2019 Day 88
Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth
De Gwener, nawhes warn ügens mis Meurth
Friday, 29th March
An bes ew leun a vestas bras ha bian. Ma dhe nebes enevales pajar garr. Nei a wel bestas an par na pub dedh, e'n chei ha en gwelyow. Agan dewis ew, dell ew usys. Truedhek (Trist) o nei dhe weles best marow (pecar'an godh dhor ma). Bettegens, bestas gen whegh po eth garr ew dihaval orth hedna. Nag era nei ow tewis dhe driga gen moy es pajar garr. Nag ew da genen gwibes. Anjei ell bratha (keth ew gwell gen gwer eva sugenyow a-der gooj). Ma whans dhe nei aga gweles marow!
The world is full of big and small beasts. Some animals have four legs. We see animals like that every day, indoors and in fields. It's our choice, usually. We are sad to see a dead animal (like this mole).However, animals with six or eight legs are different from that. We do not choose to live with more than four legs. We do not like gnats. They can bite (though males prefer to suck plant juices not blood). We want to see them dead!
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