Day Hundred and Ten
An Cansves
Dedh ha Deg
De Sadorn
ew, an kensa dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel. Jorna brentin ew. Me a dhifünas en mettyn avarr. Ma’n howl o
spladna solabres. Kerdh teg o dhe’n dre. Me a welas rüdhek caradow reb an vorr
(fordh) ha bleujyow gwydn spern dû e’n keow. Nag era kerry veth war an vorr.
It’s Saturday,
the 21st day of April. It’s an excellent day. I woke up early in the
morning. The sun was already shining. It was a lovely walk to the village. I saw
a friendly robin by the road and white blackthorn (sloe) blossoms in the
hedges. There were no cars at all on the road.
Thera tüs
solabres war an treth. Thera den o pònya, thera tüs erel o kerdhes gen keun. En
park kerry thera tüs parrys rag mordardha. Thera üdn den o tos mes a’n mor. Ev
a wrüg mordardha solabres. Thera ev o mos dh’y whel lebmyn.
were already people on the beach. A man was running, other people were walking
with dogs. In the car park there were people ready for surfing. One man was
coming out of the sea. He had already surfed. He was going to work now.
kyttrin dhe Falmeth me a gosôwes orth diw venyn goth o cows adro dhe oll sortow
taklow. Pur dhe les! Dar! Distowgh me a wrüg remembra (perthy cov a) nepeth. Thera
nakevys genam dhe dhebry o li. Thera nown dhebm. Bettegens, en Falmeth me eth
dhe’n chei o howethes rag te ha tesednow ha kescows adro dhe scrifa ha
scriforyon. Pandra alja bos gwell?
On the
bus to Falmouth I listened to two old ladies chatting about all sorts of
things. Very interesting! Oh! Suddenly I remembered something. I had forgotten
to eat my breakfast. I was hungry. However, in Falmouth I went to my friend’s
house for tea and cakes and conversation about writing and writers. What could
be better?
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