen and the sun will be higher. But our garden won’t have sunshine till spring. Then we will see bluebells and primroses on this hillside. There are no leaves at all o...

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-two

Trei Hansves Dedh Dewdhek ha Dogans De Merher, nownjegves mis Kevardhû. Wednesday, 19 th  December Pandr’ellama scrifa hedhyw? Na wrüga vy gwil tra veth dhe les! Me a gerras (gerdhas) gans an keun, bes res veu dhebm dhe hastya tre awos an glaw. Nag eus tra veth pigüs dhe vy hedhyw – na tele, na radyo, na leverow! Sqwithys o vy, keniver tra ew blewek/sqwithüs! Me a dal gwil nebes art, bes na ellama gwil düwon rag cavos o daffar. Me a wras dew bott a jam - gen sûgra, mor dû (rewys), dew limaval, üdn aval, üdn beren ha badna (po moy) dowr ros. Prevyans sowyn! What can I write today? I haven’t done anything interesting! I walked with the dogs, but had to hurry home because of the rain. There is nothing exciting to me today – neither TV, nor radio, nor books. I’m fed up (bored), everything is boring. I should do some art, but I can’t be bothered to find my materials. I made two pots of jam – with sugar, blackberries (frozen), two lemons, one apple, one pear and a drop (or mor...

Day Three Hundred and Fifty-one

Trei Hansves Dedh Üdnek ha Dogens De Meurth, ethdegves mis Kevardhû. Tuesday, 18 th  December Ew hebma poll lowarth? Nag ew. O rosva ew – leun a dhowr! Nag ew an gewer yeyn hedhyw, saw nag ew hei segh naneyl. Clôr lowr ew, ha glaw a wra. Gwenjek ew ewedh, pur wenjek. Na whath, o wherryow vy ew bian pa vo comparys gen wherryow an lester Roussek ma. Herdhys gen gwens crev ha todnow broas, stagys ew war garygy pur ogas dhe’n treth. (Sawys veu  va war an diwedh.)  Is this a garden pond? No. It’s my drive – full of water! The weather is not cold today, but it is not dry either. It’s quite mild, and it rains. It’s windy as well, very windy. However, my problems are small when compared with this Russian ship’s problems. Pushed by strong wind and big waves, it’s stuck on rocks very near the beach. (It was eventually saved.)

Day Three Hundred and Fifty

Trei Hansves Dedh ha Hanter Cans De Lün, seythdegves mis Kevardhû. Monday, 17 th  December   Terweythyow ma howldrevel ow cül dalleth teg dhe’n jorna. (An radn brâssa an jedh ell bos hager òja hedna.) Hedhyw commol a dheuth ha nag o an ebòrn na rüdh na blou.  Me a wrüg omweles war o mergh wydn ha hy flogh. Meppik wheg ew ev.  En Ty war’n Heyl me a welas lies gòlvan en ke. Sometimes sunrise makes a beautiful start to the day. (Most of the day can be horrible after that.) Today clouds came and the sky was neither red nor blue.  I visited my granddaughter and her child. He is a sweet little boy.  In Perranporth I saw lots of sparrows in a hedge.