2024 Day 121
2024 Dedh Cans Wonan warn Ügens De Meurth, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday, 30th April The following sentences contain collective plural nouns and collective-derived singular nouns, as well as regular plurals. Nei a gerdhas en trolergh gen keres ha keser a-ûhen . Da ew genen debry lies keresen , saw cas ew genen lies keseren , Ma gwenenen wels en gwredhen a’n wedhen . Nag eus mel en gwredh na del . An wenenen a dal trouvya bleujen . Teg ew oll an bleujyow gwedh ; keres , avalow ha per ewedh. Low losow a dhebras oll ow lattys. Ha ledhys ew oll ow losow debry e'n erber gen leslow erel. We walked along a footpath with cherries and hail overhead. We like eating lots of cherries, but we hate lots of hailstones. There's a wild bee in a root of the tree. There's no honey in roots or leaves. The bee should find a flower. ...