Day Ninety-five
An Pemdhegves
Dedh ha Pajar Ügens
De Gwener,
wheffes mis Ebrel. Bledhen Nowydh lowen dhe whei! Rag fra? Nag ew Calan Genver.
An kensa dedh ew an vledhen arhanjek Ruvaneth Ûnys. Praga na wrüg hei dalla en
Genver pecar’a Europ? Story completh ew.
Friday, 6th
April. Happy New Year to you! Why? It’s not the first day of January. It’s the
first day of the United Kingdom financial year. Why didn’t it start in January
like Europe? It’s a complicated story.
En mil
pemp cans pajar ügens ha dew Europ a dreylyas dhort calender Julian
(gelwys warlergh Cesar Julius) dhe galender Gregorian (gelwys warlergh Pap
Gregory XIII) warlergh arhadow Gregory y honan. Bes na venja Metêrn Henry VIII
gwil endella.
In 1582 Europe
changed from the Julian calendar (named after Julius Caesar) to the Gregorian
calendar (named after Pope Gregory XIII) on the orders of Gregory himself. But
King Henry VIII didn’t want to do that.
Dres an
nessa cans bledhen deg ha trei ügens tho Englond deg dedh po üdnek adherag Europ.
Nena en mil seyth cans dewdhek ha dowgens Englond a dreylyas ewedh, Mis
Gwedngala a gollas üdnek dedh. Na veu genys üdn flogh veth tredh an nessa ha’n
peswardhegves mis Gwedngala. Na veu bes trei cans dedh peswardhek ha dogens e’n
vledhen na.
Through the next
170 years England was 10 or 11 days ahead of Europe. Then in 1752 England
changed as well. September lost 11 days. Not a single child was born between 2nd
and 14th September. There were only 354 days in that year.
Nag o an
düs lowen! Thera fillel a üdnek dedh a ‘ga bêwnans. (Nebes a gollas aga fednow
bloodh.) Ha’n “den toll” a venja whath bledhen leun a dollyow. Thera
protestyanjow e’n stretys.
people were not happy. They were missing 11 days of their life. (Some missed
their birthdays.) And the “tax man” still wanted a full year of taxes. There
were protests in the streets.
En termyn
eus passyes Englond a wrüg ûsya pajar dedh qwarter rag cuntel ha pe gòbrow ha kendonow.
An kensa, Degol Maria Mis Meurth, o “Bledhen Nowydh” goth. Bes na venja an düs
pe aga dollyow an pajer warn ügens mis Meurth. Rag hedna, an Governans a ros üdnek
dedh moy. Na veu res dhodhans pe terebo pempes Ebrel. Ha hedna ew an reson rag dalla
agan bledhen arhanjek.
In past
times England used 4 quarter days for collecting and paying wages and debts.
The first, Lady Day, was the old “New Year”. But the people didn’t want to pay
their taxes on 24th March. Therefore, the Government gave 11 more
days. They didn’t have to pay till 5th April. And that is the reason
for the start of our financial year.
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