Day Hundred and Forty-nine

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Naw

De Merher ew, an degves dedh warn ügens a vis Me.
It’s Wednesday, the 30th day of May.
An gewer hedhyw nag o da. Thera odhom dhebm a lawlen ha cota stanch en tevry. Tho an gewer war an als noor an keth ha’n gewer war an als soth – gleb ha tewl.
The weather today was not good. I certainly needed an umbrella and raincoat. The weather on the north coast was the same as the weather on the south coast – wet and gloomy.
E veu areth gen Jesse Foot e’n universita (e’n soth), ha dadhel òja hedna, adro dhe honanieth a Gernow. Pur dhe les o.
There was a talk by Jesse Foot at the university (in the south), and a discussion after that, about Cornish identity. It was very interesting.


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