Day Thirty-two
An Dewdhegves
Dedh Warn Ügens
De Gwener, an nessa dedh a vis Whevrel. Solabres ma’n
dedhyow o codha hirra ha ma’n nosow o codha berra.
Friday, the second day of February. Already the
days are getting longer and the nights are becoming shorter.
Newher thera loor leun broas (na veu loor las).
Thera gwens crev dhort an noor (cledh) magata. Endella, e veu mortid broas,
lanow pur ûhel.
Last night there was a big full moon (it wasn’t a
blue moon). There was a strong wind from the north as well. Therefore there was
a big tide, a very high high-tide.
Towlys emann en Ty warn Heyl war an tredh, an ponjow,
an caunsow, an vorrow (fordhow) ha’n park kerry ew bernyow broas a atal. Ma gobmon
ha kewny, tag hir, scobmow predn, pîsys a roos, hag erel, ha, heb mar, plastek.
Big piles of rubbish are thrown up on the beach, the
bridges, the pavements, the roads and the car park in Perranporth. There is
seaweed (large and small), cuttlebone, splinters of wood, bits of fishing net, etc.
and, of course, plastic.
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