
Showing posts from June, 2022

2022 Day 181

  2022 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Wonan De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Efen Thursday, 30th June. Thewa an diwettha dedh a'n mis, an diwettha dedh a'n second mis hav. Terebo nessa mis Efen. Na wrüga vy gwil tra veth dhe les, saw gòlhy dilhas, scrifa ha desky Kernôwek. Nag eus f ô t ô ! Bes ma radn a dhescans. It's the last day of the month, the last day of the second summer month. Goodbye June. I didn't do anything interesting, except wash clothes, write and teach Cornish. There are no photos! But there is a part of a lesson. Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 29a Building up our Cornish language Part 29a We have looked at a variety of important auxiliary or modal verbs  that you can use in combinations with others.  Here is a list of frequently used verbs for activities: cawas  to have, get clappya  to speak clowes  to hear, sense, perceive còsca  to sleep danon  to send debry  to eat desky  to learn, ...

2022 Day 180

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Pajar  Ügens De Merher, nawhes warn ügens mis Efen Wednesday, 29th June Ma  chânjyansow en Truro lebmyn. Ma diswrians en Strêt Pydar - ma sòdhvaow coth an Consel ow mos mes a wel - tednys dhe'n dor. Ma ragdres rag dastevyans oll an qwarter. Martesen ev a vedh gorfednys e'n vledhen diw mil ha deg warn ügens - treven vysqwethek rag teylûyow, anedhow rag an termyn rag stüdhyoryon ûniversita, sòdhvaow nowydh, shoppys, cresen ûniversita. A wra vy gweles an displegyans diwedhys? My a vedh moy es pajar ügens bloodh. Martesen my ell trigas en chei, martesen ow flogh wydn a vedh onan an s tüdhyoryon  e'n  ûniversita. Ha cost an displegyans? Cans deg ha trei ügens milvil pens (po moy). There are changes in Truro now. There is demolition in Pydar Street - the Council's old offices are disappearing - pulled down. There is a project for the regeneration of the whole area. Perh...

2022 Day 179

2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek De Meurth, ethves war ügens mis Efen Tuesday, 28th June Glaw a wra. Nag eus howl. Na vadna vy mos mes. My a wrüg scrifa  blogg hedhyw, saw nag ew ev an blogg ma! Mal ew genam gweles an howl arta. My a scrifas adro dhe visyt dhe'n treth. Benyn goth growsek o vy. Nag ew da genam an treth hedhyw, re leb ha re yeyn ew an gewer. Saw nag o vy lôwen gen bush brâs a bobel war an treth en dedhyow tòbm.  Maga tesek avel nader oma.  Whei ell redya an blogg mar medno whei. It rains. There is no sun. I will not go out. (I do not want to go out.) I wrote a blog today, but it is not this blog! I am looking forward to seeing the sun again. I wrote about a visit to the beach. I'm a grumpy old woman. I don't like the beach today, the weather is too wet and too cold. But I am not happy with a crowd of people on the beach on hot days. I'm as taisey as an adder!  You can read the blog if you want. https://kernowekenc...

2022 Day 178

2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Efen Monday, 27th June Skith o vy arta. Ma chei nowydh dhe'n vergh vy ha thera othom a garya hy mebel ha daffar chei dhort agan chei dhe Truru. En kensa, res veu dhedhy  gòberna  dew dhen gen vann. Lebmyn ma spas moy dhe nei! Bes ma othom dhebm a bowes. Etho otta radn bian a dhescans. Whei ell gwil tabm a whel. I am tired again. My daughter has a new house and it was necessary to transport her furniture and equipment from our house to Truro. First she had to hire two men with a van. Now we have more room! But I need to rest. So here's a little bit of a lesson. You can do a bit of work. Cressya emann agan tavas Kernowek Radn28c pejys Building up our Cornish language 28c continued Here are some more sentence using the verbs  kerdhes  to walk  and  pònya   to run  with a variety of auxiliary verbs and constructions. Piw eus  ow kerdhes en syger?  Who is w...

2022 Day 177

  2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Seytek De Sül, wheffes warn ügens mis Efen Sunday, 26th June Skith o vy! De, my wrüg mires ort Glastonbury e'n tele, pur dhiwedhes. Macca ew fenomenon.  Na veu còsk lowr dhebm. Na fors. Ma dhebm descans ragowgh. I am tired. Yesterday, I watched Glastonbury on TV, very late. Macca is a phenomenon. I didn't have enough sleep. It doesn't matter. I have a lesson for you. Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 28c Building up our Cornish language Part 28c We will finish our look at  mednes  ( SWFM  mynnes )  wish, will, want, intend  with the third persons singular and plural. Present-Future 3 sg  vedn ~ vydn, m:  vedn e ~ ev, vedna va, f:  vedn hei 3 pl  vedons, vedn ~ vydn anjei Any subject can be used before  a vedn, e.g.  ev a vedn  he will an vebyon a vedn  the boys will Tamsin a vedn  Thomasina will Conditional  (Also forms an)  Imperfect. 3 sg  venja,...

2022 Day 176

    2022 Dedh Cans Trei  Ügens  ha Whetek De Sadorn, pempes warn  ügens  mis Efen Saturday, 25th June Ma lavar coth en Kernôwek recordys gen Ustick: Gwâv en Hâv terebo Golôwan, ha Hâv en Gwâv terebo Nadelik. Pub pres alja an gewer en Kernow chânjya mes a dhorn. De, nei a wolyas  Golôwan, ellen nei qwachas awel havek dhort termyn dhe dermyn rag an nessa whegh mis? Ma esperans dhebm! Ma'n hanter second a'n vledhen ow tallath, ha hedhyw thew an kensa dedh a "Seythen Clappya Kernôwek". Gero nei gwil lebmyn "Bledhen Clappya Kernôwek". There is a Cornish proverb recorded by Ustick: Winter in summer until Midsummer, and summer in winter until Christmas. The weather in Cornwall can always change unexpectedly. Yesterday we celebrated Midsummer, can we expect summery weather from time to time for the next six months? I hope! The second half of the year is starting and today is the first day of "Speak Cornish Week". Let's make now "Speak Cornish Year...

2022 Day 175

  2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Pemdhek De Gwener, pajwora warn ügens mis Efen Friday, 24th June Rag fra thew "cres an hav" dedh deffrans dhort an howlsavla hav? En termyn calander "Julian" tho an dhew an keth tra, saw an calander "Gregorian" a's dibarras. Hanow gwell rag hedhyw ew Golôwan. Henn'ew "Gool Sent Jôwan Baptist (Gol Jôwan)". Thew ev tas sans Pensans ha ma kefewy meur dhodhans. Etho, Gol ô wan lôwen dhe whei oll. (Meur ras Greg Martin rag an foto.) Why is "midsummer" a different day from the summer solstice? In the time of the "Julian" calendar they were both the same thing, but the "Gregorian" calendar separated them. A better name for today is " Golôwan ". That is the "Feast of St John (the Baptist)". He is the patron saint of Penzance and they have a great party. So happy Midsummer to you all. (Thanks Greg Martin for the photo.)

2022 Day 174

    2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Efen Thursday, 23rd June De, nei a viras orth kensa ha nessa persons liesek a mednes gen verbow cawas ha rei. Ottòbma covadh a ûsadow possybyl an verbow-ma gen nebes derevyansow nei a welas kens lebmyn.     Yesterday we looked at using the first and second persons plural of mednes with the verbs  cawas  (to get, have) and  rei  (to give). Here's a reminder of possible uses of these verbs with some of the constructions we saw previously.   Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 28b pejys Building up our Cornish language Part 28b continued You should already be able to understand these sentences: With  bos locative Piw eus  ow rei tra veth?  Who is giving nothing? Piw ew a n den  ü jy  ow rei neppeth?  Who is the man giving something? Thera nei  ow rei neppeth .  We are giving something. Nag era nei  ow cawas...

2022 Day 173

  2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Terdhek De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Efen Wednesday, 22nd June Re dòbm ew an gewer ragam mes a-jei hedhyw, saw derevys veu chei vy avel gwithty kig kiger, etho nebes yeyn ewa a-jei. An flehes eth dhe'n treth saw my a sedhas a-jei ha scrifa. Otta radn a dhescans. The weather is too hot for me outdoors today, but my house was built as a butcher's meat store, so it is cool inside. The children went to the beach but I sat indoors and wrote. Here's part of a lesson. Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 28b Building up our Cornish language Part 28b We have looked at some possible uses of the first and second person singular parts of the auxiliary verb  mednes  ( SWFM  mynnes )  wish, will, etc. Now let's have a deeper look at the first and second persons plural. Present-Future 1 pl  vedn ~ vydn nei 2 pl  vedow(gh), vednow(gh), vennow(gh), vedno ~ vedo whei Any subject can be used before...

2022 Day 172

  2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Dewdhek De Meurth, kensa warn ügens mis Efen Tuesday, 21st June Howlsavla lôwen dhe geniver onan. Drewydhyon ha pagans a wrüg cuntel warbarth en Stonehenge ha Glastonbury tor dhe welcobma an howldrevel - rag an kensa termyn a-dhia covid-19. Thera bush brâs a d ü s. Happy Solstice to everyone. Druids and pagans gathered together to welcome the sunrise - for the first time since covid-19. There was a large crowd.