2025 Day 35

 2025 Dedh Pemdhek warn Ugens

De Meurth, pajwora mis Whevrel
Tuesday, 4th February

Whath Seythen Whedhla Kenedhlek ew hei. Etho otta whedhal dewdavosek nessa. An whedhal ew pur goth. Martesen an edhen yonk ew ehen a Gernow (meur a gig!).  
It is still National Storytelling Week. So here's the next bilingual story. The story is very old. Perhaps the young bird is the Cornish breed (lots of meat!).

Edhnik-Ledhnik Chicken Licken  

All traditional stories start with 
En termyn eus passyes Once upon a time 

The characters in this story are called 
Edhnik-Ledhnik Chicken-Licken 
Yarik-Larik Henny-Penny 
Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny Turkey-Lurkey 
Heyjik-Leyjik Ducky-Lucky 
Godhy-Lodhy Goosey-Loosey 
Lostek-Plostek Foxy-Loxy 
an metêrn the king 
En termyn eus passyes 

there was a little chick called Edhnik-Ledhnik. 

One day he was in the woods and an acorn fell on his head. 
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
My a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 

Oh dear! The sky is falling. 

I will run and tell the king. 
So Chicken-Licken ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 

On the way he met Yarik-Larik. 

Lôwena dhis, a Edhnik-Ledhnik. 
Rag fraga thesta ow pònya? 

Hello, Chicken-Licken. 

Why are you running? 


Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
Res ew dhebm y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 

Oh dear! The sky is falling. 
I must tell the king. 
My a vedn dos genes, dhana. 

Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 

I will come with you, then. 
We will run and tell the king. 
So Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 

On the way they met Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny. 


Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik ha Yarik-Larik. 
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya? 

Hello, Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny. 
Why are you running? 
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 

Oh dear! The sky is falling. 
We must tell the king. 
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana. 
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 

I will come with you, then. 
We will run and tell the king. 
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny and Turkey-Lurkey ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 

On the way they met Heyjik-Leyjik. 
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik ha Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny. 

Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya? 

Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny and Turkey-Lurkey. 
Why are you running? 
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
Oh dear! The sky is falling. 
We must tell the king. 
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana. 
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
I will come with you, then. 
We will run and tell the king. 
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey and Ducky-Lucky ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 
On the way they met Godhy-Lodhy. 
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik, Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny ha Heyjik-Leyjik. 
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya? 
Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey and Ducky-Lucky. 
Why are you running? 
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
Oh dear! The sky is falling. 
We must tell the king. 
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana. 
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
I will come with you, then. 
We will run and tell the king. 
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky and Goosey-Loosey ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 
On the way they met Lostek-Plostek. 
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik, Yar-Lar Gyny-LynyHeyjik-Leyjik ha Godhy-Lodhy. 
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya? 
Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky and Goosey-Loosey. 
Why are you running? 
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha. 
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
Oh dear! The sky is falling. 
We must tell the king. 
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana. 
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
Nei a vedn pònya bys e’m vow, 
ha my a vedn y leverel dhe’n metêrn. 
I will come with you, then. 
We will run and tell the king. 
We will run to my den, 
and I will tell the king. 
So, So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky, Goosey-Loosey and Foxy-Loxy ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down. 
Anjei a bònyas bys e’n vow Lostek-Plostek. 
Bes na wrüg anjei dos mes arta! 
They ran into Foxy-Loxy’s den. 
But they did not come out again! 


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