2019 Day 200

 Dedh Dew Cans
 De Gwener, nawnjegves mis Gorefan
Friday, 19th July

Ass ew plansow marthys, bes na ell anjei bos ragleverys. Terweythyow thera vy o conis has ha terweythyow anjei a vedn tevy. Saw droppyes ew has ha know gen edhyn ha gwyweres ha my a wel plansow bian en pub le. Mons o springya emann en trolergh (ew hedna colwedhen?), dadn an ganstel has edhyn (gwaneth), en cres an glesin, war vos. Terweythyow anjei alja cressya dhe vagas po gwedhen. Ma spern gwydn et o lowarth a wrüg tevy dhort greun droppyes. Ha ma dhebm baywedhen ha diw vesowen wydn na veu gonys genam. Ma'n gestenen vy (dhort Nadelik) o tevy etta (en ta). Ma dhedhy nebes delkyow lebmyn. Whei ell pockya radn a welen e'n dor ha, mars eus lùck dhe whei, otta flour bian!

How amazing plants are, but they are unpredictable. Sometimes I plant seeds and sometimes they will grow. But seeds and nuts are dropped by birds and squirrels and I see little plants everywhere. They spring up in a footpath (is that a hazel tree?), under the birdseed basket (wheat), in the middle of the lawn, on a wall. Sometimes they could grow to a bush or a tree. There are hawthorns in my garden that grew from dropped berries. And I have a bay tree and two silver birches that I did not plant. My chestnut (from Christmas) is growing well. It has several leaves now. You can shove a bit of stick in the ground and, if you are lucky, behold a little flower!


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