
Showing posts from April, 2020

2020 Day 121

2020 Dedh Cans ha Wonan warn Ügens   De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel Thursday, 30th April Diwedh a vis Ebrel ew, an diwettha dedh an mis. Diwedh ew, ewedh, a'n awel deg. Comolek ew an ebòrn. Dû ew ev en pelder. Ma glaw ow tos arta. Gwenjek ew hei - otta an del brâs gwedhen gestenen marth whethys war üdn tû. Ma'n gwens ow whetha dhort an noor-west. Pur las ew an pow adro - glas ha gwydn. Ma trei ehen a redenen - glas pub onan, keth ew tavas a'n carow môy spladn. Flourys kestenen marth, aga hantolyow, ew gwydn, pecar'a an kegis bûgh . Res ew dhen whilas liwyow môy hedhyw. Agan kentrevoges en üdnek, ow kerdhes gans hy hei, ew leun a liw. Ma côta rüdh dhedhy. It's the end of April, the last day of the month. It's the end, too, of the fine weather. The sky is cloudy. It's dark in the distance. Rain is coming again. It's windy - see the big leaves of a horse chestnut tree blown in one direction. The wind is blowing from the north-west. The co...

2020 Day 120

2020 Dedh Cans hag Ügens De Merher, nawhes warn ügens mis Ebrel Wednesday, 29th April Da ew gans an gorgath bos a'y wrowedh war an stappys en tòbmder a'n howl. Nag eus othom dhodho a waya. Bes nag eus sygerneth rag gwenen gwels, termyn veth rag anjei dhe vos a'ga growedh. Pur vesy ens e'n bleujow cuckou, ow cuntel bleus a'n flourys. Na venja best veth bos e'n lowarth e'n mettin. E veu glaw - hager gowas. Òja an glaw, thera lies dagren war warednow an Alsanders-ma. Thera mir dhodhans a jowals, delk, corden adamant. An rüdhek a dheuth dhe vires ortham ha'm camera! The tomcat likes lying down on the steps in the warmth of the sun. He doesn't need to move. But there is no laziness for wild bees, no time for them to be lying down. They are very busy in the bluebells, collecting pollen. No animal wanted to be in the garden in the morning. There was rain - a heavy shower. After the rain, there were many droplets (tear drops) on the stems of thes...

2020 Day 119

2020 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek   De Meurh, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday, 28th April Sowena! My a wonethas has, ha lebmyn ma skyll dhebm. My a wrüg gonis has lojow-kegin ha ma lojow-debry dhe dhebry. Hedhyw nei a wra debry nebes skyll fav kemeskys gen lojôwen-gegin aral. Pe ehen? Ma lies anodhans dhe dhewis e'n spens ha yeyner. Pandr'eus res dhebm ûsya en kensa? My a dhewisas caretys, kegisen wheg ha spinach - lies liw. My a dal fittya an magdulans Kernow avorow.  Re vian dhe dhebry whath ew an has en kerynyow, bes mowns ow tos emann. Ma nekevys genam an peth ew gonys genam, etho anjei a vedh sowdhan. Ma gwedhen avocado bian ow tevy en bòssa coth - bes re vrâs ew hei rag hy havas. Ma othom dhedhy a geryn vrâssa. Success! I planted seeds and now I have shoots. I planted vegetable seeds and there are vegetables to eat. Today we are going to eat beansprouts mixed with another vegetable. What kind? There are lots of them to choose in the larder and the freezer. What...

2020 Day 118

2020 Dedh Cans hag Etek De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel Monday, 27th April My a gramblas emann war tûa'n ke coth, reb oll an flourys blou. Ma bleujow a'n guckou war an ke ewedh, keffres ha flourys rüdh - nebes soudoryon. Ma toll nowydh e'n ke ha meyn war an gwels - thera neb eneval ow palas e'n nos. Piw ew an paler? Eus whans dhodho bos trigys et ow lowarth? Re vian ew an toll rag dorgy, ha na alja logojen po cònin gwaya meyn brâs. (Ha nag eus gwelys genam cònin veth.) Na. Res ew bos brogh. Ma remenat gwedhen goth ha marow en ke. Dres lycklod pedrys ew an gwredhow ha leun a brevyon - croust da rag best nownek. Ma'n gath ow mires orth neb tra. Nag era vy ow pedery dr'ew an gegisen vûgh. Üjy hei ow helhy? Thera vy ow mires war nans. Nebonan ew besy. Ma tanjys dhe gentrevek ha ma'n gour vy ow payntya an yett gwydn.   I climbed up towards the old hedge, by all the blue flowers. There are bluebells on the hedge too, as well as red flowers - a fe...

2020 Day 117

2020 Dedh Cans ha Seytek De Sül, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel Sunday, 26th April Na veu whans dhebm gòrtos en chei na fella bes my a venja kerdhes adro. Etho, nei eth e'n vorr a-hes, dres an gorla, dhe'n gwelyow. Leun a flourys blou ha gwydn ew an keow - bleujow a'n guckou, kegis bûgh, kednin gwels, ha ma reden glas nowydh lowr. Ma brially gusklyn melyn tredh radn an meyn bedhow, bes ma kednin gwels (kednin trehornic). Pur deg ew saw nag ew an sawarn mar dha. Gellys ew an cawlvleujow ha turnyp, arys ew an gwelyow ha gonys gen ys. Nei eth bys en gwelyow, war an trap, drefen thera whans dhebm a glowes an melwheses ow cana. Thera anjei o neyja pur ûhel. Nei alja gweles an mor saw na wrüga vy merkya an edhyn bian. I no longer wanted to stay indoors but I wanted to walk around. So, we went along the road, through the churchyard, to the fields. The hedges are full of blue and white flowers - bluebells, cow parsley, wild garlic, and there are plenty of new green ferns. ...

2020 Day 116

2020 Dedh Cans ha Whetek De Sadorn, pempes warn ügens mis Ebrel Saturday, 25th April Thera nei lebmyn dadn arwòdh Zodiak nowydh. Gellys ew sin an Hordh, ügensves mis Ebrel, ha devedhys ew sin an Tarow, kensa warn ügens mis Ebrel. Ha ma'n Loor ow cressya ewedh - e veu loor nowydh second warn ügens mis Ebrel. Nag ew gwelys genam an ebòrn nos a-dhiwedhes - na wrüga vy mires! Na wrüga vy gweles cowas veteor Lyrids naneyl. Martesen nag ew re dhiwedhes. My a wra mires war tûa'n ebòrn haneth dhe nos, naw po deg ar gloh. Po nag ellama gwil hedna (comolek ew an gewer lebmyn) res vedh dhebm gòrtos bys en nessa bledhen. Devedhys ens en gwenton lies cansbledhen, derag Crist ewedh. An Chinogyon a's gwelas. We are now under a new Zodiac sign. Aries (the sign of the Ram) is gone, on 20th April, and Taurus (the sign of the Bull) has arrived, on 21st April. And the Moon is waxing as well - there was a new moon on 22nd April. I haven't seen the night sky recently - I didn...

2020 Day 115

2020 Dedh Cans ha Pemdhek De Gwener, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 24th April Ma termyn ow tremena ha nag era vy ow merkya.  De a veu pednbloodh Shakespeare (ev a verwas an keth dedh ewedh). Nei ell trouvya et y wariow ha sonettys lies devyn vas. "Pana ooj euthyk lebma ma pednow bobba ow governa an dall." De a veu Degol Jory ewedh. Ev ew sans tasek Pow an Sowson. Kekeffrys Shakespeare ha Sen Jory ew perthynek dhe'n dedhyow ma -  ma kevrednow gen hagar plag. Jory a ladhas dragon anal-plag. En gwary coth nei a wel an geryow "ema dragon vrâs heb mar e'n cav òbma rebon nei." Nag eus dragon dhen dhe dhrei own, bes ma nebes pednow bobba ow rowlya! Ha'n virus a'gan trobla. Na via lons ûs veth war y bydn. Time is passing and I don't notice. Yesterday was Shakespeare's birthday (he died on the same date as well). We can find in his plays and sonnets many handy quotations.  "What a terrible era in which idiots govern...

2020 Day 114

2020 Dedh Cans ha Peswardhek De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Ebrel Thursday, 23rd April My a drovyas nebes levrow coth ow tòchya planjow (plansow). Onan anodhans, "Flourys an Als Kernow", ew pur goth - my a'n pernas en mona coth! Hedna a veu ken degedhekheans en mil naw cans trei ügens hag üdnek (De Lün, pemdhegves mis Whevrel). Ev a gostyas trei sols ha whedner (whegh diner), scrifys 3s6d po 3/6 - hedna via seytek ha hanter diner (nowydh) lebmen. Hedna via pur ras e'n dedhyow ma, saw my a dhendylas le e'n dedhyow na. An levrow erel a veu heb cost.  Pandra wrüga vy desky et ow levrow? Üdn wedhen ell bos yonk, arves po cowldevys, po ancyent. Hei ell bewa lies bledhen. Branchys ew kellys dhort gwedh coth ha ma hedna ow qweres dhodhans dürya pelha. Ha my ell cawas losow nowydh dhort losow coth (saw my a wor hedna solabres!). Òtta onan my a wras môy a-varr. I found several old books about plants. One of them, "Flowers of the Cornish Coast", i...

2020 Day 113

2020 Dedh Cans ha Terdhek De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Ebrel Wednesday, 22nd April Thew an jedh ma an nessa dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel, ha ma hedna ow styrya Dedh Norves. Hanter cans bledhen alebma e veu dallathys Kesrosweyth Dedh Norves, rag cressya warneth a challenjys omgelghek ha rag adhescans fatel ellen nei sawya an Norves. Ma môy es cans kenedhel pajar ügens ha terdhek e'n Kesrosweyth. Ma stat devedhek an Norves et agan diwla. Nei alja medhya agan omgelghek po nei alja y ûsya der vaner euthyk. Ma troblow brâs dhe nei. Gweythresoryon kerthednedh a lavar der nei a dal gonis gwedh, lehe agan ol treys carbon. Na dal nei destria gwelfos na lesky oyl, glow ha gass. Da ew genam gonis gwedh - pur blesys o vy a'm gwedh!   This day is the twenty second day of the month of April, and that means Earth Day. Fifty years ago an Earth Day Network was started, for increasing awareness of environmental challenges and for education in how we can save the Earth. There are...

2020 Day 112

2020 Dedh Cans ha Dewdhek De Meurth, kensa warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday, 21st April Sowena, falladow ha labmow lôwen - ma hedna ow tescrifa ow whel lowarth ha kegidnieth. Ma va ow tescrifa an art vy ewedh, ke vo môy falladowyow brâs es sewenyansow bian. A vedham sowyn gen has e'n gwenton ma? Res ew dhebm gòrtos. Nei a wra gweles skyll bian po plansigow glas, dhe scona dhe well. Ow kestenen vian ew labm Nadelik lôwen. Ow gwedh erel (ha'n alsanders) ew sewenyansow brâs - bes martesen anjei a vedh re vrâs. Ha'n Nicotiana teg? Thew hebma mystry et tien.    Success, failure and happy accidents - that describes my gardening and cuisine. It describes my art as well, though there may be more big failures than small successes. Will I be successful with seeds this spring? I must wait. We'll see little shoots or green seedlings, the sooner the better. My little chestnut tree is a happy Christmas accident. My other trees (and the Alexanders) are big successes - but per...

2020 Day 111

2020 Dedh Cans hag Üdnek De Lün, ügensves mis Ebrel Monday, 20th April Hanter cans bledhen alebma, môy po le, my a bernas nebes taclow en gwerthans poblek en Truru. Gellys lebmyn ew an chayr treth, terrys po skith, bes ma brith liwyow dowr dhebm whath. Piw ew an lymner? Na ora vy. Nag eus hanow warnodho. E veu frammys en Falmeth, bes pe le ma'n teller e'n pictour? My a wrüg y drouvya, theram ow perdery, en Porth Ia, termyn my eth dhe Soler Art Tate. An Deijy ewa, bohes treylyes en môy es hanter cans bledhen. An beistry ew deffrans, nowydh ens, bes ma'n chymbla ha lehednow cregys ena whath. Ha nag eus lugarn war an vos. En termyn eus passyes pescadoryon o trigys e'n deijiow bes e'n jedh hedhyw, en hav, ma havyjy.  Saw e'n teken ma thew Porth Ia gwag dre reson an virus.  Fifty years ago, more or less, I bought some things in an auction sale in Truro. The deck chair has gone now, broken or worn out, but I still have a watercolour painting. Who is the a...