
Showing posts from July, 2019

2019 Day 212

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Dewdh ek   De Merher , ü dnegves warn ü gens mis Gorefan Wednesday, 31 st July Thew hebma an diwettha dedh a vis Gorefan. Avorow a vedh dalla mis Est. Henwys ew mis Est warlergh an Laten “aestas” rag hav. Mis Est ew mis hav an moy d ò bm, saw nag eus dhodho an hirra dedhyow. An tryja mis hav ew, na vedh bes üdn mis hav moy ha nena e vedh kidnyadh. Eus degolyow hav dhe whei? Ma othom dhebm a dhegolyow ken kidnyadh. Nei a wr ü g obery e'n lowarth arta. Eus crow dhe whei? Mars eus crow dhe whei taclow a wra cùntel warbarth. War an diwedh res ew dhe whei towla oll an daffar dhe ves. Thera dhen beistry, fornow ha chofers coth ha sqwachys, hag oll sortow taclow. Agan mergh a dheuth gans hy kert covys. Gellys ew an brassa radn lebmyn. Nei ell gwary peldroos gen an flehes wydn. This is the last day of July. Tomorrow will be the start of August. August is named after the Latin “aestas” for summer. August is the hottest month of summer, but it doe...

2019 Day 211

  Dedh Dew Cans hag Üdnek   De Meurth , degves warn ü gens mis Gorefan Tuesday, 30 th July   Ò ja lies dedh a gewer deg, gen gwask ayr  û hel, thera nei o perthy hager awel, gen gwask ayr isel. Glaw a wra ha gwenjek ew. Thera hager gawas e'n mettin. Ryver bian a wr ü g resek an vorr (an fordh) war nans. Res veu dhebm kerdhes en cres a'n vorr.  Thera dowr dreus an vorr. Bagas a varhogyon a dheuth gleb. Nag era person veth war an treth. Tho an mor mes a wel ogastei, drefen an glaw. E'n dohajedh tho segh saw whath o gwenjek. Thera t ü s moy war an treth, gwithyjy ewedh, bes thera anjei o kerdhes ha saval emadn na sedha dor po omhowla ( gorwedha e'n howl) . After many days of beautiful weather, with high atmospheric pressure, we are suffering bad weather, with low atmospheric pressure. It rains and it is windy. There was a downpour in the morning. A little river ran down the road. I had to walk in the middle of the road. There was water acr...

2019 Day 210

Dedh Dew Cans ha Deg   De L ü n , nawhes warn ü gens mis Gorefan Monday, 29 th July Ma Kensa (Pedn) Menyster (melyn y vlew) nowydh dhe nei. Boris henwys ew ev. Ev eth dhe Scottlond (Alban) bes na wr ü ga va dos en Kernow. Na vern, ma gwelyow leun a gawlvlejyow, gwydn aga fednow. O gour a bernas onan en gorvarhas (hanter pris!). Boris henwys ew anjei. Ma dhen cawl gonys en Kernow ewedh. Eus mejwesyon lowr? Na vedn t ü s dhort Europ dos ha nag eus whans dhe d ü s yonk cùntel cawl. We have a new Prime Minister (with yellow hair). He's called Boris. He went to Scotland but he didn't come to Cornwall. Never mind, we have fields full of cauliflowers, with white heads. My husband bought one in a supermarket (half price!). They are called Boris. We have a cabbage grown in Cornwall as well. Are there enough harvesters? People from Europe won't come and young people don't want to pick cabbages.

2019 Day 209

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw De S ü l , ethves warn ü gens mis Gorefan Sunday, 28 th July En hav ma meur a whel dhe wil e'n lowarth. Rag ensampel, ma othom dhen a gomposa agan crowyow. Nebes a dal bos payntys arta.  Nei ell towla mes oll an trad war an glesin ha mires etta. A dal nei gwitha an dra ma po res ew dhen towla an dra na dhe ves? Ha an crow? Hedna ew pur leun a gal (gwres a horn ew – metol ras, na dinabm). C ò sc ü s ew ha diantel. Res ew ev bos kemerys dhe'n leur das û sya. Saw en kensa res ew dhen y dhiswül. In summer there's a lot of work to do in the garden. For example, we need to sort out our sheds. Some should be painted again. We can throw all the junk out on the lawn and have a good look. Should we keep this thing or must we throw away that thing? And the shed? That one is full of rust (it is made of iron – cheap metal, not stainless). It is rotten and dangerous. It must be taken to the recycling centre. But first we must take it to bits. ...

2019 Day 208

  Dedh Dew Cans hag Eth De Sadorn , seythves warn ü gens mis Gorefan Saturday, 27 th July Tryja dedh a'n degolyow scol ha flehes arta – ha crampes avalow moy! Ma'n avalow o cressya ha treylya gwell pub jorna. Nei a guntellas mor d û , saw nag eus lies. E vedh moy en scon. Ma'n melon o cressya ewedh, bes re vian ew dhe vos debrys whath. E'n gwelha pres nei ell perna fr û tys dhort powyow erel. Rag ensampel ma dhen avalow gwlanek dhort Spayn ha ploumys dhort Portûgal. Third day of the school holidays and children again – and more apple tart. The apples are growing and becoming better every day. We picked blackberries, but there aren't many. There will be more soon. The melon is getting bigger as well, but it is too small to be eaten yet. Fortunately we can buy fruits from other countries. For example we have peaches from Spain and plums from Portugal.

2019 Day 207

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Seyth De Gwener , wheffes warn ü gens mis Gorefan Friday, 26 th July Nessa dedh a'n degolyow scol ha flehes moy! Thera othom dh'agan mab a obery. Thew ev progother ha res ew dhodho towlel classow rag an vledhen a dheu. Hag y wreg? Thew hei athletek ha hei eth dhe sessyon traynyans. Pandra dhe wil gen trei flogh? Anjei a wr üg gwary e'n lowarth rag termyn, ha nena gellys skith ens, etho anjei a dhabras croust. An dhew vaw br â s a venja mires ort televisyon, bes na wrüg an vos vian. Hei ha my a guntellas avalow ha gwil crampes avalow, ha'n vebyon a'n dabras. Nena e veu whans dhedhy gwary gen gwaryellow coth e'n crow. Ma bargen-tir gwres a bredn, saw pe le ma an d ü s ha'n bestes? Radn anodhans ew kellys ha nebes a veu debrys gans an kei bian. Nag eus to dhe'n bôwjy ha nag eus bes hanter to dhe'n chei. Gellys ens lebmyn, bes an vos vian a necovas hy jedna dhonsyores bale. Second (next) day of the school holiday...

2019 Day 206

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Whegh   De Yow , pempes warn ü gens mis Gorefan Thursday, 25 th July Degolyow scol! Ha ma hedna o styrrya flehes, drefen res ew dhe sira an teylû obery. E'n gwelha pres tho an gewer perfeth. Anjei alja gwary et agan lowarth. Anjei a gavas lies gwaryel coth e'n crow. An re ma a veu scattrys ena dres an glesin oll. An flehes a wr ü g cùntel emann nebes avalow dadn wedhen aval ha dewis nebes moy dhort an branchys. Ma lies ena. Bledhen dha ew. An re ma a veu bryjys ha gòrra en crampes. Anjei a wras dew grampes – onan rag an maw hag onan rag an vos. Ò ja debry aga crampesow anjei a venthygyas o hamera rag kemeres fotos. School holidays! And that means children, because the father of the family must work. Fortunately the weather was perfect. They could play in our garden. They found lots of old toys in the shed. These were then scattered all over the lawn! The children picked up some apples under an apple tree and chose several more from th...

2019 Day 205

Dedh Dew Cans ha pemp De Merher , pajwora warn ü gens mis Gorefan Wednesday, 24 th July Eus clowys gena whei an nowodhow? My a'n gwelas war an pellwolok a'n costys hedhyw. Ma diw mil seyth cans dogens ha dew chei gwag en Kernow. (Ha whath res ew dhen byldya moy es hanter cans mil chei nowydh – herwedh Towl an Pow Kernow casadow.) Lies chei a veu (re beu) gwag rag moy es diw vledhen, peder bledhen po whath deg bledhen. “Anjei a dal bos û syes,” emedh Consel Kernow. Terweythyow res ew dhe'n Consel whiles perhednyon ha gweres dhodhans nôwethhe aga chei. Nebes treven ew sqwachys. Da ew dh'aga gweles bos ownys. Ma treven bargen-tir scatt ewedh. Alja neb onan bos treylyes dhe chei wheg? Bes an treven-ma, vedh anjei û syes rag Kernôwyon ha Kernôwesow po vedhons second trevethow po havosow? Have you heard the news? I saw it on the local television today. There are 2,742 empty houses in Cornwall. (And yet we must build more than fifty thousand new houses –...

2019 Day 204

  Dedh Dew Cans ha pajar   De Meurth , tryja warn ü gens mis Gorefan Tuesday, 23 rd  July Darjow! Da ens gen flehes. Flehes a vedn egery pub daras. Ma whans dhodhans a vires en copartys. Da via ganjans tedna pub tra mes a'n copart. Flehes a gar keas darjow ewedh. Na wra keas dha honan e'n chombour-na, a chil vian! Da lowr. Me a wra dos mes, bes res ew dhis gwary genam. Doors! Children like them. Children want to open every door. They want to look in cupboards. They would like to pull everything out of the cupboard. Children love closing doors as well. Don't shut yourself in that bedroom, little one! OK. I'll come out, but you must play with me.

2019 Day 203

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Trei   De L ün, nessa warn ü gens mis Gorefan Monday, 22 nd July Hav ew ha ma hedna o styrrya degolyow. Saw nag eus degol dhe vy, na whath. Ma ostyas nowydh dhe nei. Agan mab a dheuth de gans y gath hag, en mettin ma, ev eth kerdh heb cath veth. Ma va o mos dhe Almayn gans y wreg ha gevellyon. Ottobma an gorgath loos teg. Nag ew ev pur garadow. Ev a vedn c ò sca war wely. Ha cathes erel? Ens grevys? Na vern dhodhans! Ma'n gorgath cogh ha gwydn o sygera e'n lowarth ha ma'n gath wydn ha brith o mires ort logojenik reb an degrëys lowarth. Moy diwedhes, dres lycklod, anjei a wra ladra boos an gath loos. It's summer and that means holidays. But I am not having a holiday, not yet. We have a new guest. Our son came yesterday with his cat and, this morning, he went away without any cat. He is going to Germany with his wife and twins. Here is the beautiful grey tomcat. He is not very amiable. He wants to sleep on a bed. And other cats? A...

2019 Day 202

  Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew   De Sül, kensa warn ü gens mis Gorefan Sunday, 21 st July En Porthia (Porth Ia) ma venten (fenten) goth henwys “Venton Ia”. Hei a brovias dowr rag qwatron Porthia, “Downalong”, bys an vledhen etek cans dogens ha trei. Ma degol en Porthia en mis Whevrel, Gool Porthia, dhe gova consecracyon an eglos Sent Ia an Werthyes en peswardhek cans peswardhek warn ü gens. Ma gwary a hurlya. An pel arhans bian ew benegys gen dowr dhort an venten. Ma helgh ha kestrivyans adro dhe'n dre. E'n vledhen ma artist Allard Van Hoorn (dhor an Pow Isel) eth arta en mis Efen dhe dhaswül viaj an pel dres an dre gen hûjes pel arhans. Ev a wras sonscrifow (oll tros an dre ha'n hen) ha's treylyas dhe vusek – niver trei ügens ha trei Cânlinen Trevek. Whei ell gweles an pel ha clowes an musek e'n Tate lebmyn. In St Ives there is an old well (spring) called “St Ia's Well”. It provided water for a St Ives neighbourhood, Downalong, until the year ...

2019 Day 201

  Dedh Dew Cans hag Onan   De Sadorn , ü gensves mis Gorefan Saturday, 20 th July Pur û hel o lev an mor a-varr e'n mettin-ma. Pur loos o pub tra – an mor ha'n commol. Nag era bes snid ydn a nev blou. Nag era meur a dreth drefen bos morlanow. Re a-varr o rag morplaynyers ha gwithyjy treth. An jedh a wr ü g gwelha ha moy diwedhes en Porthia thera an howl o spladna – pur vlou o an mor ha'n eborn. Thera lies morplaynyer – t üs yonk o tesky derag an soler art brâs. Da ew genam an Tate – an form mes ha chei, keffres ha'n art. Ha ma gwelow teg an als a-dhor an soler. The voice of the sea was very loud early this morning. Everything was very grey – the sea and the clouds. There was only a narrow ribbon of blue heaven. There wasn't a lot of beach because it was high-water. It was too early for surfers and beach-guards. The day improved and later in St Ives the sun was shining. The sea and the sky were very blue. There were lots of surfers – young p...

2019 Day 200

  Dedh Dew Cans   De Gwener , nawnjegves mis Gorefan Friday, 19 th July Ass ew plansow marthys, bes na ell anjei bos ragleverys. Terweythyow thera vy o conis has ha terweythyow anjei a vedn tevy. Saw droppyes ew has ha know gen edhyn ha gwyweres ha my a wel plansow bian en pub le. Mons o springya emann en trolergh (ew hedna colwedhen?), dadn an ganstel has edhyn (gwaneth), en cres an glesin, war vos. Terweythyow anjei alja cressya dhe vagas po gwedhen. Ma spern gwydn et o lowarth a wr ü g tevy dhort greun droppyes. Ha ma dhebm baywedhen ha diw vesowen wydn na veu gonys genam. Ma'n gestenen vy (dhort Nadelik) o tevy etta (en ta). Ma dhedhy nebes delkyow lebmyn. Whei ell pockya radn a welen e'n dor ha, mars eus lùck dhe whei, otta flour bian! Ho w amazing plants are, but they are unpredictable. Sometimes I plant seeds and sometimes they will grow. But seeds and nuts are dropped by birds and squirrels and I see little plants everywhere. They spring up in a f...

2019 Day 199

Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Nawnjek   De Yow , etegves mis Gorefan Thursday, 18 th July Hedhyw my a welas disqwedhyans a deknologieth coth ha nowydh en Kernow. My eth dhe Heartlands e'n mettin rag cuntellyans. Cresen gonisegethek ew a-dro dhe whel coth. Shafta Robinson a veu degëys en mil naw cans p ajar ü gens hag etek. Dherag y dhegeans, sten o palys dres pajar cans bledhen po nebes. Hedhyw an disqwedhyans storek o degëys rag mentons, bes my alja whath mires orth an derevyansow a-dhor an tû a-ves. Byldys ens a veyn calish br â s. Ma leur gwary medhel flehes rag an hav. My a gerras (gerdhas) tre der drev vian. Thew an treven byldys a ven ewedh. Thera skeyl hir bedn vos (fos). Ma dhe nebonan scüdel loor nowydh war an to. Nag ü jy deleth (corn) kebmyn cawas recevans televisyon (pellwolok) da en nans reb menedh û hel. Pobel cowldevys a gar aga didhenyow ewedh. Today I saw evidence of old and new technology in Cornwall. I went to Heartlands in the morning for a...