Day Hundred and Eight
An Cansves Dedh hag Eth
De Yow, nawnjegves mis Ebrel. Me a ostyas gans o noyth. Hedhyw via an jedh rag ancledhyas (encleudhyans) o hor (hy mabm). Nei a gawas haunsel e’n lowarth. Teg o an awel solabres. An howl a spladnas ha’n edhyn a ganas. Òja hedna nei a wrüg drivya dhe’n chei coth o hor dh’y checkya. Ma’n broder wheg vy en clavjy (cloajy). Òja eva coffy nei eth tre dhe chei o noyth rag debry li. Jorna teg o whath, rag hedna nei a dhabras e’n lowarth arta. Nena pres veu dhe voas dhe’n chapel dhe gemeres cübmyas teg a’m hor. Thera rûth brâs (broas) ena. Meur gerys o hei. Oferen pur wheg o.
Thursday, 19th April. I stayed with my niece. Today would be the day for the funeral of my sister (her mother). We had breakfast in the garden. The weather was already beautiful. The sun shone and the birds sang. After that we drove to my sister’s old house to check it. My brother-in-law is in hospital. After drinking coffee we went home to my niece’s house to eat lunch. It was still a beautiful day so we ate in the garden again. Then it was time to go to the chapel to bid a fond farewell to (take a fair leave of) my sister. There was a big crowd there. She was much loved. It was a very nice service.
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