Day Hundred and Seventeen
An Cansves
Dedh ha Seytek
De Sadorn,
ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel. Hebm ew an diwettha de Sadorn en mis Ebrel, ha ma hedna
o menya Dedh Trevithick en Cambron. Jorna da o gen howl spladn ha heb glaw. An
gwens o nebes yeyn bes nag o nebonan grevys ganjo. Thera routh veur e’n strêtys
Cambron; donsyers, mûsicyens, canoryon ha canoresow, gwerthoryon pelyow ayr,
gwicoryon boos ha diwosow. Marhas strêt brâs o, gen stallys rag lies ehen a
dacklow. Ha en dohajedh thera precessyon a lies jynn eth brâs-oberys.
28th April. This is the last Saturday in April, and that means
Trevithick Day in Camborne. It was a good day with bright sun and without rain.
The wind was a bit cold but nobody was bothered by it. There were crowds in the
streets of Camborne; dancers, musicians, men and women singers, balloon
sellers, food and drink vendors. It was a big street market with stalls for
many sorts of things. And in the afternoon, three o’clock, there was a
procession of many magnificent steam engines.
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