2022 Day 174

  2022 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Peswardhek

De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Efen
Thursday, 23rd June

De, nei a viras orth kensa ha nessa persons liesek a mednes gen verbow cawas ha rei. Ottòbma covadh a ûsadow possybyl an verbow-ma gen nebes derevyansow nei a welas kens lebmyn.   

Yesterday we looked at using the first and second persons plural of mednes with the verbs cawas (to get, have) and rei (to give). Here's a reminder of possible uses of these verbs with some of the constructions we saw previously. 

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 28b pejys

Building up our Cornish language Part 28b continued

You should already be able to understand these sentences:

With bos locative

Piw eus ow rei tra veth? Who is giving nothing?

Piw ew an den üjy ow rei neppeth? Who is the man giving something?

Thera nei ow rei neppeth . We are giving something.

Nag era nei ow cawas tra veth. We are not getting anything.

With gwil

Piw a wrücawas neppeth? Who got something? Who had something?

Nei wrücawas neppeth. We got something. We had something.

A wresso whei cawas neppeth? Did you have something?

Na wrüga whei rei tra veth. You did not give anything.

With bos descriptive

Da via genen cawas neppeth. We would like to have something.

Ew da genowgh cawas neppeth? Do you like getting something?

Nag ew da gena nei rei neppeth. We do not like giving something.

Imperatives with gwil and gara

Gwrewgh cawas neppeth! Get something! Do have something!

Na wrewgh rei tra veth! Don't give nothing! Don't give anything!

Gerowgh nei dhe rei neppeth! Let us give something!

With res

Nei a res cawas neppeth. We must have something. We must get something. We have to have something.

Res ew dhen cawas neppeth. We must have something.

Nag ew res dhe nei cawas tra veth. We do not have to have anything.


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