
2025 Day 20

  2025 Dedh Ügens De L ü n, ü gensves mis Genver Monday, 20th January Da ew genam kerdhes ha mires a-dro. Ma ayr er lowr ò bma. My ell gweles deves war an gorwel. Nag eus enas whath e'n gwel. My a gerdhas gen ow dew gei bys dhe'n eglos ha'n box letherow e'n vos. E veu othom dhebm a dhanvon cart pednbloodh dhe'm noyth. My a veu re dhiwedhes rag an cuntelyans hedhyw. Ma c ü lyek gwens war an bargen tir reb an eglos - saw nag ew c ü lyek! Davas ew. I like walking and looking around. There's plenty of fresh air here. I can see sheep on the horizon. There are no lambs yet in the field. I walked with my two dogs up to the church and the letterbox in the wall. I needed to send a birthday card to my niece. I was too late for today's collection. There's a weather cock on the farm by the church - but it's not a cock! It's a sheep. Nebes geryow Some words cart pednbloodh (m) birthday card c ü lyek gwens (m) weather cock/vane deves pl. sheep < davas (f) e...

2025 Day 19

  2025 Dedh Nawnjek  De S ü l, nawnjegves mis Genver Sunday, 19th January En mis Meurth, e vedh project nowydh en Pow an Sowson. "REVIVE" henwys ew ev. An tavas Kern ô wek a vedh dasvewys arta, selwys gen an Saxons! Project seyth-nacyon meur ew, ledyes gen  Û niversita Ruskin Anglia. Anjei a vedn gwitha hag avonsya an tavas Kern ô wek - keffres ha ertach g ò nisegethek ledanha Kernow. Eus clowys ganjans a Instit û t St ü dhyansow Kernow po Keffresyans Cowethasow Kernow Coth? Anjei a wra j u nya warbarth teknologiethow rag omdr ò ckyans gen derivas darallys kevrednek. Da via genam hedna. Ma dhodhans trei milyon euro. Da via genam hedna ewedh! Piw a vedn furnya an content Kern ô wek? In March, there will be a new project in England. It is called "REVIVE". The Cornish language will be revived again, saved by the Saxons! It is a major seven-nation project,  led by Anglia Ruskin University. They want to preserve and promote the Cornish language - as well as Cornwall'...

2025 Day 18

  2025 Dedh Etek De Sadorn, etegves mis Genver Saturday, 18th January Ma dhebm nebes dedhyow da ha nebes dedhyow drog. Nag ew hebma dedh da! Ow jynn-g ò lhy a  dheveras e'n gegin. Thera liwyow a dhowr war an leur. Res veu dhebm aga sehy gen sc ü bell. Ha w ò ja bos g ò lhys whath ew garren ow lavrek d û  nebes caglys gen prei. Ha ma toll bian ettans ewedh - na wr ü ga vy y verkya kens lebmyn. A dal vy aga degy arta po towla anjei dhe ves? Gwres ens a lin fin. My alja aga owna gen najedh ha neujen, saw na vern dhebm!   I have some good days and some bad days. This is not a good day! My washing machine leaked in the kitchen. There were floods of water on the floor. I had to dry them up with a mop. And after being washed a leg of my black trousers was still spattered with mud. And there's a small hole in them too - I didn't see it before now. Should I wear them again or throw them away? They are made of fine linen. I could mend them with needle and thread, but I'm ...

2025 Day 17

  2025 Dedh Seytek De Gwener, seytegves mis Genver Friday, 17th January Da ew genam an trolergh coth ma, keth ew slotter ü s. Cosel ew ev. Nag ew besy tabm veth. My ell kerdhes der vaner syg ür ha'n keun ell ogla puptra. Ma'n trolergh en cownans, war an mena. War-t û  ha'n sooth, war vadn, my a wel m ò ngleudh bian. Overdevys ew lebmyn gen idhyow ha reden. War t û a'n noor, war nans, my a wel gover ha ponsvorr goth br â s - an trolergh nowydh. Nag ew an bonsvorr  derevys gen men dhort an m ò ngleudh. Nag ew hei an keth men ha thew an m ò ngleudh re vian. En termyn eus passyes an gover a ros gallos dhe velin.  I like this old footpath, although it's muddy (slottery). It's quiet. It's not at all busy. I can walk slowly and the dogs can sniff everything. The footpath is in a steep-sided valley, on the hillside. Towards the south, uphill, I see a small quarry. It's overgrown now with ivy and ferns. Towards the north, downhill, I see a stream and a big old vi...

2025 Day 16

  2025 Dedh Whetek De Yow, whetegves mis Genver Thursday, 16th January De L ü n eus passyes my a scrifas adro dhe'n loor leun gwelys genam en argebmyn rag disqwedhyans (ow t ò chya morladorn). Thera loor leun e'n nos na, saw na wr ü ga vy hy gweles. Re gomolek o an eb ò rn nos. My a wra saya gweles an nessa loor leun, ha'n nessa w ò ja hedna! Ma dhebm calander gen oll an l ò ryow leun. Ma va ow rei an pres kewar rag  keniver cans e'n cans g ò lowheans. An loor lebmyn ew pajar  ü gens ha terdhek e'n cans  g ò lowys gen an howl. An nessa loor leun a vedh de Merher, an dewdhegves mis Whevrel. Ma henwyn res dhe'n  l ò ryow leun (en "Farmers' Almanac"), saw radn anodhans nag ew perthynek rag Kernow. Nag eus bleydh gwyls veth  ò bma ow qwandra a-dro en mis Genver! Ha ellen nei gwetyas ergh en mis Whevrel? Nei a wel. Martesen e vedh bleujednow ergh.  Last Monday I wrote about the full moon I saw in an advertisement for an exhibition (about pirates). There...

2025 day 15

2025 Dedh Pemdhek De Merher, pemdhegves mis Genver Wednesday, 15th January Ass ew hebma contrast apert tredh de ha hedhyw. Nag ew hedhyw mar deg. Howl a'n mettin ew isel ha gwadn adhelher dhe'n niwl. Thew an gwedh gwiajow kenis pecar'a tarosvan. Nag eus liw. Ma lies gwias kenisen gwir emesk an gwelsednow en glesin qwethys gen rew. Eus boos rag kenisen v ü nys? An dohajedh a wr ü g gwelhe. My a viras t û a'n Est ha gweles howlsplan war an gwelyow. What an obvious contrast this is between yesterday and today. Today is not so lovely. The morning sun is low and weak behind the fog. The trees are ghostly cobwebs. There is no colour. There are many real cobwebs among the blades of grass in the frosty lawn. Is there food for a tiny spider? The afternoon improved. I looked eastward and saw sunshine on the fields. Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today apert obvious glesin (m) lawn gwadn weak, feeble gweles to see gwelhe ~ gwelha to improve, get better gwelsednow blades of grass <...