
Showing posts from September, 2022

2022 Day 273

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek De Gwener, degves warn  ü gens mis Gwedngala Friday, 30th September Hedhyw thew an diwettha dedh mis Gwedngala. Gellys ew an mis ma re üskis. Nag o vy parys rag an mis nessa. Nag era dhebm termyn lowr e'n mis ew tremenys rag scrifa lowr. Da via genam cawas termyn moy. Pub dedh ma howlsedhes ow tos re a-varr. Nag ew da genam dedhyow cott. Today it is the last day of September. This month has gone too quickly. I am not ready for the next month. I didn't have enough time in the past month to write enough. I would like to have more time. Everyday sunset comes too early. I don't like short days.

2022 Day 272

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Dewdhek De Yow, nawhes warn ügens mis Gwedngala Thursday, 29th September  We can argue that place names helped to preserve the Cornish language. Even when the Cornish language was described by UNESCO as “extinct”, it was still going strong in place names. Here are words for “field” used in place names. GWEL  means an  open field. In historic place names it was  gweal, gweale, gwel, gul, gold  or  gal PARK  means  field or enclosure.  In normal usage it can be the same as an English  park. In place names it may be  park or parc LEYN  means a  strip field or stitch of land  - a throwback to an earlier system of agriculture. In place names it may be  leen, lin, lane or lene Here are some examples of GWEL names (names in blue are the equivalents written in the  Standard Written Form ) ( Map references  will help you find them on a Ordnance Survey map) Gwealavella...

2022 Day 271

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Üdnek De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Gwedngala Wednesday, 28th September Ma gorothom an ayredh. Nei a wör  hedna. Thera nei ow whilas dhe wodhvos, "Pandr' ellen nei gwil?" Bes pandr'ew an gorthyp?  Warlergh an lever termyn "Sciensydh Nowydh", nei a dal dasglebya agan dowregow sehys. Bes ma dowregow ow trei mes methan, ha henn ew gass chei gweder. Gwir. Saw mowns ow senjy moy a dhioxid carbon ha  oxîds  nitrojen ewedh, ha henn ew gwell. Rag fra ma sehans an dowregow? Drefen voydya an dowr rag gonisegeth ha displegyansow derevyans. Martesen bevers alja gweres.  There is a climate crisis. We know that. We are seeking to know, "What can we do?" But what is the answer? According to the magazine "New Scientist", we should rewet our dried wetlands. But wetlands produce methane, and that is a greenhouse gas. True. But they also trap more carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, and that is better. Why is there dryin...

2022 Day 270

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Deg De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Gwedngala Tuesday, 27th September Ma caletter gen kytterinyow rag Perranzabuloe. Ma whel meur war an vorr A30 ha radn an vorr A3075 ew degeys. Ma othom dhe'n bus 88 a gemeres vorr deffrans. Pub pres thewa holergh. Bes hedhyw, na wrüga va dos tabm veth. De, pib dhowr a dorras en Penhallow ha liva an vorr. (Na veu dowr dhen en chei rag oll an jedh.) Hedhyw thera whath pikern dres an vorr. Ow mergh wydn a res kemeres hy mab dhe scol gen taxi. There is a problem with buses for Perranzabuloe. There is major work on the A30 road and part of the A3073 road is closed. The 88 bus needs to take a different route. It is always late. But today, it didn't come at all. Yesterday, a water pipe burst at Perranwell and flooded the road. (W e  had no water at home for the whole day.) Today there were still cones across the road. My granddaughter had to take her son to school by taxi.

2022 Day 269

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Naw De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Gwedngala Monday, 25th September A-dhiwedhes, my a wrüg gosowes ort areth gen Julien Boast.  Chîf Asectour ha Pednrowler Creatüs ew ev a'n Hel Rag Kernow en Truru.  Ev a overwelas nôwythheans an hûjes wariva ma  ha y spasys kevradnek. Inflamyes ew ev gen story gwariva en Kernow. (Ha nag ew da ganjo esedhvaow  rüdh  po liw gossen!) Recently, I listened to a talk by Julien Boast. He is the Chief Executive and Creative Director for the Hall for Cornwall in Truro. He over-saw the renewal of this huge theatre and its associated spaces. He is inspired by the history of theatre in Cornwall. (And he does not like red or rust-coloured seating!)

2022 Day 268

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens hag Eth De Sül, pempes warn ügens mis Gwedngala Sunday, 25th September Pur vesy o vy hedhyw. Flehes wydn ha bestes! Eus othom dhebm a leverel moy? Pur vesy o an idhyow ewedh - leun a wenen gwels. I was very busy today. Grandchildren and animals! Need I say more? The ivy was very busy too - full of wild bees.

2022 Day 267

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Seyth De Sadorn, pajwora warn ügens mis Gwedngala Saturday, 24th September Gorfednys ew an hav. Gellys ew an kehesnos. Nag eus bys trei mis terebo Nadelik. Ma le avel cans dedh terebo diwedh an vledhen. Ha res ew dhebm cosca ha sevel emann arta en eth our! Na ellama gweles loor haneth e'n nos - thew hei loor nowydh. The summer has finished. The equinox has gone. There are only three months until Christmas. There are less than a hundred days until the end of the year. And I must sleep and get up again in eight hours. I cannot see a moon tonight - it is a new moon.

2022 Day 266

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Whegh De Gwener, tryja warn ügens mis Gwedngala Friday, 23rd September Ma level an mor ow terevel ha thew an als cons û mys gen todnow. Ma enawellow menowgh ow qweskel an aljow.  Ma nebes aljow ow codha. Radn an treven war an aljow ew parys dhe godha. Mons ow cregy war an min. Onan ew Din Kernowyon. Ma pons nowydh, bes a vedh castel dhe visitya?  Ma onan aral en Syllan - Vosow an Garrison.   The sea level is rising and the coast is eaten away by waves. Frequent storms batter the cliffs. Some cliffs are falling. Some of the buildings on the cliffs are precarious (ready to fall). They are hanging on the edge. One of them is Tintagel Castle. There's a new bridge but will there be a castle to visit? There is another one in the Scilly Isles - the Garrison Walls.

2022 Day 265

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Pemp De Yow, nessa warn ügens mis Gwedngala Thursday, 22nd September Ma othom dhen a leheans agan livreson carbon e'n ayr. Solabres ma gorothom an ayredh. Ma'n liednow yey an brastir ow teudha. Ma level an mor ow terevel. A wra va sevel deg meter warn  ügens ? Dowrow Kernow a wra treylya ledanha ha downa. Tir ha treven a vedn mos mes a wel. Na vedh Tiwar'n heyl ha Melinjy na moy. Ow chei vy a vedh  ûhel  ha segh (saw my a vedh marow)! Bes pe le ma agan treth teg e'n profesans? (Whei ell redya moy war CornwallLive.) We need a reduction of our release of carbon into the air. Already there is a climate crisis. The continental ice sheets are melting. Sea level is rising. Will it rise 30 metres? Cornwall's waters will become wider and deeper. Land and buildings will disappear. Perranporth and Bolingey will be no more. My house will be high and dry (though I will be dead)! But where is our beautiful beach in the p...

2022 Day 264

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Pajar De Merher, kensa warn ügens mis Gwedngala Wednesday, 21st September Rag radn an bobel thew hedhyw an kensa   dedh kidnyadh (po gwenton). Thewa an kehesnos. Lebmyn, en hantergelgh noor, an dedhyow a vedh cottha vel an nosow. En Pedn-Ahel an Noor, thewa an kensa dedh tewal rag whegh mis. En Pedn-Ahel Sooth thewa an kensa gwel an howl wòja whegh mis a dewlder. For some people today is the first day of autumn (or spring). It's the equinox. Now, in the northern hemisphere, the days will be shorter than the nights. At the North Pole it's the first dark day for six months. At the South Pole it's the first view of the sun after six months of darkness.

2022 Day 263

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Trei De Meurth, ügensves mis Gwedngala Tuesday, 20th September Hedhyw my a scrifas blogg nowydh rag flehes ha ga teylûyow. Nag eus termyn lowr dhebm. Etho, otta an blogg na. Today I wrote a new blog for children and their families. I have no more time. So, here is that blog.

2022 Day 262

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Dew  De Lün, nawnjegves mis Gwedngala Monday, 19th September Na ellen nei goheles an gwrionedh (gwiryonedh). E veu encledhyans stat hedhyw, gen solempnita ha ceremony ha lies gwesk soudor spladn (rüdh dres ehen). Gwiskys o an mornyoryon aga honan en dilhas dû. Ha thera flourys, lies flour, en Loundres ha Windsor.  We cannot avoid the truth. There was a state funeral today, with solemnity and ceremony and many splendid military uniforms (especially red). The mourners themselves were dressed in black clothes. And there were flowers, lots of flowers, in London and Windsor.

2022 Day 261

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Wonan De Sül, etegves mis Gwedngala Sunday, 18th September  En Truru hedhyw e veu ordenal rag an Vetêrnes varow. Tho hebma e'n peneglos ha tho va rag an düs gebmyn. Avorow e vedh ordenal encledhyans en Abby Westminster rag oll an düs vrâs.  "An Vetêrnes o benyn leb a wrüg sewya an valewys Cristyon a drûedh, devocyon ha lendury", emedh an oferyas.   In Truro today there was a service for the dead Queen. This was in the cathedral and it was for the ordinary people. Tomorrow there will be a funeral service in Westminster Abbey for all the important people. "The Queen was a woman who followed the Christian values of compassion, devotion and sincerity", said the priest. Gerva  Vocabulary Cristyon  (a/m)  Christian devocyon  (m)  devotion lendury  (m)  sincerity marow  dead oferyas  (m)  priest ordenal  (m)...

2022 Day 260

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans ha Trei Ügens De Sadorn, seytegves mis Gwedngala Saturday, 17th September Skith o vy! Leun o an jedh gen flehes ha keun. Thens oll en còsk down lebmyn, bes da via genam còsca ewedh, kens eus scrifa! I am tired! The day was full of children and dogs. They are all fast asleep now, but I would like to sleep as well, rather than writing.

2022 Day 259

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek ha Dogens De Gwener, whetegves mis Gwedngala Friday, 16th September Hedhyw en Kembra, mons ow kolya Dedh Owain Glyn Dwr. Nanj ew nebes eth cans bledhen ev a wrüg gelwel y honan Prins Kembra. Tho ev an diwettha Prins Kembra a veu genys en Kembra. Prins William ew an moyha a-lergh, saw genys veu va en Loundres. Owain Glyn Dwr a fondyas an kensa Senedh Kembra ha batalya warbedn an Sowson rag anserhecter Kembra. Ev a wrüg fyllel - er dhe thron Bretednek lebmyn ew Prins Kembra.  Today in Wales, they celebrate Owen Glendower Day. Some eight hundred years ago he called himself the Prince of Wales. He was the last Prince of Wales who was born in Wales. Prince William is the most recent, but he was born in London. Owen Glendower established the first Welsh Parliament and battled against the English for Welsh autonomy. He failed - the heir to the British throne is now the Prince of Wales.

2022 Day 258

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Etek ha Dogens De Yow, pemdhegves mis Gwedngala Thursday, 15th September  Hedhyw , na vadna vy pedery adro dhe'n nowodhow. Na vadna vy scrifa adro dhe'n teylû riel po encledhyansow po gorothom an ayredh po awher cost an bownans. An sêson ew kidnyadh ha, rag hedna, leun ew an bes a frûtys ha know!  Saw radn an frûtys ew pindy ha'n know ew pur vian. Ma mor loos e'n keow keffres ha mor dû. Ma lies mesen - bes na ellen nei aga debry. Nag eus "kig" e'n know faw, kesten po know coll. Today, I don't want to think about the news. I won't write about the royal family or funerals or the climate crisis or the cost of living crisis. The season is autumn and, therefore, the world is full of fruit and nuts! Except some of the fruits are mouldy and the nuts are very small. There are grey berries in the hedges as well as blackberries. There are lots of acorns - but we can't eat them. There is no "meat" in the beech mast, chestnut...

2022 Day 257

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Seytek ha Dogens De Merher, pajardegves mis Gwedngala Wednesday, 14th September Pe liw ew "galarwisk"? E'n oos Metêrnes Victoria tho an facyon (rag tüs rych) dhe dhon dilhas dû (gen tabm gwydn dhort termyn dhe dermyn - bond ha ragvrehel) wòja mernans nebonan e'n teylû. An flehes a wrüg degy galarwisk ewedh.   Galarwisk leun a bejyas diw vledhen rag nebonan pur nes. Wòja hedna a dheuth hanter galarwisk, gen liwyow le tewal - martesen liw plobm, loos lüjiw, purpur ha lilak po lavender, gen moy a wydn. Na veu facyon veth rag pobel bohojek - res veu dhodhans liwa aga dilhas kebmyn, po degy bond bregh dû. Rag den thera sewt tewal ha manegow dû. Jowals? Men dû po perlys.  What colour is "mourning"? In the Victorian era it was the fashion (for rich people) to wear black garments (with a bit of white from time to time - collar and cuff) after the d...

2022 Day 256

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Whetek ha Dogens De Meurth, terdhegves mis Gwedngala Tuesday, 13th September Thera nei ow qweles story e'n gwreans. En Dinedin, en Peneglos Sen Giles, e veu Gool an Brynsys. An kensa Gool a'n par ma a veu en nawnjek cans whetek warn ügens, en Hel Westminster. E veu dhe'n vebyon Metêrn Jory an pempes nebes tekednow privedh dhe wil revrons dh'aga sira, saw na wrüg esel benow kemeres radn. Prynses Anne a wras story - an kensa prynses dhe sevel gen an brynsys, hy breder, reb geler an Vetêrnes. Gwiskys o an brynses avel mer Morlû Riel. Thera an Metêrn ow tegy brith Albanek. An düs erel o dhort an Company Riel a Sethoryon (gen gwaregow).   We are seeing history in the making. In Edinburgh, in St Giles Cathedral, there was a Vigil of the Princes. The first Vigil of this type was in 1936 in Westminster Hall. The sons of King George V had some private moments to pay their respects to their father, but no female member of the family too...