
Showing posts from August, 2022

2022 Day 243

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei De Merher, üdnegves warn ügens mis Est Wednesday, 31st August Thew hebma an diwettha dedh a Hav. A vedh ev an diwedh a  vüscotter an hav? E veu müscotter e'n hav ma. Agensow, thera nebes kerry e'n telleryow cabm. Ew an   gòrror yon  müscok po coth - po martesen anjei a veu clav rag termyn cott. Otta car e'n ryvar emesk an scathow. E'n gwelha pres, trig o. An lewyer a veu kemerys dhe'n clojy ha'n car a veu tednys mes. En tre aral, otta car en shoppa. Ev eth war dhelher re  üskis - en le mos war rag en syger.  Otta car aral ow mos re  üskis  ewedh - moy es cans mildir pub our - fistena gen tooth  brâs .   This is the last day of Summer. Will it be the end of summer madness? There was madness this summer. Recently, there were several cars in the wrong places. Are the drivers crazy or old - or perhaps they were sick for a short while. Here's a car in the river among the boats. Fortunate...

2022 Day 242

    Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Dew De Meurth, degves warn ügens mis Est Tuesday, 30th August Ma coseleth e'n mettin a-varr, cres perfydh. Da ew gen an meppik wheg ma senjy an howl war y vejeth. Ma va ow cosowes ort an colomednow coos. Lôwen ew ev. Lôwen ew an nessa maw ewedh. Da ew ganjo lebmel. Ma va ow senjy an howl war y gorf ha'n gwens en y vlew. Visytoryon moy! Lebmyn nei alja cawas kesstrif. Piw ell sethy an gwelha? Na wrüg ow seth vy gweskel an gosten! Gwell ew an flehes. There is peacefulness in the early morning, perfect peace. This dear little boy likes to feel the sun on his face. He's listening to the woodpigeons. He is happy. The second boy is happy too. He likes jumping. He feels the sun on his body and the wind in his hair. More visitors. Now we could have a competition. Who can shoot the best? My arrow did not hit the target! The children are better.

2022 Day 241

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Wonan De Lün, nawves warn ügens mis Est Monday, 29th August Flehes deffrans hedhyw. Trigys ew an re ma en tre. Anjei a res desky adro dhe losow - pandr'ew da dhe dhebry ha pandr'ew drog. Da ew ganjans cuntel mor dû. "Alja nei gwil crampes, a Henvam?" Na wra anjei debry crampes, my a wor hedna! Criboryon ens - nebes denty adro dhe sawor ha tava en ganow. Ew an boos wheg po trynk, smodh po garow, segh po dowry? Different children today. These live in a town. They must learn about plants - what is good to eat and what is bad. They like picking blackberries. "Could we make a pie, Nana?" They won't eat a pie, I know that! They are fussy eaters - a bit fussy about taste and mouth-feel. Is the food sweet or sour, smooth or rough, dry or soggy?

2022 Day 240

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew Ügens De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Est Sunday, 28th August Leun ew Kernow a dollow. Radn anodhans ell bos gwelys dhort an ebòrn ha na ell radn anodhans bos gwelys bes dhort an mor. Anjei ell bos pur deg ha leun a liw. Anjei alja bos gwres gen todnow an mor dres lies bledhen. Terweythyow ma pedn gogow ow codha en dor. Nena hei ell bos gwelys dhort an ayr keffres ha'n dowr. Diantel ew an vosow. Bes ma tollow pell dhort an als - gwres gen balweyth. Terweythyow ma toll nowydh owth apperya en lowarth. Pana sowdhan! Cornwall is full of holes. Some of them can be seen from the sky and some of them can only be seen from the sea. They can be very beautiful and colourful. They could be made by waves of the sea over many years. Sometimes the top of a sea-cave collapses. Then it can be seen from the air as well as the water. The walls are dangerous. But there are holes far from the coast - made by mining. Sometimes a new hole appears in a garden...

2022 Day 239

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ugens De Sadorn, seythves warn ugens mis Est Saturday, 27th August A venjow whei wherhin? Nag ew oll agan havyjy lôwen. My a redyas nebes grevonsys en CornwallLive. Ma  gòbmon war an treth. Re leb ew an treth (ma mortid). Na ellen nei derevel castel treth. Ma blas crev a holan dhe'n mor. (Martesen, na wrewgh codha dhort agas bodybord.) Re spladn ew an howl e'n mettin a-varr. (Gwrewgh degea an croglednow.) Nag ew an esedhow e'n Minack pur es. (Kemerowgh  plüvek agas honan.) Gwenjek ew an treth. (Na ellen nei stoppya an gwens.) Ma bestes ow qwandra en Goon Bren. (Mergh ha  bûhes  ew trigys ena.) Do you want to laugh? Not all our summer visitors are happy. I read several complaints in CornwallLive. There is seaweed on the beach. The beach is too wet (there is a tide). We can't build a sandcastle. The sea has a strong salty taste. (Perhaps, don't fall off your bodyboard.) The sun is too bright in the early morning. (Close the curtai...

2022 Day 238

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Etek warn Ügens De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Est Friday, 26th August Skith o vy! Ma kellys genam (arta) ow hamera. Nag eus bes üdn mergh wydn òbma hedhyw, ha nag eus kei veth, bes theram owth omsenjy skith. Nebes clav oma theram ow pedery. Nei a wrüg cuntel mor dû hag avalow codhys gans an gwens rag gwil sant melys. Nei a dednas. My a wolhas bern a liednyow gwely. Lebmyn my a venja mos dhe'n gwely, saw nag ew an vergh vian skith! I'm tired! I have lost my camera (again). There is only one granddaughter here today, and there isn't a single dog, but I am feeling tired. I think I'm a bit poorly. We collected blackberries and windfall apples to make a dessert. We drew. I washed a heap of bed sheets. Now I would like to go to bed, but the little girl is not tired.

2022 Day 237

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Seytek warn Ügens De Yow, pempes warn ügens mis Est Thursday, 25th August Ironek ew! Nag ew an sêson gwav, saw ma annes kebmyn dhebm. An drog oberor ew ow mab wydn! Ev ew dhe vlamya. Ma drog branja genam  ha ma kellys genam ow lev. Na ellama desky Kernôwek dhe'm class flehes avorow. Martesen nessa seythen nei ell clappya adro dhe gawas croust en neb le wheg. It is ironic. The season is not winter, but I have a common cold. The culprit is my grandson! He is to blame. I have a sore throat and I have lost my voice. I can't teach Cornish to my children's class tomorrow. Perhaps next week we can talk about having a picnic in some nice place.  

2022 Day 236

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Whetek warn Ügens De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Est Wednesday, 24th August Eus mòna dhe whei? O whei pur rych? Martesen ma othom dhewgh a negys nowydh. Ew da genowgh treven coth? Ma onan dhe werha en Bosvena. Aljow whei menystra tavern po bosty? Ma organ etto! Ma Wetherspoon ow qwertha Chapel an Gansblydhen. Ev a wra degea en mis Gwedngala. Ironek ew - Methodydhyon an chapel a wrüg sconya gwires. Eus whans dhodhans a'n negys dhe fyllel?  Saw, martesen nag eus othom dhe whei a whel dhe wil.  Whei ell mires orth an mor dhort balegva en Tôwynblistra - mars eus milvil pens dhewgh. Do you have any money? Are you very rich? Perhaps you need a new business. Do you like old buildings? There is one for sale in Bodmin. Could you manage a pub or restaurant? It has an organ in it! Wetherspoon is selling the Century Chapel. It will close in September. It is ironic - the chapel's Methodists were teetotal. Do they want the business to fa...

2022 Day 235

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pemdhek warn Ügens De Meurth, tryja warn ügens mis Est Tuesday, 23rd August Pe le ha fatel ellen nei clowes agan tavas Kernôwek? Ellen nei gosôwes ort nebes geryow war an radyo po en televisyon? Alja an düs en Pow an Sowson gosôwes gena nei? E vedh ahoson dhodhans en mis Gwedngala. Gòrrys ew Gwenno en rôl berr rag Powas Mercury. Henn ew powas m û sek rag an gwelha album Bretednek po Werdhonek an vledhen. Herwedh ûsadow thew an canow en Sowsnek. Rag an kensa termyn, e'n vledhen ma, ma album war an rôl heb cân Sowsnek veth. Kenys ew canow Gwenno en Kernôwek (marnas onan en Kembrek). Ma hei ow cana ow t ò chya mamoleth, frankedh, tavas hag identita. Ma daswelyow da dhe hy  m û sek en lies paper nowodhow – teg ha astranj (pecar'a Kernow) – pecar'a nebes dhort bes deffrans – kevrinek ha h ü del – an album ma (Tresor) ew tresor. Ma'n c ân Kembrek ow leverel "Nag ew Kembra dhe wertha". Where and how can we hear our Cornish language? Can we listen...

2022 Day 234

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Peswardhek warn Ügens De Lün, nessa warn ügens mis Est Monday, 22nd August Ma diwedh hav ha'n mis Est ow tos nes. Scon an flehes wydn a vedh en scol arta. E'n men termyn ... A Henvam, aljama ûsya dha gamera? Pejy! Gwra y dreylya dhana. The end of summer and the month of August is drawing near. Soon the grandchildren will be back in school. In the meantime ... Nana, could I use your camera? Please! Turn it round then.

2022 Day 233

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Terdhek warn Ügens De Sül, kensa warn ügens mis Est Sunday, 21st August My a viras orth program televisyon da. My a welas Porth Cornow ha'n caplys telegraff. Pur a bris ens whath rag kescomûnyansow. My a welas  whel Bo'talek ha metydhyon bal ha tüs bal. Lesley Trotter a lavaras adro dhe'n  Divröans Meur a düs bal. Wòja hedna an program a viras orth marhoga war vord corf, legasty ha muyglen.   I watched a good television programme. I saw Porthcurno and the telegraph cables. They are still very important to communications. I saw Botallack mine and bal maidens and miners. Lesley Trotter talked about the Great Emigration of miners.  After that the programme looked at body boarding, lobsters and smuggling.

2022 Day 232

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Dewdhek warn Ügens De Sadorn, ügensves mis Est Saturday, 20th August Pe le ellen nei neyja saw e'n mor? Mars eus todnow brâs po fros laber thew an mor diantel, nag ewa diogel. En termyn eus passyes thera pollednow neyja derevys e'n carrigy po bedn an als, lenwys gen dowr an mor en keniver morlanow. Ma whath pollen pur vian war an treth ma, bes gellys ew pollen en Tewyn Plustry. Ma'n gwelha pollen martesen en Porth Bud. B râs  ew hei. Whath brâssa ew Pollen  Jûbile  en Pensans. Ma dhedhy  tòbmans  geothermek. Where can we swim safely in the sea? If there are big waves or a rip current the sea is dangerous, it is not safe. In the past there were swimming pools built in the rocks or against the cliff, filled with sea water at every high tide. There is still a very small pool on this beach but a pool in Newquay has gone. The best pool is perhaps in Bude. It is large. Even bigger is the Jubil...

2022 Day 231

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Üdnek warn Ügens De Gwener, nawnjegves mis Est Friday, 19th August Nag eus chons dhebm dhe vetya gans ow noyth meurgerys pur venowgh, etho hedhyw o dedh pur lôwen. Nei eth dhe'n treth dhe berthy cov termynyow da ena. Thera routh veur a bobel ha thera an mor tid ow mos mes. Carrygy a veu discüdhys, ow tisqwedhes lies besslen. Thera gwens crev ow whetha  a'n mor tûa'n tir, an todnow o garow ha strolek o an mordarth. Nag o jorna da rag morplaynya. E veu tros  tròbm  - gwarnyans gwithyjy treth. "Oll an düs a res dos mes a'n dowr." An gwithyjy a dherevas baner rüdh - e veu fros laber diantel. E veu tremen straft! I don't have a chance to meet my beloved niece very often, so today was a very happy day. We went to the beach to remember good times there. There was a great throng of people and the tide was on the ebb (going out). Rocks were uncovered, showing lots of mussels. A strong wind was blowing off the sea towards the land, the ...

2022 Day 230

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Deg warn Ügens  De Yow, etegves mis Est Thursday, 18th August Nag eus bes bohes dedhyow a hav gerys dhe nei lebmyn. Solabres ma avalow war an gwedh (ha dor) ha ma mor  dû  war an dreys. Da via genam gwil brows avalow ha mor dû (na ellama gwil tos da!).  There are only a few days of summer left to us now. Already there are apples on the trees (and ground) and there are blackberries on the brambles. I'd like to make a blackberry and apple crumble (I can't make good pastry!).