Day Forty-four

An Dogensves Dedh ha Pajer

De Merher ew, an pajerdegves dedh a vis Whevrel. Dedh arbednek ew rag dew reson. Kensa reson? Eus cüfcolon dhe whei? Whei ell danon (danven) carten po perna ro, martesen flourys. Rag fra? Drefen boas Gool Valentin. Sen Valentin a Rôm ew tasek caroryon. Tho ev pronter en tempel. Ev a veu mertheryes (dibednys) en tryja cansvledhen rag gweres dhe gopplow Cristyon dhe dhemedhy. Keniver bledhen thew Gool Valentin an pajerdegves dedh a vis Whevrel.
It’s Wednesday, the 14th day of February. It’s a special day for two reasons. First reason? Do you have a sweetheart? You can send a card or buy a present, perhaps flowers. Why? Because it’s Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine of Rome is the patron saint of lovers. He was a priest in a temple. He was martyred (beheaded) in the third century for helping Christian couples to marry. Every year Valentine’s Day is on the 14th day of February.
Nessa reson: hedhyw thew an kensa dedh a Corawys. Creies ew hebma de Merher Lüjiw.
Second reason: today it is the first day of Lent. This is called Ash Wednesday.


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