2025 Day 35
2025 Dedh Pemdhek warn Ugens
Tuesday, 4th February
Edhnik-Ledhnik Chicken Licken
All traditional stories start with
En termyn eus passyes Once upon a time
The characters in this story are called
Edhnik-Ledhnik Chicken-Licken
Yarik-Larik Henny-Penny
Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny Turkey-Lurkey
Heyjik-Leyjik Ducky-Lucky
Godhy-Lodhy Goosey-Loosey
Lostek-Plostek Foxy-Loxy
an metêrn the king
En termyn eus passyes
there was a little chick called Edhnik-Ledhnik.
One day he was in the woods and an acorn fell on his head.
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
My a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
I will run and tell the king.
So Chicken-Licken ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
On the way he met Yarik-Larik.
Lôwena dhis, a Edhnik-Ledhnik.
Rag fraga thesta ow pònya?
Hello, Chicken-Licken.
Why are you running?
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
Res ew dhebm y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
I must tell the king.
My a vedn dos genes, dhana.
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
I will come with you, then.
We will run and tell the king.
So Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
On the way they met Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny.
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik ha Yarik-Larik.
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya?
Hello, Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny.
Why are you running?
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
We must tell the king.
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana.
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
I will come with you, then.
We will run and tell the king.
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny and Turkey-Lurkey ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
On the way they met Heyjik-Leyjik.
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik ha Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny.
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya?
Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny and Turkey-Lurkey.
Why are you running?
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
We must tell the king.
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana.
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
I will come with you, then.
We will run and tell the king.
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey and Ducky-Lucky ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
On the way they met Godhy-Lodhy.
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik, Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny ha Heyjik-Leyjik.
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya?
Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey and Ducky-Lucky.
Why are you running?
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
We must tell the king.
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana.
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
I will come with you, then.
We will run and tell the king.
So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky and Goosey-Loosey ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
On the way they met Lostek-Plostek.
Lôwena dhewgh, a Edhnik-Ledhnik, Yarik-Larik, Yar-Lar Gyny-Lyny, Heyjik-Leyjik ha Godhy-Lodhy.
Rag fraga thero whei ow pònya?
Hello, Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky and Goosey-Loosey.
Why are you running?
Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.
Res ew dhen y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Oh dear! The sky is falling.
We must tell the king.
My a vedn dos genowgh, dhana.
Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
Nei a vedn pònya bys e’m vow,
ha my a vedn y leverel dhe’n metêrn.
I will come with you, then.
We will run and tell the king.
We will run to my den,
and I will tell the king.
So, So Chicken-Licken, Henny-Penny, Turkey-Lurkey, Ducky-Lucky, Goosey-Loosey and Foxy-Loxy ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.
Anjei a bònyas bys e’n vow Lostek-Plostek.
Bes na wrüg anjei dos mes arta!
They ran into Foxy-Loxy’s den.
But they did not come out again!
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