Day Fifty-eight
An Etegves
Dedh ha Dogans
De Merher,
ethves warn ügens mis Whevrel. Era ergh? Era po nag era? Era ergh e’n nos?
Thera stoff gwydn war an gwels e’n mettin, entei. O hedna ergh po rew? Yeyn o e’n
mettin avarr, yeyn lowr rag ergh. Üdnek ar glogh an howl a wrüg spladna. Qwarter
òja üdnek thera cowas scàv a ergh. Pols bian òja hedna thera an howl o spladna
arta. A vedh ergh moy hedhyw? Piw a wor? Herwedh an dhargan awel e vedh dhen meur
a ergh moy avorow.
28th February. Was there snow? Was there or wasn’t there? Was there
snow in the night? There was white stuff on the grass in the morning,
certainly. Was that snow or frost? It was very cold early in the morning, cold
enough for snow. At eleven o’clock the sun was shining. At a quarter past
eleven there was a light shower of snow. A short while after that the sun was
shining again. Will there be more snow today? Who knows? According to the
weather forecast we will have lots more snow tomorrow.
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