Day Thirty-five

An Pemdhegves Dedh Warn Ügens

De Lün, an pempes dedh a vis Whevrel ew. Mettin avarr ew arta ha difünys o vy, kenth oma skith. Ma anwosow dhe’n flehes wydn ha anjei a wrüg pasa adhiwedhes e’n nos, òja (wosa) hanter nos. Mowns o cosca whath.
It’s Monday, the fifth day of February. It is early morning again and I am awake, although I’m tired. The grandchildren have colds and they coughed late into the night, after midnight. They are still sleeping.

Ma dew gei en chei rag an nos magata. E veu odhom dhedhans moas mes kens whegh ar glogh (whegh eur). Whath ew tewl en mes drefen boas kens howldrevel.
There are two dogs in the house for the night as well. They needed to go out before six o’clock. It is still dark outside on account of being before sunrise.

Na venja an keun doas ajei. Thera ajei o qwandra oll adro dhe’n lowarth – ha lowarth broas ew. Yeyn ew. Ma rew war an grow ha war an gwels. Da ew gen an kei broas rolya en rew. Nag üjy hei o rolya en cawgh lowarn, ma esperans dhebm.
The dogs would not come indoors. They were roaming all round the garden – and it is a big garden. It’s cold. There is frost on the gravel and on the grass. The big dog likes rolling in frost. I hope she is not rolling in fox dung.

Res veu dhebm o honan moas mes en lowarth, gen bottys, cota tòbm ha torchen dhe whiles an keun. Ottans! Poran in topp an menedh! “Ko ajei, whei keun drog, ha na wrewgh hartha!”  Ma odhom dhebm a bolla de. Soweth! Terrys ew an tekel tredanek!

I had to go out in the garden myself, with boots, a warm coat and a torch to look for the dogs. There they were! Right at the top of the hill! “Get indoors you naughty dogs, and don’t bark!” I need a cup of tea. Oh dear! The electric kettle is broken!


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