Day Twelve

An Dewdhegves Dedh

An terdhegves a vis Genver. Glaw a wra en Kernow. Thera glaw poos dres nos ha thera glaw dres an jorna ewedh. Rag hedna thera dowr o resek an vorr (fordh) war nans pecar’a ryver. E’n tre vian Cookes thera venten (fenten) e’n vorr.
13th January. It rains in Cornwall. There was heavy rain overnight and there was rain all day long as well. Therefore there was water running down the road like a river. In Cocks hamlet there was a spring in the road.
Gweskys (gwiskys) en cota stanch ha gen botas hir ha glawlen me a gerras (gerdhas) dredh an dowr dhe’n savla buss reb an mor. Bohes gleb o vy!
Dressed in a waterproof coat and with tall boots and an umbrella, I walked through the water to the bus stop by the sea. I was slightly wet!
Hedhyw, me eth dhe Falmeth (gen dew gyttrin). Tho vy esel bagas scriforyon. Thera nei o metya pub mis dhe gows adro dhe levrow, gis scrifa, hag erel. Thera nei o scrifa warbarth ha eva te ewedh. E’n hav nei a wra sedha e’n lôwarth po e’n crow.

Today, I went to Falmouth (by two buses). I am a member of a writers group. We meet every month to talk about books, writing style, etc. We write together and drink tea as well. In the summer we will sit in the garden or in the hut.


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