2024 Day 305

 2024 Dedh Trei Hans ha Pemp

De Yow, udnegves warn ugens mis Hedra
Thursday, 31st October

Piw o "Capt." Noel Carter dhort Breanek? Ma dhen gwers scrifys ganjo en 1698. Dysmyk ow tòchya puskes ewa - ha'n gorryp ew collel lesa po collel. Avel mester, ev a welas an bestes ma e'n oon las. Hengok Julia McKenzie o mester gorhel hag ev a's gwelas ewedh. Whei ell aga gweles et hy lymnansow war chartys ha mappys coth. Mester Jack a welas lies pesk bian keffres  ha morviles bras. Ottòbma an pùsal (agan spellyans a vedh deffrans).

Who was "Capt." Noel Carter from St Agnes? We have a verse written by him in 1698. It's a riddle about fishes - and the answer is an octopus or cuttlefish. As a sea captain, he saw these animals in the "green down". Julia McKenzie's great-grandfather was a ship's captain and he saw them too. You can see them in her illustrations on old charts and maps. Captain Jack Lowry saw many little fish as well as big whales. Here is the puzzle (our spelling will be different).

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today
Breanek (PN) St Agnes (Agnes's Hill)
chartys marine charts/maps <chart (m)
collel (f) cuttlefish
collel lesa (f) octopus (dialect guzalezza)
dysmyk (m) riddle, puzzle
gwers (m) verse, poem
goon las (f) green down, sea (poetic)
gorryp ~ gorthyp (m) answer
lymnansow illustrations < lymnans (m)
mappys maps < mappa (m)
morviles whales < morvil (m) (sea-animal)
pùsal (m) puzzle, conundrum

Capt. Noel Carter of St.Agnes 1698 

Ha mi a moaz 

A Mi a moaz, a mi a moaz in Goon Glaze, (As I was going on the sea)
Mi a clouaz, a clouaz, a clouaz, a troz, a troz, a troz, an pysgaz miniz.  ( I heard the sound of the tiny fish)
Bez mi a trouviaz un pysg brawze, Naw Losia,  (But I found one big fish, nine tails)
Olla Boble en Porthia ha Marazjowan  (All the people in St Ives and Marazion)
Ne mi ôr Dho Gan Zingy.  (Nor me knows not how to catch it.)
(Bor.MS: Nevra ni ôr dho ganzingy.) 

(in Borlase & Tonkin) 1698 OC Vol I (Tonkin MS) 


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