
Showing posts from March, 2023

2023 Day 90

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg De Gwener, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth Friday, 31st March Rag fra na vedn flehes wydn mos dhe'n gwely? "Re avarr ew, a Dhama Wydn!" "Nag ew an ebòrn tewal, na whath, a Henvam!" "Ma sehes dhe vy, a Vamm Wynn!" "Gwag o vy!" "De Gwener ew. Nag eus scol avorow!" "Nag eus scol moy rag diw seythen. My ell còsca nessa seythen." An kei a venja mos mes. Ma othom dhe'n kei a vos mes. Res ew dhebm nakevy an flehes rag pols bian. A vedn anjei còsca?  Why won't grandchildren go to bed? "It's too early, Grandmother!" "The sky is not dark yet, Granny!" "I'm thirsty, Grandma!" "I'm hungry!" "It's Friday. There isn't any school tomorrow!" "There's no more school for two weeks. I can sleep next week." The dog would like to go out. The dog needs to go out. I have to forget the children for a short while. Will they sle...

2023 day 89

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Meurth Thursday, 30th March Terweythyow ma dhebm jorna da. Terweythyow nag ew an jedh mar dh a . Hedhyw, tho an mettin da lowr bes na veu d a  genam an dohajedh. An gordhûher ew drog! Ma dhebm pâs, drog branja ha drog scovarn  - ma annes warnam (dhort ow flehes wydn). Nag ew gwydn ow bes! Ha glaw a wra. Sometimes I have a good day. Sometimes the day is not so good. Today, the morning was OK but I did not like the afternoon. The evening is bad! I have a cough, a sore throat and earache - I have got a cold (from my grandchildren). I am not so lucky! And it rains.

2023 Day 88

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth De Merher, nawves warn ügens mis Meurth Wednesday, 29th March Ma gwenton ow trei flourys wheg en keow ha war ladnow. Leun a vrially ew an gorlan, war vedhow ha tredh an bedhow. Ma lily Corawys war an vos. Ma'n spern dû ow pleujyowa. Saw gen mis Meurth ma gwenjow ow tos, ha ma caletter genen gans agan deledh dele. Eus ynjydnor a ell crambla emann ha'y drei war nans ken damach bo gwres dh' agan to? Spring brings sweet flowers in hedges and on verges. The churchyard is full of primroses, on graves and between the graves. There are daffodils on the wall. The blackthorns are blossoming. But with March come winds, and we have a problem with our TV aerial.   Is there an engineer who can climb up and bring it down before damage is done to our roof?

2023 Day 87

    2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth De Meurth, ethves warn ügens mis Meurth Tuesday, 28th March Devedhys ew gwenton en Kernow. Pur lôwen oma gen ow lowarth ha'n flourys oll. Melyn ew an brially ha'n lily Corawys bes en keow ma flourys gwydn bian a spern dû. Ergh war an sethednow. Ma ergh gwir dhe'm st ü dhyores in Montana, ergh down war an sethednow ha'n to ha'n lowarth. Nag ew an gewer yeyn en Kernow saw pur yeyn ew hei en Montana, keth ew an eborn blou. Spring has come in Cornwall. I'm very happy with my garden and all the flowers. The primroses and daffodils are yellow, but in hedges there are little white flowers of blackthorn. Snow on the twigs. My student in Montana has real snow, deep snow on the twigs and the roof and the garden. The weather isn't cold in Cornwall but it's very cold in Montana, although the sky is blue.

2023 Day 86

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ugens ha Whegh De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Meurth Monday,27th March Ma ardh, henwys Carn Bre, ogas dhe Ewny Redr ü dh. Whei ell gweles oll an treven. An d ü s Redrüdh a wel Carn Bre; tirnos ew ev. Pub bledhen ken Pask ma cuntellyans an Eglos Vethodek ow terevel emann hujes grows war garn. Pur ûhel ew an carn, ha gwenjek. An d ü s a res kemeres with. Üdn radn a Redrüdh ew an Marhas. Ma n ô wythheans ow wharvos (pecar'a e'n leverva goth).   There is a high place, called Carn Brea (hill tor), near Redruth. You can see all the buildings. The Redruth people see Carn Brea; it is a landmark. Every year before Easter the congregation of the Methodist Church erect a huge cross on a rocky outcrop. The rocky outcrop is very high and windy. The people have to take care. One part of Redruth is the Market. There is restoration happening (like in the old library).

2023 Day 85

  2023 Dedh Pajar Üdnek gens ha Pemp De Sül, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurth Sunday, 26th March Otta vy, whath bew! Martesen my a wra scrifa moy avorow. Here I am, still alive! Perhaps I'll write more tomorrow.

2023 Day 84

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pajar De Sadorn, pempes warn ügens mis Meurth Saturday, 25th March John Passmore Edwards o den rych ha hel. Thera whans dhodho rag pub flogh dhe redya. Thera whans dhodho rag an bohojogyon dhe vos lettrys. Ev a vyldyas levervaow heb cost. Lebmyn thew Leverva Redrudh re vian, ha ma othom dhedhy a  restoryans. Degeys ew hei, ha hei a vedh en scon "An Skeyl",  spas cowethek rag art ha descans. Ma trigva nowydh dhe'n levrow. De, chayn pobel a bassyas levrow a-hes, an eyl dh'y gila, dhe leverva nowydh.  John Passmore Edwards was a very rich and benevolent man. He wanted for all children to read. He wanted for the poor to be educated. He built free libraries. Now Redruth Library is too small, and it needs major restoration. It is closed, and it will soon be "The Ladder", a sociable space for art and learning. The books have a new address. Yesterday, a human chain passed books along, one to another, to a new library.

2023 Day 83

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Trei   De Gwener, pajwora warn ügens mis Mergh Friday, 24th March Dedh a-bris rag Kernow hedhyw - an dinethyans John Passmore Edwards, en Blackwater, dew cansbledhen alebma. E veu dedh besy rag fotojornalist Greg Martin. Ev a veu en Blackwater, Truru ha Ewny-Redrudh dhe verkya an festow. Platt vos glas a veu gorrys war vos en Blackwater.  An important day for Cornwall today - the birth of John Passmore Edwards, in Blackwater, 200 years ago. It was a busy day for photojournalist Greg Martin. He was in Blackwater, Truro and Redruth to mark the celebrations. A blue plaque was put on a wall in Blackwater. 

2023 Day 82

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Dew De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Meurth Thursday, 23rd March Ma nebes telleryow en Kernow gen "marhas" et aga henwyn. Terweythyow radn an hanow ell bos chànjys. Ota ymach a varhas de Yow en Pensans, liwys en mil naw cans trei warn  ü gens (nanj ew cansbledhen) gen Stanhope Forbes. Ev a liwyas telher marhas ewedh. An varhas de Yow a ros dhen an hanow rag an strêt "Market Jew Street". (Yow na Edhewon!) Ma kertys tednys gen mergh, saw nag eus lies carr tan. Otta dew delher moy (gen henwyn coth): MARAZANVOSE  (Marras an Voze 1617) Marhas an Fos  “market at the wall” MARAZION  (Marghasbighan 1359) Marhas Vian               “little market”                     (Marghasyou 1331)      Marhas Yow                “Thursday market” Nei a wel Marazanvose war vappa, saw na ellama gweles "vos". Ther...

2023 Day 81

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Wonan De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Meurth Wednesday, 22nd March    A veu othom a düs rag controlya plaow en dedhyow tremenys? Ma henwyn telleryow ow poyntya dhe nebes caletterow. A via da genowgh bos trigys en telher henwys "Boslogos" (Bosloggas) po "Chywela" (Chyvelah)? Thera logos dhe lies bargen tir dres lycklod! Thera othom dhodhans a gath! Ma Boslogos ogas dhe Lanvausa, ha pur wheg ew lebmyn. En rôl ew, drefen bos storek. Ha Chywela? Gellys ew oll an whiles ha'n chei. Nag eus remenat bes hanow strêt.  Was there a need of people to control pests in days gone by? Place names indicate several problems. Would you like to live in a place called "dwelling of mice" or "beetle-infested house"? Probably many farms had mice. They needed a cat! Bosloggas is near St Mawes and it's very nice now. It's listed because it's historic. And Chyvelah? The beetles and the house are all gone. There just remains a stre...

2023 Day 80

  2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens De Meurth kensa warn ügens mis Meurth Tuesday, 21st March An Horr (Hordh) ew constellacyon bian - bagas pajar steren. Eus semblans a horr dhodho? Ptolemy (second cansbledhen) a brederas andelna! Hedhyw, thew an kensa dedh arwòdh an Zodiak "An Horr", tredh Puskes ha'n Tarow e'n ebòrn nos. Ellen nei gweles horr po hordhes en Kernow? Ma nebes telleryow gen "hordh" et aga henwyn. Otta "Benhor'dhin". Na ellama gweles na hordh na din, bes ma semblans a bris dhodho! BEN HUR DEN (Benhordon 1329) Benhor’dhin ?“foot of a ram-fort” CAR HAR T (Kaerhorta c1250) Carhordha/Kerhordha “ram-place fort” HOR  POINT: Pen Hordh "ram's head" HORRACE : Hor’es/Hordhes “rams” RAME HEAD: (Pendenhar c1680) Pen an Hordh "the ram's head" THREE STONE  OAR : (Euyahore(?) 1580) Enys Hor’ "ram island" TREM OR E (Tremhor 1086) Tre’nhordh “the ram’s farm” Aries is a small constellation, a four star cluster. Do they loo...

2023 Day 79

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek De Lün, ügensves mis Meurth Monday, 20th March Hedhyw thew keheja dedh ha nos.  Kehesnos an Gwenton ew.  Ma'n howl  a-ûgh  keheja an bes. En Wordhen ma  tüs  ow qwil prierinach dhe delher Neolithek specyal lebma howldrevel ow spladna en kivordh en  crüg  brâs. An howl a wòlowa gravyans pur goth.    Today it's the same extent of day and night. It's the Vernal Equinox. The sun is above the world's equator. In Ireland people make a pilgrimage to a special Neolithic place where the sunrise shines into a passage in a big mound. The sun lights up very old carving. 

2023 Day 78

  2023 Dedh trei Ügens hag Etek De Sül, nawnjegves mis Meurth Sunday,19th March Üdn  jedh skithüs de hag üdn jedh skithüs arta hedhyw. Etho, skith o vy.  My a wrüg gweles üdn vergh, dew vab, diw vergh wydn ha pajar mab wydn (gen dew gei ha diw gath ewedh). Dedh Mabmow lowen dhe mabmow erel! One tiring day yesterday and one tiring day again today. So, I am tired. I saw one daughter, two sons, two granddaughters and four grandsons (with two dogs and two cats as well). Happy Mums' Day to other mums!

2023 Day 77

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Seytek De Sadorn, etegves mis Meurth Saturday, 18th March Da ew genam henwyn telleryow. Nebes ew campollys e'n Lever an Dedh Bres a 1086. Otta an mappa! Na veu anedhow en nebes parthow a Gernow.   I like place names. Some are mentioned in the Doomsday Book of 1086. See the map! There weren't any dwellings in some areas of Cornwall.

2023 Day 76

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Whetek  De Gwener, seytegves mis Meurth Friday, 17th March Ew vorrow en Kernow saw? Üjy an kerry ow mos re üskis? Ma towl dhe Gonsel Kernow a lehe finweth tooth en nebes parthow gorherys gen treven dhort deg mildir en our warn ügens dhe  ü gens mildir en our. Ügens ew plenteth lowr. Prevys ew solabres en Falmeth, Penrynn ha Ryscamel. Nag ew an daromres mar üskis. Tüs ell kerdhes gen keun ha marhoga heb kemeres mar own. Nessa e'n vledhen ma a vedh Cambron, Pool, Ewny Redrudh, Egloshallow, Penwyth West, Truru ha Ros.  Telleryow erel a vedn dos moy diwedhes. Na vedn Lostwydhyel ha Tiwar'n heyl lenthe terebo bledhen 2026.  Chânjya   arwòdhow  a wra costya pajar milvil pens moy po le.     Are roads in Cornwall safe? Are the cars going too fast? Cornwall Council has a plan to reduce the speed limit in some built-up areas from 30 mph to 20 mph.  Twenty is plenty.  It has already ...

2023 Day 75

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Pemdhek De Yow, whetegves mis Meurth Thursday, 16th March Hedhyw, et ow class, nei a viras orth henwyn telleryow. Gero nei mires orth onan anodhans: Borah. Henn ew   hanow pur goth: Boswragh en 1302. Martesen thera benyn goth ha hager trigys ena! Po martesen thera pystriores po pellores. Ma lies telher ow tallath "Bos" po "Bod" po "Bo", bes ma bohes telleryow gen "gwragh" po "gwrath". Ma "Crows-an-Wra"  (Crows an Wragh, Crouzenwragh en 1732)  ha  "Praa"  (Poll Wragh (Porth (an) Wragh, Poll Wragh,  Polwragh en 1331).  Ma "Crousa" whath moy goth  (Crowswragh, Crouswrach en 977).  "Gwragh" ew hanow pesk, ewedh, martesen en "Poll Wragh". Pe le ma Borah? Ellen nei y gavos? My a gavas bargen tir gen nebes havasow, ogas dhe Lamorna  (Nansmorno 1302).  Nag eus gwragh ena lebmyn! Today, in my class, we looked at place names. Let's look at one of them: Borah. That is ...

2023 Day 74

  2023 Dedh Trei  Ügens  ha Peswardhek De Merher, pemdhegves mis Meurth Wednesday, 15th March  Ma dhe'n Chonsler scrifscrypp/ scrifsagh rüdh. Henn ew y "budget". Moy dhe les ew an paperyow etto. Hedhyw, ev a dhros y areth war an  economy bys e'n Senedh, an "b ò jet", towlans arhanjek rag an vledhen. A vedham moy rych? Na vedh. E vedh mòna moy rag adhescans, rag flehes pur yonk. Bes na vedh hedna dhe les rag ow flehes wydn. Nag eus mencyon veth a adhescans specyal. A vedn an bòjet gweres dhe Gernow? Nei alja owna lies toll e'n vorrow. The Chancellor has a red briefcase. This is his "budget". More interesting are the papers inside it. Today he brought his speech on the economy to Parliament, the "budget", financial planning for the year. Will I be better off? No! There will be more money for education, for very young children.  But that will not be useful for my grandchildren. There is no mention of special education. Will the budget he...

2023 Day 73

  2023 Dedh Trei Ugens ha Terdhek De Meurth, peswardhek mis Meurth Tuesday, 14th March Ew da genowgh prenassa? Ma lies tra dhe berna. Ma lies person ow qwertha taclow. Ma gwicoryon en lies telher. Hedhyw my a scrifas blogg aral ow tochya gwerthjyow. Do  you like to go shopping? There are many things to buy. Many people are selling things. There are traders in many places. Today I wrote another blog about shops.

2023 Day 72

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Dewdhek De Lün, terdhegves mis Meurth Monday, 13th March Ma ponsvorr hens horn coth en ogas. Nag eus trenys eth lebmyn, rag hedna thew an ayr glan. Ma kewny ow tevy war an meyn coth. Gwydnak ew an re ma. Da ew genen kerdhes an vorr ma. Hedhyw e veu maw bian genen. Nag eus scol dhodho whath, soweth. Da ew ganjo crambla, etho ev a veu lôwen. "My ew metêrn an castel, ha chy ew drogwas ploos!" There's an old railway viaduct nearby. There are no steam trains now, so the air is clean. Lichens are growing on the old stones. These are pale. We like walking this way. Today there was a little boy with us. He still does not have a school, alas. He likes climbing, so he was happy. "I'm the king of the castle, and you're a dirty rascal!"

2023 Day 71

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Üdnek De Sül, dewdhegves mis Meurth Sunday, 12th March Nebes sogh  (cf dialect  zawk )  o vy hedhyw. Na ellama trouvya an geryow own dhe vos cudnik po didhanus. Comolek ew ow fedn pecar ha'n eborn. I'm a bit dim today. I can't find the right words to be clever or amusing. My head is cloudy like the sky.

2023 Day 70

  2023 Dedh Deg ha Trei Ügens De Sadorn, üdnegves mis Meurth Saturday, 11th March My a gerdhas nebes mildir hedhyw ha kemeres trei kyttrin etho skith o vy. Nag ew esy bos trigys en argel, specily en kewer drog! Saw lôwen veu vy dhe weles cowetha en Falmeth. Ha gen hanter our en Resrüdh, my a bernas dyghtyans whadn (ladh preves) rag an kei ha cathes. Whadnen ew  anprev whehtròsek bian. Anjei ell agas piga. I walked several miles today and took three buses, so I'm tired. It's not easy living at the back of beyond, especially in bad weather! But I was happy to see friends in Falmouth. And with half an hour in Redruth, I bought flea treatment (insecticide) for the dog and cats. A flea is a small insect (six legs). They can bite you.

2023 Day 69

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Naw De Gwener, degves mis Meurth Friday, 10th March Ma meur a whel dhe  wül ! Bes na vadna vy y  wül. Nag eus whans dhebm dh'y  wül . Blewek ew. Ma bern a dowellys ha dilhas rag golhy. Bes fatel dh' aga seha? Henn ew an qwestyon. Glaw a wra. Gleb ew e'n lowarth ha nag eus whans dhebm a  ûsya  sehador tredanek. An re na ew drog rag an kerthydnedh. Ellama gortos terebo kewer segh? Na ellama, dres lycklod. My a dal kerdhes gen an kei, bes na vedn ev mos mes. There's a lot of work to do!  But I won't do it. I don't want to do it. It is boring. There's a heap of towels and clothes for washing. But how to dry them? That is the question. It is raining. It is wet in the garden and I do not want to use an electric dryer. Those are bad for the environment. Can I wait until there is dry weather? Probably not. I ought to walk the dog, but he won't go out.  

2023 Day 68

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens hag Eth De Yow, nawes mis Meurth Thursday, 9th March Pe le ma'n ergh? Nag üjy va obma! Martin Cook a gemeras pictour a ergh en Lyskerwys (my a'n gwelas en Facebook) - dew droos! (Treys ergh ha besyas treys ergh.) Na veu ergh lowr rag den ergh dien. Martesen e vedh lowr nessa gwav. Where is the snow? It is not here! Martin Cook took a picture of snow in Liskeard (I saw it on Facebook) - two feet! (Snow feet and snow toes.) There wasn't enough snow for a complete snowman. Perhaps there will be enough next winter.

2023 Day 67

  2023 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Seyth De Merher, ethves mis Meurth Wednesday, 8th March Na veu ergh dhen e'n nos, etho nag eus dhen pictour teg rag hedhyw. E veu dhen meur a law, etho ma dhen prei, meur a brei. Nag ew hedna pictour teg. Saw hedhyw ew dedh specyal. Ma lies person owth onora benenes specyal en story ha'n jedh hedhyw, famos benenes, benenes a bris, benenes gen hedhyansow notabyl. Dedh Keswlasek Benenes ew. Ma disqwedhyans en Kresen Kernow henwys Benenes a Gernow. Bes my a venja onora oll an benenes na, anwodhvas aga henwyn, ow türya pub dedh en termynyow calish, ha dallath arta an nessa dedh.   We didn't have snow in the night, so we do not have a beautiful picture for today. We had a lot of rain, so we have mud, lots of mud. That is not a beautiful picture. But today is a special day. Many people are honouring special women in history and nowadays, famous women, important women, women with notable achievements. It's International Women's Day. There's an...