Day Fifty-five
An Pemdhegves
Dedh ha Dogans
De Sül,
an pempes dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel. Jorna pur yeyn arta, gen gwens yeyn crev.
Nag o vy whansek dhe voas mes, bettegens thera odhom dhebm dhe voas mes gans an
kei. En gwella pres, nag era whans dhodho a gerdh hir.
the 25th day of February. A very cold day again, with a strong cold
wind. I was not desirous to go out, however I needed to go out with the dog.
Fortunately, it did not want a long walk.
Me a wrüg
fittya meur a voos rag kidnyow. Thera ostyjy dhen dhe gefewya o fedn bloodh.
Nei a dhabras yar rostys gen tettys, poltat wheg, broclow, cawlflour, caretys, onyon,
pes ha sugen kig. Nag era vy o tebry kig o honan, saw da ew genam cawas lies
losowen diffrans.
prepared a lot of food for dinner. We had guests to celebrate my birthday. We
ate roast chicken with potatoes, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots,
onions, peas and gravy. I don’t eat meat myself, but I like to have lots of
different vegetables.
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