Day Seven
An Seythves
De Lün, an ethves a vis Genver ew. Gelwys ew
an jedh en Kernôwek warlergh Luna, düwes Rôman an loor, pecar dr’ewa en Sowsnek.
It’s Monday, 8th January. The day is
named in Cornish after Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon, as it is in English.
E veu dhen diw nos rewys en seythen eus
passyes, saw nag era rew hedhyw. Yeyn lowr o an gwens bes nag o yeyn lowr rag
rew. Nag era dhe’n kei bes kerdh berr e’n dohajedh.
We had two icy nights last week, but
there was no frost today. The wind was quite cold but it was not cold enough
for frost. The dog only had a short walk in the afternoon.
Re yeyn o rag gonis e’n lôwarth. Rag
hedna nei a wrüg lavürya e’n chei – payntya an fosow reb an grisyow. Agan flehes gwydn
a wrüg “tekhe” anjei gen crayons ha choclat.
It was too cold for working in the garden.
Therefore we worked in the house – painting the walls by the stairs. Our
grandchildren had “decorated” them with crayons and chocolate.
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