Day Fifty-nine

An Nawhes Dedh ha Dogans

De Yow ew an jedh. Nag ew dedh diwettha an seythen ha nag ew dedh diwettha a vis. Thew an kensa dedh a vis nowydh, an kensa dedh a vis Meurth. Dedh arbednek ew rag Kembra. Gool Davydh ew. Thew Sen Davydh tasek Kembra. De a veu an diwettha dedh a vis Whevrel. Mis berr ew Whevrel, mis an berra a’n vledhen. Nag eus dhodho bes eth dedh warn ügens (marnas en bledhen labm).
The day is Thursday. It’s not the last day of the week and it’s not the last day of a month. It’s the first day of a new month, the first day of March. It's an important day for Wales. It's St David's Day. St David is the patron saint of Wales. Yesterday was the last day of February. February is a short month, the shortest month of the year. It has only twenty-eight days (except in a leap year).
Devedhys ew an ergh war an cost noor, wor’tiwedh. Ma lies ehen a ergh. E’n mettin nag era dhen bes cowas scàv a ergh podn fin, e’n dohajedh thera codh poos a erhednow broas. Newher tho an ebòrn cler ha me alja gweles loor broas ha ster. Lebmyn thew an ebòrn gwydn ha comolek. Na vedh possibil dhe weles an loor haneth. Soweth, e vedh loor leun avorow.
The snow has come on the north coast, at last. There are many kinds of snow. In the morning we only had a light shower of fine powder snow, in the afternoon there was a heavy fall of large snowflakes. Last night the sky was clear and I could see a large moon and stars. Now the sky is white and cloudy. It won’t be possible to see the moon tonight. Alas, there will be a full moon tomorrow.


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