2024 Day 119
2024 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek
De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel
Sunday, 28th April
De, na wrüga vy kerdhes pel. Gleb o an gewer. Na veu possybyl mos bys en Cambron rag Dedh Trevithick. Et y le, res veu dhebm mos dhe'n vedhegva rag pig breghlin Covid. My a welas an mor ha'n treth dhort carr ow mab. Thera meur a gwrians gwithyjy-dreth war an treth hag e'n mor - martesen anjei o en traynyans rag an hav. Hedhyw ma bregh tydn dhebm, bes teg ew an awel. My a gerdhas et agan lowarth gen lorgh dhe vires orth an flourys. My ell gweles an mor! Thew an kethsam mor avel de saw nag ewa an keth liw. An mor hedhyw ew pecar'a 'gan guckous. Ma dhen mor blou war agan menedh.
Yesterday, I didn't walk far. The weather was wet. It wasn't possible to go to Camborne for Trevithick Day. Instead, I had to go to the clinic for a Covid vaccination. I saw the sea and beach from my son's car. There was a lot of lifeguard activity on the beach and in the sea - perhaps they were in training for the summer. Today, I have a sore arm, but the weather is lovely. I walked in our garden with a walking stick, to look at the flowers. I can see the sea! It's the exact same sea as yesterday but it is not the same colour. The sea today is like our bluebells. We have a blue sea on our hillside.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bregh (f) arm
guckous bluebells (from dialect)
gwithyjy-dreth beach-guards < gwithyas-treth (m)
gwrians ~ gwrythians (m) activity, doings
kethsam ~ keth same, identical
lorgh (m/f) walking stick
medhegva (f) clinic, doctor's place
menedh ~ mena (m) hillside
pig breghlin (m) vaccination
traynyans (m) training
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