2023 Day 239
2023 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ugens
De Sul, seythves warn ugens mis Est
Sunday, 27th August
Hedhyw my a redyas dew whedhel coth. Mater a'n dhew ew "bara". Ma torth vara en keniver onan. Jowan Chei a Horr a lavuryas teyr bledhen rag tiek - rag trei pens an vledhen. Na wrug ev kemeres y wober, bes ev a gawas trei poynt a skians. Gwreg an tiek a bobas naw pens en tesen rag Jowan dhe dhon tre dh'y wreg. Jowan ha y wreg o pur lowan dhe dhebry an desen ha trouvya an mona. Ma hendas vy, Isaac Lefevre, en nessa whedhel. Y deylu en Frenk o Protestant (Huguenot) et Metern Louis o Catholyk. Difednys o dhe vos Protestant ha dhe vos perhen Beybel ha y redya. Mabm Isaac a bobas Beybel an teylu en torth vara dh'y cudha. An teylu a veu ladhys, saw Isaac ha'n torth Beybel a scappyas gen cowetha dhe Jermany. War an diwedh anjei oll a scappyas dhe Pennsylvania. Ma'n Beybel en hendrajy.
Today I read two old stories. The subject of both is "bread". There is a loaf of bread in each one. John of Ram's House worked three years for a farmer - for £3 a year. He didn't take his wages but he got three proverbs. The farmer's wife baked £9 in a cake for John to carry home to his wife. John and his wife were very happy to eat the cake and find the money. My ancestor, Isaac Lefevre, is in the second story. His family in France was Protestant (Huguenot) and King Louis was Catholic. It was forbidden to be Protestant and to be the owner of a Bible and read it. Isaac's mother baked the family Bible in a loaf of bread to hide it. The family was killed but Isaac and the Bible loaf escaped with friends to Germany. In the end they all escaped to Pennsylvania. The Bible is in a Museum.
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