2022 Day 235

 2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pemdhek warn Ügens

De Meurth, tryja warn ügens mis Est

Tuesday, 23rd August

Pe le ha fatel ellen nei clowes agan tavas Kernôwek? Ellen nei gosôwes ort nebes geryow war an radyo po en televisyon? Alja an düs en Pow an Sowson gosôwes gena nei? E vedh ahoson dhodhans en mis Gwedngala. Gòrrys ew Gwenno en rôl berr rag Powas Mercury. Henn ew powas mûsek rag an gwelha album Bretednek po Werdhonek an vledhen. Herwedh ûsadow thew an canow en Sowsnek. Rag an kensa termyn, e'n vledhen ma, ma album war an rôl heb cân Sowsnek veth. Kenys ew canow Gwenno en Kernôwek (marnas onan en Kembrek). Ma hei ow cana ow tòchya mamoleth, frankedh, tavas hag identita. Ma daswelyow da dhe hy mûsek en lies paper nowodhow – teg ha astranj (pecar'a Kernow) – pecar'a nebes dhort bes deffrans – kevrinek ha hüdel – an album ma (Tresor) ew tresor. Ma'n cân Kembrek ow leverel "Nag ew Kembra dhe wertha".

Where and how can we hear our Cornish language? Can we listen to a few words on radio or on television? Could the people in England listen with us? They will have an opportunity in September. Gwenno has been short-listed for the Mercury Prize. That is a music prize for the best British or Irish album of the year. Usually the songs are in English. For the first time, this year, there is an album on the list without a single English song. Gwenno's songs are sung in Cornish (except for one in Welsh). She sings about motherhood, freedom, language and identity. Her music has good reviews in many newspapers - beautiful and strange (like Cornwall) - otherworldly - mysterious and magical - this album (Treasure) is a treasure. The Welsh song says "Wales is not for sale".


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