Day Four

An Pajwora Dedh

Pempes mis Genver ew. De Gwener ew hedhyw, gelwys en Kernôwek rag Gwener, düwes Rôman a gerenja.
It’s 5th January.  It’s Friday today, named in Cornish for Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
Gordhûher ew lebmyn ha cler ew an ebòrn, heb cloudys. Me ell gweles ster, lies steren. An grügys Orion ew spladn.
It’s evening now and the sky is clear, without clouds. I can see stars, many stars. Orion’s belt is bright.
Fatel o an gewer an jorna-ma? Meskys o hei. Thera golow an howl, hager gawasow ha keser.
How was the weather today? It was mixed. There was sunshine, heavy showers and hail.
E’n dohajedh, nei eth mes gen dew gei segh, ha dheuth arta gleb, gen dew gei gleb e’n keth maner.
In the afternoon, we went out with two dry dogs, and came back wet, with two similarly wet dogs.
Nag ew da an gewer ma gans agan keun. Nag ew hei da gans an cathas naneyl. Gwell ew ganjans gòrtos e’n chei tòbm.  

Our dogs do not like this weather. Neither do the cats like it. They prefer to stay in the warm house.


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