2023 Day 80
2023 Dedh Pajar Ügens
De Meurth kensa warn ügens mis Meurth
Tuesday, 21st March
An Horr (Hordh) ew constellacyon bian - bagas pajar steren. Eus semblans a horr dhodho? Ptolemy (second cansbledhen) a brederas andelna! Hedhyw, thew an kensa dedh arwòdh an Zodiak "An Horr", tredh Puskes ha'n Tarow e'n ebòrn nos. Ellen nei gweles horr po hordhes en Kernow? Ma nebes telleryow gen "hordh" et aga henwyn. Otta "Benhor'dhin". Na ellama gweles na hordh na din, bes ma semblans a bris dhodho!
BENHURDEN (Benhordon 1329) Benhor’dhin ?“foot of a ram-fort”
CARHART (Kaerhorta c1250) Carhordha/Kerhordha “ram-place fort”
HOR POINT: Pen Hordh "ram's head"
HORRACE: Hor’es/Hordhes “rams”
RAME HEAD: (Pendenhar c1680) Pen an Hordh "the ram's head"
THREE STONE OAR: (Euyahore(?) 1580) Enys Hor’ "ram island"
TREMORE (Tremhor 1086) Tre’nhordh “the ram’s farm”
Aries is a small constellation, a four star cluster. Do they look like a ram? Ptolemy (2nd century) thought so! Today, it is the first day of the Zodiac sign "Aries" (The Ram), between Pisces and Taurus in the night sky. Can we see a ram or rams in Cornwall? There are several places with "ram" in their names. Here's "Benhurden". I can't see a ram or a fort, but it looks important!
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