Day Forty-three

An Dogensves Dedh ha Trei

De Meurth, terdhegves mis Whevrel. Compes o an dhargan. Thera glaw lowr e’n nos – ev a wras lidn a-ves dh’agan daras rag. E vedh odhom dhen a voas mes dreth an daras adenewen (tû) po an daras deler.
Tuesday, 13th February. The forecast was right. There was plenty of rain in the night - it has made a lake outside our front door. We’ll need to go out through the side door or the back door.

De Meurth specyal ew hedhyw; de Meurth Enes (Enys). Dedh ew dhe wül crampeth. Ma neb powyow o senjy gool, “Mardi Gras”, de Meurth blonejek (de Meurth sô). Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh en Corawys. Hengovek ew dhe sevel ort debry en Corawys, rag hedna debrys o oll an boos blonejek (sô) ha rych (blonek, oyow, bleus, leth, con, h.e.) an diwettha dedh ken Corawys. Ena an düs a brederas adro dhe’n peghasow anjei (adro dh’aga feghasow), parys rag confessyon an nessa dedh.
It’s a special Tuesday today, Shrove Tuesday. It’s a day to make pancakes. Some countries hold a carnival, “Mardi Gras”, greasy or fatty Tuesday. Tomorrow will be the first day in Lent. It is traditional to fast in Lent, so all the rich, fatty food (fat, eggs, flour, milk, sugar, etc.) was eaten up the last day before Lent. Then people thought about their sins, ready for confession the next day.


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