Day Sixty

An Trei ügensves Dedh

De Gwener, an nessa dedh a vis Meurth. E veu loor leun (henwys “Loor Brev) e’n mettin avarr, an kensa loor leun a’n mis. E vedh loor leun aral e’n mis ma; de Sadorn, an üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth. Gelwys ew hedna “loor las”. Terweythüs ew hedna. Nag era loor leun veth en mis Whevrel bes thera diw loor leun dhe vis Genver ha dhe vis Meurth. Thew hedna whath moy terweythüs (pedergweyth pub cansbledhen).
Friday, the second day of March. There was a full moon (called  a “Worm Moon”). in the early morning, the first full moon of the month. There will be another full moon this month, Saturday, 31st March. That is called “a blue moon”. That is rare. There was no full moon in February but January and March had two full moons. That is even rarer (four times every century).
Arbednek ew an second loor leun an mis ma. Rag fra? Ûsyes ew dhe dhetermya an jedh apoyntys rag Pask. Pask ew pub pres an Sül òja an kensa loor leun òja kehesnos gwenton. Keheja dedh ha nos a vedh de Meurth an ügensves mis Meurth. An loor leun a vedh de Sadorn an üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth, etho de Sül Pask a vedh an jedh òja hedna, Calan Ebrel.   
The second full moon of this month is important. Why? It’s used to fix the date for Easter. Easter is always the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. Equal day and night will be Tuesday 20th March. The full moon will be Saturday 31st March, so Easter Sunday will be the day after that, April Fools Day.


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