Day Hundred and Sixty-two
Cansves Dedh Dew ha Trei Ügens
De Meurth,
dewdhegves mis Efan
Tuesday, 12th
Me eth
dhe’n Kowsva en “Heartlands” tredh Redrüdh ha Cambron. Thera cuntellyans an
bagas Rosweyth. Nei a gowsas adro dhe Seythen Kows Kernewek. Hedna a vedh naw
dedh (po moy)! Ev a wra dalla de Sadorn 23ves mis Efan (po de Gwener 22a mis
Efan) gen tanjesow Golowan en dyffrans telleryow. An barr a vedh Gool Kernewek
Festival en Heartlands de Sül an kensa dedh a vis Gorefan. Tredh an dhew e vedh
oll sortow wharvosow. Me o honan a wra cows adro dhe dhisqwedhyans art (Bagas
Art Truru) en Cresen Lowarth Chacewater de Meurth 26ves mis Efan (tredh 11.00
ha 15.00). Oro whei an dyffrans tredh imach anpethek ha morwel? Gwrewgh doas ha
I went to the Kowsva
(talking-place) in Heartlands between Redruth and Camborne. There was a meeting
of the Rosweyth (network) group. We talked about the Speak Cornish Week. That
will be nine days (or more)! It will start on Saturday 23rd June (or
on Friday 22nd June) with Midsummer bonfires in various places. The
climax will be a Cornish language festival in Heartlands on Sunday the first
day of July. Between the two there will be all sorts of events. I myself will
talk about an art exhibition (Truro Art Society) in Chacewater Garden Centre on
Tuesday 26th June (between 11.00 and 15.00). Do you know the
difference between an abstract picture and a seascape? Come and see!
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