Day Hundred and Forty-five

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Pemp

De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Me. E’n dohajedh nei a gerras (gerdhas) dhe’n Ty war’n Heyl. Thera glaw o tegensewa, etho nei a gemeras cotys stanch ha glawlednow genen. Hei a wrüg glaw, rag hedna thera odhom dhen anodhans.  An düs eth dhe’n tavern dhe vires orth rugby ha’n benenes eth dhe’n shoppas ha perna dehen rew, lever ha scarf. Thera an gewer o treylya lacka ha nei o kerras tre. Lebmyn, gordhûher ew ha ma hager awel. Fatl’üjy colôwy ha tredna!  Ma own dhe’n kei. Ma va o plattya dadn an gwely.  
Saturday, 26th May. In the afternoon we walked to Perranporth. Rain was threatening, so we took raincoats and umbrellas with us. It did rain, so we needed them. The men went to the pub to watch rugby and the women went to the shops and bought ice cream, a book and a scarf. The weather was getting worse as we walked home. Now, it’s evening and there is a storm. How it lightens and thunders! The dog is scared. It is hiding under the bed


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