Day Hundred and Twenty-seven

An Cansves Dedh Seyth warn Ügens

De Meurth, ethves mis Me.  Niwl? Ligyn? Mûsek? Cobmol isel? Na ora vy. Me or (a wor) dr’o gleb an mettin ha thera odhom dhebm a gota stanch ha glawlen. Saw codhys gleb o vy bettegens drefen boas pur fin an glaw. Devedhys o va dadn o glawlen. Ha ogas dhe’n mor en Ty war’n Heyl pur wenjek o, ha’n lawlen a veu whethys tû bera a ves. Nag eus glawlen dhebm na moy.  E’n gwella pres nag era odhom dhebm a lawlen (po cota stanch) e’n dohajedh – an howl a spladnas. Re dòbm o vy!
Tuesday, 8th May. Fog? Mist? Light drizzle? Low cloud? I don’t know. I know the morning was wet and I needed a raincoat and an umbrella. But I got wet anyway because the rain was very fine. It came under my umbrella. And near the sea in Perranporth it was very windy, and the umbrella was blown inside-out. I no longer have an umbrella. Luckily I didn’t need an umbrella (or a raincoat) in the afternoon – the sun shone. I was too hot!   


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