
Showing posts from August, 2023

2023 Day 243

   2023 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei De Yow, udnegves warn ugens mis Est Thursday, 31st August Hedhyw ow gour a bernas calanders dhe dhanon dres mor dhe gan cowetha en Zelond Nowydh. Rag hedna my a brederas termyn ew dhe wil calander en Kernowek rag an vledhen ow tos. Otta mis Genver - bes pe ymach a via an gwelha? Degol Stool martesen (wheffes mis Genver) po an Deger Dowr (ow tallath ugensves mis Genver) po Loor Vleydh Leun en Lew (pempes warn ugens mis Genver). Today my husband bought calendars to send overseas to our friends in New Zealand. Therefore I thought it's time to make a calendar in Cornish for the coming year. Here's January - but what image would be the best? Epiphany perhaps (6th January) or Aquarius (begins 20th January) or the Full Wolf Moon in Leo (25th January).

2023 Day 242

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Dew  De Merher, degves warn ugens mis Est Wednesday, 30th August Gero nei mires emann (yn bann)! Pandra wra nei gweles? Hedhyw my a viras emann ha gweles edhyn - chicoges parys dhe neyja dres mor. Genowgh farwel edhyn ha hav! My a viras an trolergh emann ha jynn-tedna ha kert a gala ow tremena. (Dew jedh ken Mis Gwedngala!) Ew hedna kei war an carg? Ledan lowr ew an vorr lebmyn, an keow ew trehys. Ha res veu kentrevek trehy y wedhen rag kyttrin scol dhe dremena. Let's look up! What will we see? Today I looked up and saw birds - house-martins ready to fly abroad. Goodbye birds and summer! I looked up the footpath as a tractor and trailer of straw were passing. (Two days before the Month of White-straw!) Is that a dog on top of the load? The road is wide enough now, the hedges are cut. And a neighbour had to cut his tree - for the school bus to get by.

2023 Day 241

   2023 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens hag Onan De Meurth, nawes warn ugens mis Est Tuesday, 29th August Spladn ew an loor lebmyn. My ell hy gweles adhelher dhe'n ke. Pandra wruga vy hedhyw? My a fittyas lies aval rag an stiver - rag an gwav - warlergh an lavar coth "En hav per co gwav". Ma lies aval dhen lebmyn; whath leun ew an wedhen na en ke ha ma lies war an dor. Ma mor teg ewedh, saw na wora vy mars ens wheg. Na vadna vy aga huntel. The moon is bright now. I can see it behind the hedge. What did I do today? I prepared lots of apples for the freezer - for the winter - according to the proverb "In summer remember winter". We have a lot of apples now; the tree in that hedge is still full and there are lots on the ground. There are beautiful berries too, but I don't know if they are nice. I won't pick them.

2023 Day 240

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew Ugens (Dogens) De Lun, ethves warn ugens mis Est Monday, 28th August Ma'n diwettha dedh a hav ow tos nes. Hedhyw a veu degol kebmyn, saw na veu an gewer pur dha. Ew hav diwedhys solabres? Ow mab wydn a dheuth, saw res o dhen gwary a-jei. Nei a dheraffas tyldya gen lednow e'n losowjy. Ma kellys genam ow fotos, soweth! Kevys! The last day of summer is getting near. Today was a public (bank) holiday, but the weather wasn't very good. Is summer finished already? My grandson came, but we had to play indoors. We built a cave (den) with blankets in the conservatory. I've lost my photos, sadly! Found!

2023 Day 239

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ugens De Sul, seythves warn ugens mis Est Sunday, 27th August Hedhyw my a redyas dew whedhel coth. Mater a'n dhew ew "bara". Ma torth vara en keniver onan. Jowan Chei a Horr a lavuryas teyr bledhen rag tiek - rag trei pens an vledhen. Na wrug ev kemeres y wober, bes ev a gawas trei poynt a skians. Gwreg an tiek a bobas naw pens en tesen rag Jowan dhe dhon tre dh'y wreg. Jowan ha y wreg o pur lowan dhe dhebry an desen ha trouvya an mona.  Ma hendas vy, Isaac Lefevre, en nessa whedhel. Y deylu en Frenk o Protestant (Huguenot) et Metern Louis o Catholyk. Difednys o dhe vos Protestant ha dhe vos perhen Beybel ha y redya. Mabm Isaac a bobas Beybel an teylu en torth vara dh'y cudha. An teylu a veu ladhys, saw Isaac ha'n torth Beybel a scappyas gen cowetha dhe Jermany. War an diwedh anjei oll a scappyas dhe Pennsylvania. Ma'n Beybel en hendrajy. Today I read two old stories. The subject of both is "bread". There is a lo...

2023 Day 238

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans Etek warn Ugens De Sadorn, wheffes warn  ü gens mis Est Saturday, 26th August Res veu dhebm mos dhe'n clojy arta rag scan tewder ascorn. Ew ow eskern re vedhel? A wra ascorn moy terry? De Sadorn? Dedh coynt, saw ma'n clojy ow  lavür ya seyth dedh oll e'n seythen. My a welas bargas (helicopter). Ma nebes derevyansow nowydh en clojy. Gellys ew an stullyow. Pur vras ewa lebmyn. Martesen nag ewa diwedhys whath. Hebma a vedh lowarth teg, saw lebmyn thew leun a whynas. I had to go to the hospital again for a bone density scan. Are my bones too soft? Will another bone break? Saturday? A strange day, but the hospital works all seven days in the week. I saw a helicopter. There are several new buildings in the hospital. The scaffolding has gone. It is very big now. Perhaps it's not finished yet. This will be a lovely garden, but now it's full of weeds. 

2023 Day 237

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans Seytek warn Ugens De Gwener, pempes warn  ü gens mis Est Friday, 25th August An liw rag hedhyw ew  rüdh . Ma flourys r ü dh en   bòssa prei r ü dh  dhe gentrevogyon reb aga fib law  dû . Ha ma montbretia r ü dh ha melyn e'n ke. My a sayas kemeres foto a vor spern gwydn (ogan) r ü dh ha teg, saw na wr ü g an camera medra ta. Ma dhe'n ymach discler semblans a vrith Argrafydhek: r ü dh ha glas ha blou an eb ò rn!     The colour for today is red. Neighbours have red flowers in a red earthenware bussa by their black rain pipe. And there is red and yellow montbretia in the hedge. I tried to take a photo of beautiful red hawthorn berries (haws), but the camera did not focus. The unclear image looks like an Impressionist painting: red and green and sky blue!

2023 Day 236

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans Whetek warn Ugens De Yow, pajwora warn ugens mis Est Thursday, 24th August Ew da geno whei bestes?  Nag ew bestes munys da gen lies person, tabm veth! Da ew genam gwenen ha tyckies-Duw. Bes ma caletter gena nei gen bulhornes ha melwhes. Mowns en pub telher. My a gavas onan war cota. E veu onan anodhans war eskis coth. Mowns ow tebry ow losow ha cramya war an delkyow. My ell gweles aga slem. Do you like animals? Many people do not like mini-beasts, not at all! I like bees and butterflies. But we have a problem with snails and slugs. They are everywhere. I found one on a coat. There was one of them on an old shoe. They are eating my plants and crawling on the leaves. I can see their slime.

2023 Day 235

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pemdhek warn Ugens De Merher, tryja warn ugens mis Est Wednesday, 23rd August Den whel a dheuth hedhyw dhe gomposa agan forn oyl parys rag an gwav. E veu oth om dhedhy a biben nowydh ha tron nowydh. Lebmyn e vedh dhen dowr t ò bm ha t òbmheans cres en kewer yeyn.    A workman came today to service our oil stove ready for the winter. It needed a new tube and a new nozzle. Now we will have hot water and central heating in cold weather.   

2023 Day 234

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Peswardhek warn Ugens De Meurth, nessa warn  ü gens mis Est Tuesday, 22nd August My a drouvyas hedna; scrifys o ev nanj ew termyn hir. Wojava whei ell gweles an keth scrif en spellyans moy "arnowydh". I found this; it was written a long time ago. After it you can see the same text in more "modern" spelling. Capt. Noel Carter of St.Agnes 1698 Ha me a moaz A Mi a moaz, a mi a moaz in Goon Glaze, Mi a clouaz, a clouaz, a clouaz, a troz, a troz, a troz, an pysgaz miniz. Bez mi a trouviaz un pysg brawze, Naw Losia, Olla Boble en Porthia ha Marazjowan Ne mi ôr Dho Gan Zingy. (Bor.MS: Nevra ni ôr dho ganzingy.) (in Borlase & Tonkin) 1698 OC Vol I (Tonkin MS) Ha my ow mos, ha my o mos en Goon Las, My a glowas, a glowas, a glowas, an tros, an tros, an tros an puskes  münys . Bes my a drouvyas  ü dn pesk br âs , naw lost, oll an bobel en Porthia ha  Marhas Jôwan na my w ör  dhe gansenjy. As I was going on a Green Down, I heard the noise of...

2023 Day 233

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Terdhek warn Ugens De Lun, kensa warn ugens mis Est Monday, 21st August Soweth! Na veu dhebm na termyn na ahoson dhe weles an Gorholyon Hir en Falmeth. Lebmyn gellys ens. A vedh chons dhebm rag aga gweles en bledhen aral? Oh dear! I didn't have the time or opportunity to see the Tall Ships in Falmouth. Now they have gone. Will I have a chance to see them in another year?

2023 Day 232

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dewdhek warn Ugens De Sul, ugensves mis Est Sunday, 20th August Jorna teg o va hedhyw, gen eborn blou, saw re dobm dhe gerdhes e'n cres an jedh. (Ha res ew dhe'm gour mires orth an sport!) Etho, nei a gerdhas e'n gor dhûher, potho an liwyow ros ha loos . Nei a welas greun scaw d û , saw nag eus othom dhebm anodhans. Ma dhebm solabres fr û tys lowr. My a wras gwin en termyn eus passyes, saw ev a veu divlas. Lebmyn gwell ew genam gwil jam.  It was a lovely day today, with a blue sky, but too hot to walk in the middle of the day. (And my husband had to watch the sport!) So we walked in the evening, when the colours were rose and grey. We saw black elderberries, but I don't need any of them. I have enough fruits already. I made wine in the past but it was revolting. Now I prefer to make jam.

2023 Day 231

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans hag Udnek warn Ugens De Sadorn, nawnjegves mis Est Saturday, 19th August Udn maw, pemp bloodh; da ew ganjo kemeres fotos gen ow hamera. "Kebmer with gans an gweder crobm,"  mèdham. "Pandr'ellesta gweles?" "Gwra bos cosel ha compes, ha na wra kerna." An sewyans? Udn ymach a y lagas, nebes ymajys a'n nenbren ha'n leur. Terweythow my ow honan.  One boy, five years old; he likes to take photos with my camera. "Take care with the lens," I said. "What can you see?" "Be calm and steady, and don't shake." The result? One image of his eye, several images of the ceiling and the floor. Sometimes myself.

2023 Day 230

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Deg warn Ugens De Gwener, etegves mis Est Friday, 18th August Nigel Slater ew cog famos ha scrifer. Ma va longya dhe scrifa ow tochya boos. Bes an lever ma ew story  y vownans y hònan. Da ew gen an dus debry y voos ha redya y lever. Hedhyw, bettegens, my a drouvyas neppeth ow tebry y lever! Preven lever ew. Ma toll e'n volednow. Nigel Slater ia a famous cook and a writer. He usually writes on the subject of food. But this book is his autobiography. People like to eat his food and read his book. Today, however, I found something eating his book! It is a book worm. There's a hole in the pages.

2023 Day 229

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw warn Ugens De Yow, seytegves mis Est Thursday, 17th August Otta tabm moy an gam aventur. Thero whei en coos tewl ha ma lies lagas ow mires ort whei. Thero whei ow ponya. Gwrewgh redya rag! Here is a bit more of the adventure game. You are in a dark wood and many eyes are watching you. You are running. Read on! Radn 2.  forestTrap "Ma own ow resek  "Fear is racing dres dha wethy,  through your veins, ha chy ow pònya  as you run  e'n  tewlder.  in the darkness. Ma barrednow ow crackya  twigs crack   dadn droos,  underfoot, ha ma sethow  bòckyes  and goblin arrows ow tithy rebes  whistle past you   e'n dûder,  in the blackness, ha chy ow pònya  as you run rag  dhe  sawya  to save   dha very bownans.  your very life. Ha chy ow qweles  As you see   min an forest  the forest edge ow tos nes,  coming close, ma'n dor ow  codha  t...

2023 Day 228

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans hag Eth warn Ugens De Merher, whetegves mis Est Wednesday, 16th August Ma diwedh an hav ow tedna nes. Ma trei mis en hav - mis Efen, mis Gorefen ha mis Est. Parys ew plansow rag kidnyadh; ma has oll adro, ke ma whath flourys. Nebes has ew whethys gen gwens solabres. Otta ascallen. Terweythyow mowns ow codha ken bos parys. O ttòbma   kestenen las bian hag ottena "alwhedh" sycamor. The summer's end draws nigh. There are three months in summer - June, July and August. Plants are ready for autumn; there are seeds all around, even though there are still flowers. Here's a thistle. Some seeds are already blown by wind. Sometimes they fall before being ready. Here's a little green chestnut and there's a sycamore "key".

2023 Day 227

  2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Seyth warn Ugens De Meurth, pemdhegves mis Est Tuesday, 15th August Ma lavar coth, "En hav per co gwav". Ma dhebm lies aval ha lies ploumen, etho my a vedn gwil jam frut rag an gwav - sawarn wheg a hav rag an dedhyow tewl. Martesen my a wra addya mor du ewedh. There is a proverb, "In summer remember winter". I have many apples and many plums, so I will make fruit jam for the winter - a sweet taste of summer for the dark days. Perhaps I'll add blackberries too.