Day Nine
An Nawhes
De Merher, an degves a vis Genver. Rag fra “Merher”?
Piw po pandr’ew Merher?
Wednesday, 10th January. Why “Mercury”?
Who or what is Mercury?
An behatna planet et agan Kevreyth Howlek ew (h'an nessa dhe’n howl). Düw Rôman o ev ewedh, messejer an dhüwow.
It is the smallest planet in our Solar
System (and closest to the sun). He was also a Roman god, the messenger of the
Jorna teg o hedhyw. An howl a spladna ha nag o bes bohes gwenjek.
Today was a lovely day. The sun shone and
it was only slightly windy.
Me a whithras o stüdhla. Thera nebes damach
dhe’n to ha me a gavas dowr a jei. An hager awel a wrüg lôwsel kentrow. E veu
odhom dhebm a vorthol ha skeul.
I checked my studio. There was some
damage to the roof and I found water inside. The storm had loosened nails. I
needed a hammer and a ladder.
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