Day Hundred and Forty-six
An Cansves
Dedh Dogans ha Whegh
De Sül, seythves
warn ügens mis Me. Hedhyw o jorna pur vesy. Tüs a wrüg doas ha tüs a wrüg moas.
Agan omweloryon eth alebma òja dijunih broas. Mowns o moas dhe Spayn. Agan mab
hag y drei flehes a dhabras li genen. Nena anjei eth tre. Mowns o moas dhe Bow Densher
avorow rag degol. Thera dhen dew our rag cawas powes. Nena agan mergh a dheuth
gans hy flehes. Anjei a venja cawas con. Ma’n flehes o còrtos obma rag an nos.
Me re fittya boos oll an jorna, car dre hevel.
27th May. Today was a very busy day. People came and people went.
Our visitors went away after a big breakfast. They are going to Spain. Our son
and his three children ate lunch with us. Then they went home. They are going to Devon tomorrow for a
holiday. We had two hours to have a rest. Then our daughter came with her
children. They wanted to have supper. The children are staying here for the
night. I have been preparing food all day, so it seems.
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