2024 Day 305
2024 Dedh Trei Hans ha Pemp De Yow, udnegves warn ugens mis Hedra Thursday, 31st October Piw o "Capt." Noel Carter dhort Breanek? Ma dhen gwers scrifys ganjo en 1698. Dysmyk ow t ò chya puskes ewa - ha'n gorryp ew collel lesa po collel. Avel mester, ev a welas an bestes ma e'n oon las. Hengok Julia McKenzie o mester gorhel hag ev a's gwelas ewedh. Whei ell aga gweles et hy lymnansow war chartys ha mappys coth. Mester Jack a welas lies pesk bian keffres ha morviles bras. Ott ò bma an p ù sal (agan spellyans a vedh deffrans). Who was "Capt." Noel Carter from St Agnes? We have a verse written by him in 1698. It 's a riddle about fishes - and the answer is an octopus or cuttlefish. As a sea captain, he saw these animals in the "green down". Julia McKenzie's great-grandfather was a ship's captain and he saw them too. You can see them in her illustrations on old charts and maps. Captain Jack Lowry saw many little fish as well as big wh...