Day Hundred and Forty-four

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Pajer

De Gwener ew, pempes warn ügens mis Me. Nei a troyllyas dhe Falmeth gans o hôr wheg et hy harr nowydh. Nag o an jorna re dòbm ha nag o an jorna re yeyn. Nag o an howl pur spladn ha nag o an gwens pur grev. Nei a savas war Benn Dinas ogas dhe Gastel Pendinas rag mires adro ha debry dehen rew. Nei a lagyas e’n mor reb Treth Castel ha drivya dres trethow erel. Na veu meur a bobel war an treth hedhyw drefen nag ew degolyow hav whath. Ma’n flehes whath en scol.  Thera nebes teylûyow gen flehes bian ha thera lies tüs coth et aga herry.

It’s Friday, 25th May. We went on an outing to Falmouth with my sister-in-law in her new car. The day wasn’t too hot and the day wasn’t too cold. The sun wasn’t very bright and the wind wasn’t very strong. We stood on Pendennis Point near Pendennis Castle to look around and eat ice cream. We paddled in the sea by Castle Beach and drove past other beaches. There weren’t many people on the beach today because it’s not the summer holidays yet. The children are still in school. There were a few families with young children and there were lots of old people in their cars.


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