
Showing posts from April, 2023

2023 Day 120

  2023 Dedh Cans hag Ügens De Sül, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel Sunday, 30th April Thera howl e'n dohajedh saw nei a welas an niwl ow rolya  dhort an mor tûa'n tir, nes ha nessa. An gullys a dheuth ewedh. Mes a wel ew an mor. An niwl a dheuth  a-ûgh  an gwedh, nes ha nessa. Saw na wrüg an niwl agan drehedhes war agan menedh! There was sun in the afternoon but we saw the fog rolling inland from the sea, near and nearer. The gulls came too. The sea is out of sight. The fog came above the trees, near and nearer. But the fog didn't reach us on our hill!

2023 Day 119

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek Sadorn, nawes warn ügens mis Ebrel Saturday, 29th April Tho hedna jorna leun! Thera trei flogh wydn obma rag nos Gwener. Dew anodhans eth tre e'n mettin saw onan a wòrtas oll an jorna. Üdn mab a gemeras flogh niver trei dhe'n chei second mab rag "sleep-over" gen y flehes, nena mab niver onan ha my eth dhe Hel Rag Kernow. Gwariva deg ew hei, ha brâs. E'n vledhen ma ema lies gwary da, hag erel. Nei a viras orth "Julius Caesar" gen Shakespeare. Pur modern o an ascorrans, kenth ew an geryow coth. Brentin! Today was a full day! There were three grandchildren here for Friday night. Two of them went home in the morning but one stayed all day. One son took child number three to second son's house for a "sleep-over" with his children, then son number one and I went to the Hall For Cornwall. It's a beautiful theatre, and big. This year there are many good plays, etc. We watched "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare....

2023 Day 118

  2023 Dedh Cans hag Etek De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 28th April Üdn  jedh ell gwil deffrans bras et agan gwel an mor ha'n eborn. Hedhyw, ma lystednow a liwyow marthys - skeusow a blou ha loos. Martesen ma tabm purpur po gwydnrüdh. Nag ew lowr an ger na "glas"! De, na aljama scant gweles na mor na eborn. Scant nag era liw veth. An glaw a wrüg golhy an cloudys dhe ves. Pub tra o loos dowrhes - an tewednow ewedh. One day can make a big difference in our view of the sea and the sky. Today, there are stripes of wonderful colours -  shades of blue and grey. P erhaps there is a bit of purple or pink. That word "glas" is not enough! Yesterday, I could hardly see neither the sea nor the sky. There was hardly any colour. The rain had washed the clouds away. Everything was diluted grey - the dunes too.

2023 Day 117

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Seytek De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel Thursday, 27th April  Dynyes o vy gen ow discüdhyans nowydh - LiDAR. Da ew genam mappys - whei ell gweles teleryow, vorrow, tir ha dowr. Moy calish ew dhe weles menedhyow. Fotos kemerys dhort an efander ell disqwedhes còsow ha glasneth aral. Bes gen LiDAR nei ell gweles  shâp  a'n dor. Pur dha ew rag gweles castilly ha keryow. Ellowgh  aspia  Castel Rostormol (ogas dhe Lostwydhyel)? Pur rond ew ev, war vrodn ha gen Fowy en dadn. Ha ew hebma Ker Dan po Ker Kif? I'm very attracted by my new discovery - LiDAR. I like maps - you can see places, roads, land and water. It's more difficult to see hills. Photos taken from space can show woods and other vegetation. But with LiDAR we can see the shape of the ground. It's very good for seeing castles and hill forts. Can you spot Restormel Castle (near Lostwithiel)? It's very round, on a hill and with the River Fowey below. A...

2023 Day 116

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Whetek De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel Wednesday, 26th April An kei a harhas. Thera dew dhen whel reb an yet. Thera othom dhodhans a wil whel war welen bower. My a glowas son a darder. Üdn den a gramblas an welen ha staga neppeth metol dhedhy. Na wora vy rag fra! Ma damach gwres gen casegy coos. A wra an taclow metol aga lettya? Na vedn nagonan mos emann dhe weles.  The dog barked. There were two workmen by the gate. They needed to do work on a power pole. I heard the sound of a drill. One man climbed the pole and attached something metal to it. I don't know why! There is damage done by woodpeckers. Will the metal things hinder them? Nobody wants to climb up to see.

2023 Day 115

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Pemdhek De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday, 25th April  My a weles pictour warbydn ûsadow war Facebook, ow tisqwedhes radn Dartmoor en Pow Densher. Thewa pecar'a menedh tan. Kemerys ew dhort ayrplayn  gen teknologieth nowydh henwys LiDAR - ow ûsya laser dastewydnys dhort enep an dor ha dowr (heb glasneth). "My a wra whilas ymajys a'n par na a Gernow," my a brederas. Otta an Tiredh Prei my a drouvyas. Garow ew an dor. Dhort lòren whei ell gweles an prei gwydn. Gen LiDAR whei ell gweles an crigow atal ha tollow.  I saw an unusual picture on Facebook, showing part of Dartmoor in Devon. it's like a volcano. It's taken from an aeroplane with new technology called LiDAR - using a laser reflected from the ground and water surface (without vegetation). "I'll look for that sort of image of Cornwall," I thought. Here's the Clay Country I found. The ground is rough. From a satellite you can see the white clay. With LiDAR ...

2023 Day 114

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Peswardhek De Lün, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel Monday, 24th April E vedh possybyl dhe weles an gòlowow a'n Noor a bromysyas an tele! Bes ma re a wedh reb ow chei, ha comolek ew an ebòrn. Nebonan a gemeras foto pur dha en Hellys de. An ebòrn ew purpur. Na ellama gweles tra veth a'n par na. It will be possible to see the Northern Lights promised the TV! But there are too many trees by my house, and the sky is cloudy. Someone took a very good photo in Helston yesterday. The sky is purple. I cannot see anything like that.

2023 Day 113

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Terdhek De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Ebrel Sunday, 23rd April Flehes a gar slynkya. En gwav, menedh erhek ew vas, mars eus carr-slynkya dhodhans. Bes re yeyn ew gwav ha nag eus ergh en gwenton. Flehes a gar gwary e'n mor. En hav, marhoga todnow ew didhan üs  mars eus astel-corfplaynya dhodhans. Bes en mis Ebrel whath ew an mor re yeyn. Nag eus carr-slynkya dhen bes an flehes a gavas trei bodybord e'n crow. Nag eus leder erhek bes ma leder gweljek - ha ma sira a ell tedna pur  üskis . Ha codha war an dor ew wharth ü s! Children love sliding. In winter, a snowy hillside is suitable, if they have a sledge. But winter is too cold and there isn't any snow in spring. Children love playing in the sea. In summer, wave-riding is fun if they have a bodyboard. But in April the sea is still too cold. We don't have a sledge but the children found three bodyboards in the shed. There is no snowy slope but there is a grassy slope - and there is a father...

2023 Day 112

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Dewdhek De Sadorn, nessa warn ügens mis Ebrel  Saturday, 22nd April Skith o vy wòja dohajedh leun a brynsesow bian ha gor-gorwer vian, hüdel pub onan. Da o ganjans donsya, gen meur a nerth provies gen tabmow sawrek, whekow ha sugen. An flehes alja chassya ha tardha pelyow ayr, towlel pelyow serhek ort costen, clonkya asen cardbord (piñata) gen gwelen rag whekow moy, rolya war an leur, cova dadn an bordys ha debry tesen.   I'm tired after an afternoon full of little princesses and little super-heroes, everyone enchanting. They liked dancing, with a lot of energy provided by tasty snacks, sweeties and juice. The children could chase and burst balloons, throw clingy balls at a target, bash a cardboard donkey (piñata) with a stick for more sweets, roll on the floor, hide under the tables and eat cake.  

2023 Day 111

  2023 Dedh Cans hag Üdnek De Gwener, kensa warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 21st April Taclow bian ha taclow brâs. Da ew genam kemeres fotos a bub tra. Otta bargas bian ow strechya y eskelly nowydh e'n howl. Owr ha dû - liwyow a Gernow - "Na wrewgh ow debry," ow gwarnya an lystednow, "theram ow piga!" Gow. Ma del bian nowydh war an idhyow. Ma othom dhodhans a howl magata. Ma lies rün dhe'm lowarth, ow fasya dhe'n est. Ma'n flourys ow strechya mes war tûa'n howl en mettin, ha ma skeujow hir e'n dohajedh. Little things and big things. I like taking photos of everything. Here's a little hoverfly stretching its new wings in the sun. Gold and black - Cornish colours - "Don't eat me,"  warn the stripes, "I sting!" A lie. There are new little leaves on the ivy. They need sun as well. My garden has many slopes, facing east. The flowers stretch out towards the morning sun and there are long shadows in the afternoon.  

2023 Day 110

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Deg De Yow, ügensves mis Ebrel Thursday, 20th April Ma flourys war oll an gwedh. Thew an ayr leun a bodn a'n flourys ha ma dhebm cleves striwy. A vedh meur a frût en hav ha kidnyav? Gorfednys ew an perbren, bes my ell gweles bleujow war wedhen geresen drenk, avalen ha ploumbren Damask. Leun ew an gwels hir a flourys teg - brially, bleujow a'n gog ha mellyon purpur. Na ell ev bos trehys whath!  There are flowers on all the trees. The air is full of pollen and I have hayfever! Will there be a lot of fruit in the summer and autumn. The pear tree has finished, but I can see blossom on a sour cherry tree, apple tree and damson tree. The long grass is full of lovely flowers - primroses, bluebells and purple violets. It cannot be cut yet!

2023 Day 109

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Naw De Merher, nawnjegves mis Ebrel Wednesday, 19th April Ma lies flour en keow a Gernow. Pana lies sort? Na ellama aga nivera, bes my ell gelwel nebes anodhans. Hedhyw e'n jedh, na ellama clowes cuckou (cog) veth, saw ma flourys gelwys warlergh an edhen en Kern ô wek po Sowsnek. Whei a welas scavyliggyon de. Ma bleujow a'n gog ow tos (gelwys guckous ewedh) e'n coos bian. Moy diwedhes e vedh bleujow purpur a'n guckou ha lesow an gog. There are many flowers in Cornish hedges. How many types? I cannot number them, but I can name some of them. Nowadays, I can't hear any cuckoo at all, but there are flowers called after the bird in Cornish or English. You saw cuckoo-pint yesterday. Bluebells are coming (also called cuckoos), in the little wood. Later there will be early purple orchids and marigolds.

2023 Day 108

  2023 Dedh Cans hag Eth De Meurth, etegves mis Ebrel Tuesday, 18th April  Da ew genam gwenton. My a gar mis Ebrel. Ma pub tra ow  tivüna ha egery . An buddys a whedh ha tardha efan. Ma reden ow tispletya - òtta tavas a'n carow. En termyn eus passyes an menedh ma, reb an bal plobm, o tir wast ha noth. Lebmyn thewa leun a spern dû - gwydn aga flourys. Keow a Gernow ew leun a flourys gwels - ha ma flourys dhort lowarthow ow tevy gwels ewedh. Ma sawor wheg dhe'n bleujow vosow ma. Nag ew an scavyliggyon flour na wheg na teg - gwenonek ew ha ma cougol dhodho. I like spring. I love April. Everything is waking up and opening. The buds swell and burst wide open. Ferns are unfurling - here's hart's tongue fern. Once upon a time this hillside, by the lead mine, was barren land and bare. Now it is full of blackthorn - with white flowers. Cornish hedges are full of wild flowers - and flowers from gardens are growing wild too. These wallflowers have a sweet scent. The cuckoo...

2023 Day 107

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Seyth De Lün, seytegves mis Ebrel Monday, 17th April "Gwrewgh dos dhe'n vedhegva," emedh an medhek, "ma othom dhewgh a gemeres agas gwask gooj war agan jynn." Etho, my eth! Jorna teg o, ha my a gerras (gerdhas) war an trolergh nowydh, Vorr (Fordh) an Sans, reb an ryvar bian dhort Cookes bys en chei a'n medhek reb an treth. Ow gwask gooj a veu marthys! Nena my a gerdhas bys en chei. My a gemeras lies foto war ow fon, bes na worama fatel aga ûsya! Gocky oma. "Come to the surgery," said the doctor, "you need to take your blood pressure on our machine." So, I went! It was a lovely day, and I walked on the new footpath, The Saint's Trail, by the little river from Cocks village to the surgery by the beach. My blood pressure was wonderful! Then I walked home. I took lots of photos on my phone, but I don't know how to use them! I'm daft.

2023 Day 106

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Whegh De Sül, whetegves mis Ebrel Sunday, 16th April Pandr' ellama scrifa? Ow nerth ew oll leskys emann. Ow fedn ew gwag. Gellys ew ow theylû, saw ma'n bestes whath obma. What can I write? My energy is all burnt up. My head is empty. My family has gone, but the animals are still here.

2023 Day 105

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Pemp De Sadorn, pemdhegves mis Ebrel Saturday, 15th April Grolyeres o vy hedhyw! Trei flogh wydn, pemp bestes, fittya boos, golhy dilhas flehes ha dilhas gwily - tho vy skith. Jorna teg o, ha'n flehes alja gwary e'n lowarth teg - gwary gîk. An dilhas a veu sehys. Bes na aljama mos mes en spladnder an howl drefen ow antebiotygow ha level ûhel a vleus flourys. Gellys ew an cleves a vacteria bes lebmyn ma genam cleves striwy! Tho vy benyn growsek.  I am a complainer today! Three grandchildren, five animals, preparing food, washing children's clothes and bedclothes - I am tired. It was a lovely day, and the children could play in the beautiful garden - hide and seek. The clothes were dried. But I could not go out in the sunshine because of my antibiotics and the high pollen level. The bacterial infection is gone but now I have hay-fever! I'm a grumpy woman.

2023 Day 104

2023 Dedh Cans ha Pajar De Gwener, pajardegves mis Ebrel Friday, 14th April  Pask ew gellys ha'n enawel ew gellys. An bownans ew le trosüs. My ell mires ort tele en cres. Agan deledh a veu kemerys dhe'n dor, bes nei ell ûsya an gwias (an kesrosweyth). An düs a dheuth dhort Pensans dhe gemeres an deledh dhe'n dor. Dew dhen whel pur dha ew anjei. Lebmyn thew an chymbla coth ha'n to saw.      Easter has gone and the storm has gone. Life is less noisy. I can watch TV in peace. Our old aerial was taken down, but we can use the internet. The men came from Penzance to take down the aerial. They are two very good workmen. Now the old chimney and the roof are safe.  

2023 Day 103

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Trei De Yow, terdhegves mis Ebrel Thursday, 13th April Radn ow yonkneth, Mary Quant, ew gellys, pajar ügens ha terdhek hy bloodh. Da o genam hy dilhas. My a bernas patrons paper ha padnow. My a drohas ha gwrehas. My a wras pilednow cott ha  côtys. My a wrüg degy bottys hir. An üdn duwon? Re danow ha crüllyes o ow blew - na aljama cawas an gis blew na. A part of my youth, Mary Quant, is gone, aged 93. I liked her clothes. I bought paper patterns and fabrics. I cut and sewed. I made miniskirts and coats. I wore long boots. The one sadness? My hair was too fine and curly - I could not get that hairstyle!

2023 Day 102

2023 Dedh Cans ha Dew Enawel Noa! Me ell clowes gwens trosüs, saw nag eus caletter brâs obma. Thera nei re bell dhort an mor dhe vos troblys gen todnow. Deffrans ewa en Portreth - ma todnow brâs ena.  Storm Noa! I can hear a noisy wind, but there's no big problem here. We are too far from the sea to be troubled by waves. It's different in Portreath - there are big waves there.

2023 Day 101

  2023 Dedh Cans ha Wonan De Meurth, üdnegves mis Ebrel Tuesday, 11th April Gellys ew Pask. Ma hager awel gena nei. Gleb, gwenjek ha yeyn ew hei. Ha nag ew da ow yehes. Na ellama mos mes. Res ew dhe'm gour mos dhe'n shoppys rag boos. Res ew dhodho mos dhe'n farmassy, ewedh, rag ow medhakneth.  Easter is over. We have bad weather. It is wet, windy and cold. And my health is not good. I can't go out. My husband has to go to the shops for food. He has to go to the pharmacy, too, for my medicine.

2023 Day 100

  2023 Dedh Cans De Lün, degves mis Ebrel Monday, 10th April  An maw bian a gar ow hamera! Da ew ganjo kemeres fotos. Terweythyow ma 'gan fotograffer bian ow mires ort an telher cabm - y lagas y honan po agan torrow po agan garrow. Dhort termyn dhe dermyn ma pictour da lowr. Nag eus othom dhebm a gemeres selfy. The little boy loves my camera! He likes taking photos. Sometimes our little photographer is looking at the wrong place - his own eye or our bellies or our legs. From time to time there is a fairly good picture. I don't need to take a selfie.