2020 Day 120

2020 Dedh Cans hag Ügens
De Merher, nawhes warn ügens mis Ebrel
Wednesday, 29th April
Da ew gans an gorgath bos a'y wrowedh war an stappys en tòbmder a'n howl. Nag eus othom dhodho a waya. Bes nag eus sygerneth rag gwenen gwels, termyn veth rag anjei dhe vos a'ga growedh. Pur vesy ens e'n bleujow cuckou, ow cuntel bleus a'n flourys. Na venja best veth bos e'n lowarth e'n mettin. E veu glaw - hager gowas. Òja an glaw, thera lies dagren war warednow an Alsanders-ma. Thera mir dhodhans a jowals, delk, corden adamant. An rüdhek a dheuth dhe vires ortham ha'm camera!
The tomcat likes lying down on the steps in the warmth of the sun. He doesn't need to move. But there is no laziness for wild bees, no time for them to be lying down. They are very busy in the bluebells, collecting pollen. No animal wanted to be in the garden in the morning. There was rain - a heavy shower. After the rain, there were many droplets (tear drops) on the stems of these Alexanders. They looked like jewels, a necklace, a string of diamonds. The robin came to watch me and my camera!
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a'y wrowedh  lying down (mutation according to person/possessive)
bleus a'n flourys (m) pollen
dagren (f) drop, droplet, tear drop
delk (m) necklace
garen (f) stalk, stem
gorgath (m) tomcat
gwaya (m) to move
hager gowas (f) heavy shower
sygerneth (f) laziness, slowness, idleness
tòbmder (m) warmth, heat


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