
Showing posts from December, 2021

2021 Day 365

   2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pemp De Gwener, üdnegves warn ügens mis Kevardhû Friday, 31st December Hedhyw thew an diwettha dedh an vledhen. O hei bledhen dha po bledhen dhrog? E veu lies tra dhrog rag Kernow ha ragam ha'm teylû, bes e veu taclow da, ewedh. Gero nei oll cawas esperans rag bledhen gwell dhe dhalla wòja hanter nos. Gwrewgh fesya an taclow drog gen tanow creft. Ha gero nei oll redya ha scrifa ha clappya ha gosôwes ort moy ha moy a'gan tavas Kernôwek teg. Today is the last day of the year. Was it a good year or a bad year? There were many bad things for Cornwall and for me and my family, but there were good things, as well. Let us all hope for a better year to begin after midnight. Chase away the bad things with fireworks! And let us all read and write and speak and listen to more and more of our beautiful Cornish language. Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today bledhen  (f)  year cawas esperans  to hope, have hope clappya  to spe...

2021 Day 364

  2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pajar De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Kevardhû Thursday, 30th December Hedhyw, ow theylû eth mes rag omweles war esely erel an teylû. My a wrüg trigas a-dhelher. Pur gosel ew chei gwag! My a gosôwas ort nebes canow gen Brenda Wootton. Ma canow genjy en Sowsnek, Kernôwek ha Breten.    "Pastys ha Dehen" ew cân meurgerys. Ma hei ow còmpla "sten e'n gover" ha "hêrn ha hêrn gwydn leb ow terlentry ha gòlowy".     Today, my family went out to visit other members of the family. I stayed behind. An empty house is very peaceful! I listened to several songs by Brenda Wootton. There are songs by her in the English, Cornish and Breton languages. "Pasties and Cream" is a popular song. It mentions "tin in the stream" and "pilchards and herrings that sparkle and gleam". Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today Breten  (m)  Breton canow  songs, poems <  cân  (f) còmpla  to mention dehen  (m)...

2021 Day 363

  2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Trei De Merher, nawhes warn ügens mis Kevardhû Wednesday, 29th December   Ma curl adro dhe'n dewdhek dedh a Nadelik. An kensa dedh a Nadelik ow lel gerenja a ros dhebm grügyar en perbren. (Dres lycklod hedna a veu "une perdrix" a-der "en perbren" - grügyar en Frenkek po Latyn!) An nessa dedh ev a ros dhebm diw düren. Hedhyw, an pempes dedh, my a fanjas pemp besow owr. E'n men termyn, my a gawas teyr yar Frenkek (po ens yer Gyny?) ha peder edhen "colly" (martesen molas dû). Ev a dal diwedhes lebmyn. Nag eus telher veth rag godhow, elerhy, mosy leth, arlòdhesow, arlydhy, piboryon na tabourers.      There is a carol about the twelve days of Christmas. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree. (This was probably "une perdrix" rather than "in a pear tree" - partridge in French or Latin!) On the second day he gave me two turtle doves. Today, the fifth day, I r...

2021 Day 362

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Dew De Meurth, ethves warn ügens mis Kevardhû Tuesday, 28th December Nag ew hedhyw gwell avel de! Avorow a vedh gwell. War an diwedh, devedhys ew agan mab gans y deylû. Du Nadelik, an flehes a veu kemerys gans an girr ha whejas. Res veu an teylû gòrtos et aga chei.   An flehes a wrüg daskemeres aga yehes üskis. Pandra wrons avorow? A vedh an jorna segh? Martesen anjei alja mos dhe'n treth.     Today isn't better than yesterday! Tomorrow will be better. At last, our son has come with his family. On Christmas Day the children were afflicted with diarrhoea and sickness. The family had to stay in their house. The children recovered their health quickly. What will they do tomorrow? Will the day be dry? Perhaps they could go to the beach. Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today an girr (m) diarrhoea daskemeres to get well, recover, get back gòrtos to stay, wait kemerys gen afflicted by, taken with segh ~ seth dry teylû (...

2021 Day 361

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens hag Onan De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Kevardhû Monday, 27th December Cas ew genam an jedh ma! Diwethys ew Nadelik ha nag ew devedhys whath an vledhen nowydh. Ma meur a whel dhe wil - lestry ha liednyow dhe wòlhy, môy avel ûsadow. Ha nag ew an gewer vas lowr rag seha pup tra war linen dilhas. Nag ew da genam ûsya an sehador domhel re - nag ew ober gwiw rag an planet. Ha na via whans dhe whei a weles fôtôs blewek a'm whel blewek! I hate this day! Christmas is finished and the new year hasn't arrived yet. There's a lot of work to do - dishes and linen to wash, more than usual. And the weather is not good enough for drying everything on a washing line. I don't like using the tumble dryer too much - it's not a proper job for the planet. And you wouldn't want to see boring photos of my boring work. Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today cas (m) hate devedhys arrived diwethys finished gòlhy to wash lestry ( plu...

2021 Day 360

  2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Trei Ügens De Sul, wheffes warn ügens mis Kevardhû Sunday, 26th December An jedh wòja Nadelik nag ew calish! Nag eus othom a fyttya boos specyal. Nei ell debry hogednow mars eus whans dhen, ha gwary gwariow gans an flehes. En venowgh an flehes a wra gwaynya. Cowldevesygyon ell gwary an eyl bedn y gila, magata. An flehes ell gwary gans aga gwaryellow. Lies gweyth na venja an flehes gwary tra veth heb mîk. Gwell ew dhodhans senjy qwarel.   The day after Christmas isn't difficult! There is no need to prepare any special food. We can eat pasties if we want, and play games with the children. Frequently, the children will win. Grown-ups can play against each other, as well. The children can play with their toys. Often the children won't play anything quietly. They prefer to have a quarrel. Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today cowldevesygyon  grown-ups, adults <  cowldevesyk  (m) en venowgh  frequently, often gwariow  ...

2021 Day 359

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Nawnjek ha Dogens De Gwener, pempes warn ügens mis Kevardhû Saturday, 25th December Mettin Nadelik. Devedhys ew an yar Gyny dhort bargen tir Kernow ogas dhe Bud. Yar po cülyek? Na ora vy - drefen nag eus bes corf gwag, marnas an codna, avy ha cròmmbil rag gwil sugen kig. Parrys ew nebes losow. Ma othom dhen lebmyn a rôstya an edhen ha diwedha fyttya an kidnyow. E'n kettermyn, ma'n flehes ow tismaylya royow ha creatya deray. Christmas morning. The turkey has come from a Cornish farm near Bude. Hen or cock? I don't know - because there's only an empty body, apart from the neck, liver and gizzard for making gravy. Some vegetables are prepared. Now we need to roast the bird and finish cooking the dinner. Meanwhile, the children are unwrapping presents and creating chaos. Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today avy  (m)  liver codna  (m)  neck cròmmbil  (f)  gizzard  ( can also use   avy glas ) cülyek  (m)  cock disma...

2021 Day 358

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Etek ha Dogens De Gwener, pajwora warn ügens mis Kevardhû Friday, 24th December E veu an nos ken Nadelik. Afînys ew an wedhen Nadelik. An maw bian a veu pur inflamyes - re inflamyes dhe vos dhe'n gwily. Ev a aras biskys ha leth ogas dhe'n chymbla rag Tas Nadelik - ha caretesen rag an kerwes ergh. Nena ev a wrüg mos dhe'n gwily. Wòja hedna, res veu dhe nebonan debry bisky, eva badna leth ha debry hanter caretesen. Ha pup pres ma royow dhe wòrra dadn an wedhen. Na alja nei gara pup tra dhe Das Nadelik. Twas the night before Christmas. The Christmas tree is decorated. The little boy was very excited - too excited to go to bed. He left biscuits and milk near the chimney for Father Christmas - and a carrot for the reindeer. Then he did go to bed. After that, someone had to eat a biscuit, drink a drop of milk and eat half a carrot. And there are always presents to put under the tree. We couldn't leave everything to Father Christmas! Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten...

2021 Day 357

  2021 Dedh Trei Hans Seytek ha Dogens De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Kevardhû Thursday, 23rd December   " Gero nei mos dhe'n treth," emedh ow mergh. "Nei alja perna dehen rew rag an flehes ha coffy ragen agan hònan. Na wra an shoppa keas terebo peder eur. Ma termyn lowr dhen. Ma hanter our." Cott ew an jedh en cres an gwav ha loos ew an ebòrn. Bettegens, e veu stemm bian reb an shoppa, rag coffy ha dehen rew. Na wrüga vy gweles tanjys gwav veth e'n seythen ma, saw thera tan spladn dres an cloudys - an howlsedhes et y òlowyjyon leun. Nebes gwag o an treth. An flehes a wrüg enjoya aga dehen rew, ha cuntel bily ha gòbmon. Ha war an diwedh, e veu termyn luck rag lesca. "Let's go to the beach," said my daughter. "We could buy icecream for the children and coffee for ourselves. The shop doesn't shut until four o'clock. I saw it on my phone. We have enough time. There is half an hour." The day is short in mid-winter and the sky is gre...