2021 Day 357
2021 Dedh Trei Hans Seytek ha Dogens
De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Thursday, 23rd December
Gero nei mos dhe'n treth," emedh ow mergh. "Nei alja perna dehen rew rag an flehes ha coffy ragen agan hònan. Na wra an shoppa keas terebo peder eur. Ma termyn lowr dhen. Ma hanter our." Cott ew an jedh en cres an gwav ha loos ew an ebòrn. Bettegens, e veu stemm bian reb an shoppa, rag coffy ha dehen rew. Na wrüga vy gweles tanjys gwav veth e'n seythen ma, saw thera tan spladn dres an cloudys - an howlsedhes et y òlowyjyon leun. Nebes gwag o an treth. An flehes a wrüg enjoya aga dehen rew, ha cuntel bily ha gòbmon. Ha war an diwedh, e veu termyn luck rag lesca.
"Let's go to the beach," said my daughter. "We could buy icecream for the children and coffee for ourselves. The shop doesn't shut until four o'clock. I saw it on my phone. We have enough time. There is half an hour." The day is short in mid-winter and the sky is grey. However, there was a little queue by the shop, for coffee and icecream. I didn't see any winter bonfire this week, but there was a splendid fire beyond the clouds - the sunset in its full glory. The beach was a rather empty. The children enjoyed their icecream, and collecting pebbles and seaweed. And finally, there was enough time for swinging.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bily pebbles < bilien (f)
dehen rew (m) ice cream
dres beyond
eur o'clock, hour (takes feminine numeral)
gòlowyjyon glory, radiance
keas ~ kea ~ degea to shut, close
our (m) hour (period of 60 minutes)
stemm (m) queue (people or cars)
tanjys (m) bonfire
termyn lowr ~ luck enough time
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