
Showing posts from March, 2019

2019 Day 90

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg De Sül, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth Sunday, 31 st March Dedh Damyow ew hedhyw, golys gen teylûyow en pub le. Diwedh mis Meurth ew ha thew an kensa dedh e’wedh a Dermyn Hav Bretednek. Nei a dreylyas agan clockys newher. Gellys veu üdn ar glogh dhe dew ar glogh. Lebmyn ew an gordhûher moy hir, theram ow pedery – saw me alja bos cabmgemerys. Pandra wrüga vy gwil hedhyw? Na aljama mos mes gen ow mergh ha mergh wydn, drefen bos an dhiw gajagh. Me a gavas neppeth rag desky – naw cûb en kisten. Ma dhe geniver cûb whegh ymach deffrans warnodho – etho pejwardhek pictour ha dogens. Ûsys ens rag leverel whedhlow. It is Mothers’ Day today, celebrated by families everywhere. It’s the end of March and it’s the first day of British Summer Time as well. We altered our clocks yesterday night. One o’clock became two o’clock. Now the evening is longer, I think – but I may be mistaken. I couldn’t go out with my d...

2019 Day 89

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw De Sadorn, degves warn ügens mis Meurth Saturday, 30 th March Hedhyw me eth dhe Soler Art Tate en Porthia. Spladn o an gewer; pur vlou o an ebòrn ha’n mor. Nei ell leverel pub pres “Glas ew an mor”. Hedhyw tho liw an mor pecar’a plüv payon. Cosel o an gwens. Nebes scathow bian a wrüg golyans en syger. En Tate ma disqwedhyans gen Anna Boghiguian, artist Ejyptek-Canadek (dhort Armenia). Benyn goth ew hei ha hei re dravalyas oll adro dhe’n norves.  “Gwandriades o vy,” e’medh hei. En pub le hei a dhesk adro dhe’n story ha gonisegeth dhe ûsya et hy oberow. Radn a hy ober ew settyans adro dhe Gernow. Ma hujes tabour sten. Whei ell kerdhes etto. Cüdhys ha lenwys ew ev gen avenyow ha lavarow adro dhe valweyth ha pusgecha. Hei a wras tüs bal a sten ha cober ewedh. Ma dew anodhans ow crambla emann skeyl dhe dhos mes an bal. Payntys ew an vosow dû ha rüdh pecar’a dadn dhor. Today I went to the Tate Art Gallery in St Ives. The weather was bright/sp...

2019 Day 88

Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth De Gwener, nawhes warn ügens mis Meurth Friday, 29 th  March    An bes ew leun a vestas bras ha bian. Ma dhe nebes enevales pajar garr. Nei a wel bestas an par na pub dedh, e'n chei ha en gwelyow. Agan dewis ew, dell ew usys. Truedhek (Trist) o nei dhe weles best marow (pecar'an godh dhor ma). Bettegens, bestas gen whegh po eth garr ew dihaval orth hedna. Nag era nei ow tewis dhe driga gen moy es pajar garr. Nag ew da genen gwibes. Anjei ell bratha (keth ew gwell gen gwer eva sugenyow a-der gooj). Ma whans dhe nei aga gweles marow! The world is full of big and small beasts. Some animals have four legs. We see animals like that every day, indoors and in fields. It's our choice, usually. We are sad to see a dead animal (like this mole).However, animals with six or eight legs are different from that.  We do not choose to live with more than four legs. We do not like gnats. They can bite (though males prefer to suck pl...

2019 Day 87

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth De Yow, ethves warn ügens mis Meurth Thursday, 28 th March Ellama presentya “Wow”? Casek pur wheg ew hei – pur vedhel ha cûryus. Devedhys ew hei dhort Texas bes hei a gar bos en Kernow. Hy tron a veu leskys gen an howl e’n hav Texas – an gewer en Kernow ew moy caradow.  Na wrüg hei besca (besketh) gweles cariach baby kens lebmyn (na baby naneyl). Dynyes ew hei! Ew hebma neppeth dhe dhebry? Da ew genjy debry. Andebradow ew cariach baby – etho gwell ew genjy debry gwels. Ellowgh whei gweles hy skichow (skijyow)? Nag ew da skichow horn gen ow hentrevoges (marhoges ew hei) rag hy mergh. Gwell ew genjy marhogieth natural. Can I introduce “Wow”? She is a very sweet mare – very gentle and inquisitive. She has come from Texas but she loves being in Cornwall. Her muzzle was sunburnt in the Texas summer – the weather in Cornwall is kinder. She has never seen a pram before (nor a baby). She is interested! Is this something to eat? She likes eatin...

2019 Day 86

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whegh De Merher, seythves warn ügens mis Meurth Wednesday, 27 th March Me a gerras (gerdhas) adro dhe’n lowarth ha’n gath a wrüg dos genam. Ma clowys genam solabres nebes gwenen gwels ha hedhyw me a welas onan. An gath a’s gwelas ewedh – hei a venja hy helghya. Grevyes o an gath – na alja hei gansenjy hy drân. Da ew gen gwenen blejyow gwedhen peren. An blejyow ma e’n vledhen ma ew an gwella besca me a welas. A vedh dhen per?   Na veu peren veth dhe nei kens lebmyn. Ma lies flour oll adro dhe’n lowarth - mellyon purpur, brially melyn, dens lew owr. Re arvis ew rag gùckous hag aran, keth ew gwelys genam an del.   I walked around the garden and the cat came with me. I have already heard several wild bees and today I saw one. The cat saw it as well – she wanted to chase it. The cat was annoyed – she couldn’t catch her bumblebee. Bees like pear tree blossom. This blossom this year is th...

2019 Day 85

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pemp De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurth Tuesday, 26 th  March Ma nebes flourys en gwenton gen bestas et aga henwyn. Ma losyow ôn – ma’n flourys gorow ma, leun a vleus, ow cregy war golwedh. Ma cathes helyk ewedh – flourys gorow moy war osil ha helyk erel. En Laten Salix caprea ew helyk gaver. Da ew gen ow hònidnas debry flourys ha del dens lew. Ma lies helygen reb an vorr en ogas dhe'n chei vy.  Da ew gans edhyn sedha war aga branchys ha cana mes. Otta diw edhen diffrans - owrdynk ha r ü dhek - e'n keth wedhen. There are several flowers in spring with animals in their names. There are lamb’s tails (catkins) – these male flowers, full of pollen, hang on hazel trees. There are pussy willows (catkins) as well – more male flowers on osiers and other willows. In Latin Salix caprea is goat willow. My rabbits like eating flowers and leaves of dandelions. There are many willows by the road near my house. Birds like to settle on their branch...

2019 Day 84

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pajar De Lün, pempes warn ügens mis Meurth Monday, 25 th March Ottòbma horr (hordh) en gwel. An kensa dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth a veu an kensa dedh arwòdh nowydh an Zodiak – hem’ew sin An Horr. Ma constellacyon en ebòrn nos. Gelwys “Aries” ew en Sowsnek. “Aries” ew an ger Laten rag horr. En mithologieth Grek “Ares” o an duw a werryans, nag o va horr.  Bes pandr’ew an geveren tredh “Aries” ha mis Meurth? Meurth (Mars) o an duw Roman a werryans, pecar’a Ares. Ha mis Meurth o an kensa mis an vledhen rag an ost Roman. An Horr a dheuth apert e’n ebòrn ha’n soudoryon alja dallath ombla.   Here is a ram in a field. The twenty-first day of the month of March was the first day of a new sign of the zodiac – this is the sign of The Ram. There is a constellation in the night sky. In English it is called “Aries”. “Aries” is the Latin word for ram. In Greek mythology Ares was the god of war. he was not a ram. But what is the connection between “Arie...

2019 Day 83

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Trei De Sül, pajar warn ügens mis Meurth Sunday, 24 th March   Da ew genam gwenton. Moy es hedna, me a’n car. Ma neppeth ow wharvos en pub le. Me a welas tüs en pras ogas dhe Goon Bell, ow cùntel lily an Corawys. Ma’n flourys ow mos dhe varhas. Ma odhom dhe’n diogow a lies den whel. Terweythyow mowns ow tos dhort Europ. Hedn’a via moy calish òja “Brexit”. Et ow lowarth me a welas scantek ow tifüna en tòmder an howl. Pehên prev ew ev? Ewa sarf gwenonek? Nag ew serpent tabm veth. Anav ew ha ma hedna ow menya dr’ewa       sharaglyga heb garrow. “Pajerpaw” heb pawyow! E’n nessa gwel ma gover. Ma’n gover ow resek dhe lydn bian. Nag ew pesklydn drefen nag eus pesk. Nag ew poll heyjy naneyl rag nag eus heyjy (car dr’ew ûsyes). Saw hedhyw me a welas heyjy! Ma copel ow whilas telher (teller) da rag neyth.   I like spring. More than that, I love it. There is something happening everywhere. I saw people in a field near the “Far ...

2019 Day 82

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Dew De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Meurth Saturday, 23 rd March Thew hebma ow redyans rag Gool Mûsek Kernow 2019. Scrifys e’n seytegves cansbledhen gen Nicholas Boson (1624-1708), scrifys ew en Kernôwek Diwedhes ha’n scrifyans ew peth y honan. Ma’n devynow ma ow tisqwedhes dro Boson troblys rag leheans an tavas Kernôwek dadn wask dhort Sowsnek. Whei ell redya moy adro dhodho en Sowsnek war Whei ell redya moy adro dh’y delyû ev en Kernôwek war Gun tavaz Carnoack eu mar pell gwadnhez uz na ellen skant quatiez tho e wellaz crefhe arta. Rag car dreeg an Sausen e thanen en pow idden ma an kensa, andelna ema stella teggi warnotha heb garra thotha telhar veeth buz dro tho an aulz ha an more. Ol eua va clappiez lebben oggastigh eu durt Pedn an Wollaz tho an Karrack Looez, ha tuah Poreeah ha Redruth, ha arta durt an Lizard tuah Helles ha Falmeth; ha an powna,...

2019 Day 81

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Wonan De Gwener, nessa warn ügens mis Meurth Friday, 22 nd March   Me a gerras (gerdhas) gen kei bian en trolergh ow moyha kerys a-hes. A-ûham tho an ebòrn blou ha gwydn ha loos, bes na vedh glaw. E veu howl spladn en peldar rag cott termyn – war an treth ha’n derevyansow gwydn nowydh reb an treth. Me a glowas lies tros gwenton – rüdhek ow cana en ke, ow gour ow falhy an glesin ha nebün edhen ow knackya war an wedhen vrâs ma. Ello whei hy gweles? Casek coos ew hei – dû ha gwydn ha rüdh hy flev. I walked along my favourite footpath with a little dog. Above me the sky was blue and white and grey, but there won’t be any rain. There was bright sun in the distance for a short time – on the beach and the new white buildings by the beach. I heard many spring sounds – a robin singing in a hedge, my husband mowing the lawn and a certain bird knocking on this big tree. Can you see it? It’s ...

2019 Day 80

Dedh Pajar Ügens De Yow, kensa warn ügens mis Meurth Thursday, 21 st March Blewek o an gewer hedhyw. Nag era gwens ha nag era howl spladn. Hedh o hei. Nag o hei re yeyn ha nag o hei re dòbm. Thera commol tanow saw na wrüg an howl aga lesky dhe ves. Hedhyw an jedh a dhüryas moy es dewdhek our. De a veu an keheja dedh ha nos gwenton. En Peran Treth an howldrevel a veu adro dhe hanter òja whegh e’n mettin ha howlsedhes a veu adro dhe hanter òja whegh gordhûher. An loor a veu leun newher, òja hanter nos, saw hei a veu cüdhys gen commol. Gelwys “loor prev” ew loor leun en mis Meurth. The weather today was boring. There wasn’t any wind and there wasn’t any bright sun. It was mild. It wasn’t too cold and it wasn’t too hot. There were thin clouds but the sun didn’t burn them away. Today the day lasted more than twelve hours. Yesterday was the spring equinox. In Perranzabuloe the sunrise was about half past six in the morning and sunset was about half past six in the evening. The m...

2019 Day 79

Dedh Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek De Merher, ügensves mis Meurth Wednesday, 20 th March   Mal ew genam mos dhe’n bagas art gordhûher. E vedh areth gen Victoria Hilliard. Ma dhedhy stûdio ha shoppa kevradnek en Porthia. Pur dha ew genam hy oberow en prei. Preiweythores ew hei saw nag ew hei potores. Ma hei ow cül pictours en trei dimensyon. Mons ow scòllya mes war an frammys. Losowores (po lowarthores) dha ew hei. Hy losow ha frûtys (an pes ha lavalow ma, rag sampel) ew pur “wir”. Gelwys a veu Peter Skinner (gweythor en cor) en kensa dallath, bes na alja va dos. Martesen ev a vedn dos termyn aral. I’m looking forward to going to the art group this evening. There will be a talk by Victoria Hilliard. She has a studio and a shared shop in St Ives. I like her works in clay very much. She is a worker in clay but she is not a potter. She makes three-dimensional pictures. They spill out onto the frames. She is a good botanist (or gardener). Her vegetables and fruits (e.g. t...

2019 Day 78

Dedh Trei Ügens hag Etek De Meurth, nownjegves mis Meurth Tuesday, 19 th March Drehedhys ew gwenton. Leun a flourys ew oll an keow ha ma lies ôn ow cressya e’n prasow. Ma bûhesigow Duw ow difüna. Spern dû ew cüdhys gen blejyow gwydn. Re a-varr ew rag an del ha re a-varr ew rag spern gwydn. Radn an flourys ew genejek dhe’n enesow ma, saw ma nebes erel ow corlesa. Ma nebes henwyn teleryow warlergh ehen genejek (meur ras dhe Craig Weatherhill rag an samplys ma): SPARGO (Spergor 1208)                                         Sperngor                                 “thorn hedge” SPARNOCK (Spernek 1280)                 ...

2019 Day 77

Dedh Trei Ügens ha Seytek De Lün, etegves mis Meurth Monday, 18 th  March Ma ostyjy dhe nei. Na wruga nei a's qwachas. "Mamm Wynn, nei venja ostya genowgh rag pols bian, rag udn nos." "Da lowr." Da ew gen an baby debry y voos. Da ew ganjo losow ha tettys saw thew ev ploos. Ev a dhabras meur a voos saw ev a wrug gara boos whath moy dhe godha. Thew an leur cudhys gen scobmow. Bes pe le ma an boos codhys? Nag eus bes lattis obma. Thera an kei ow cortos. Debrys ew ganjo oll an scobmow, marnas an lattis. Nag ew da salat gans an kei bes  ev a gar flehes ploos. We have guests. We didn't expect them. "Granny, we would like to stay with you for a little while, for a night." "OK." The baby likes eating his food. He likes vegetables and potatoes but he is messy. He ate a lot of food but he dropped even more food.The floor is covered in bits. But where is the fallen food? There is only lettuce here. The dog was waiting. He has ea...