Day Hundred and Forty-two

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Dew

De Merher ew, an tryja dedh warn ügens a vis Me. Ma kerdhys genam re bel ha ma troos tydn dhebm arta. Thera vy o còrtos tre ha’n gour vy a wrüg moas dhe Dewyn Plustry gans agan ostyjy. Anjei a vedn kerres (kerdhes) war an treth ha’n aljow (alsyow) a-hes. Anjei a vedn gweles crow an “huer” war Benn Tewyn. Martesen anjei a wra debry tesen “hevva”! Ma gwres genam eth pasty rag pres con: peder cofen gig bôwen ha pajer hogen heb kig. Ha lebmyn sedhys o vy e’n losowjy, o threys war scavel droos.
it’s Wednesday, the 23rd day of May. I have walked too far and I have a sore foot again. I am staying home and my husband has gone to Newquay with our guests. They will walk along the beach and the coast. They will see the Huer’s Hut on Towan Head. Perhaps they will eat hevva cake! I have made eight pasties for supper time: four beef pasties and four vegetarian pasties. And now I am sitting in the conservatory, my feet on a footstool.


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