
Showing posts from July, 2018

Day Two Hundred and Eleven

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Gorefan. Tuesday, 31 st July. Hedhyw ew an diwettha dedh a’n mis. Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a vis nowydh. Thera dhen awel dòbm en mis Gorefan, ha nag era dhen glaw lowr. Crin ew o glesin. An gwels ew melen (keth ew an whynas glas). Ma dens lew rag an cònidnas. Saw, martesen, nag eus boos lowr rag an edhyn. Rag hedna, me a bernas üdn kilogram a has edhyn ken metya gen o howethes dhe gawas coffy. Today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow will be the first day of a new month. We had hot weather in July, and we didn’t have enough rain. My lawn is parched. The grass is yellow (though the weeds are green). There are dandelions for the rabbits. But, perhaps there isn’t enough food for the birds. Therefore, I bought 1kg of bird seed before meeting my friend to have coffee.

Day Two Hundred and Ten

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Deg De Lün ew, an degves dedh warn ügens a vis Gorefan. It’s Monday, the 30 th day of July. Qwarter òja whegh eur, o mergh wydn a dhifünas. Me a egoras o lagajow ha otta hei, reb o gwely! “A Vamm Wynn! Me a venja cawas crampeth rag haunsel.” “Ke dhe ves! Re avarr ew,” mèdham. “Ellama cawas brodnyon?” – hedna veu o mab wydn.   Fethys, me eth dhe’n gegin. Oyow, bleus, leth, kergh, shuger, oyl – me a fittyas boos. An flehes a geschaunjyas scüdellow – an voas a dhabras brodnyon ha’n maw a dhabras crampethen. At a quarter past six, my granddaughter woke up. I opened my eyes and there she was, by my bed! “Nana! I would like to have pancakes for breakfast.” “Go away! It’s too early,” I said. “Can I have porridge?” – that was my grandson. Defeated, I went to the kitchen. Eggs, flour, milk, oats, sugar, oil – I cooked. The children exchanged dishes – the girl ate porridge and the boy ate a pancake.

Day Two Hundred and Nine

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Naw De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Gorefan. Sunday, 29 h July. Nebes ostyjy eth de e’n mettin, etho thera dhebm dohajedh hebask (marnas gwaya gwedhen godhys). O noyth hag hy far a dheuth hedhyw mettin. Nei a dhabras li oll warbarth. Res veu dhodhans moas dhe ves   en dohajedh, soweth. Na wrüg o cres dürya pell, bettegens – devedhys veu dew flehes wydn dhe ostya rag an nos. Gwrewgh còsca a flehes! Some guests went yesterday in the morning, so I had a peaceful afternoon (apart from moving a fallen tree). My niece and her partner came this morning. We all ate lunch together. Unfortunately, they had to go away again in the afternoon. My peace did not last long, however – two grandchildren arrived to stay the night. Go to sleep children!

Day Two Hundred and Eight

Dew Cansves Dedh hag Eth De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Gorefan. Saturday, 28 th July. Thera hager awel e’n nos, gen gwens crev ha galsh glaw. Thera colwedhen e’n coos, overdevys gen idhyow. Re boos o an idhyowen ha hei a dhroas an wedhen dhe’n dor war an trolergh. Calish ew dh’y dremena, etho res ew dhe drehy an corf gwedhen gen hesken dhe gebrow.   There was a storm in the night, with a strong wind and a heavy shower of rain. There was a hazel tree in the wood, overgrown with ivy. The ivy bush was too heavy and it brought the tree down on the footpath. It is difficult to pass it, so it is essential to saw the tree trunk into large pieces.

Day Two Hundred and Seven

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Seyth De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Gorefan. Friday, 27 th July. Treylyes ew an gewer hedhyw. Ma gwens yeyn dhort an est ha tho an howl cüdhys gen commol oll an jedh. Termyn nos ew lebmyn ha glaw a wra. Ma loor leun hanath bes na ellama hy gweles. Loor gosyorgh ew ha loor wooj ewedh (drefen boas difygyans an loor). Na ellama gweles hedna naneyl. Trûedh ew! The weather has turned today. There is a cold wind from the east and the sun was hidden by cloud all the day. It’s night time now and it is raining. There’s a full moon tonight but I can’t see it. It’s a “Buck Moon” and also a blood moon (because there’s a lunar eclipse). I can’t see that either. What a pity!

Day Two Hundred and Six

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Whegh De Yow ew, an wheffes dedh warn ügens a vis Gorefan. It’s Thursday, the 26 th day of July. E’n mettin nei a wras hogednow; peder coffen gig (gen kig bôwin) ha pajer pasty heb kig. E veu dhe’n gevellyon còsk bian. Òja pres li nei eth dhe’n treth rag gwary ha neyja. Me a veu contentys dhe voas sedhys war ledn ha gwitha an taclow (gans o lever). Thera an mortid en lenel. An mor a dhros lies morgowles war tûa o ledn. In the morning we made pasties; four meat pasties (with beef) and four vegetarian pasties (without meat). The twins had a nap. After lunch time we went to the beach to play and swim. I was content to be seated on a blanket and looking after the things (with my book). The tide was coming in. The sea brought many little jellyfish towards my blanket.

Day Two Hundred and Five

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Pemp De Merher, pempes warn ügens mis Gorefan. Wednesday, 25 th July. An howl a spladnas arta. Pur dòbm o an awel. Nei eth dhe’n shoppas – thera ayr yeyn lowr ena. Me a bernas jynn argrafa nowydh – cüv bes vas – qwalita da. Me a ell argrafa levrow bian martesen. En shoppa aral me a gawas pusorn a bleus predn rag an cònidnas. O mab a bernas boos cathas ha’n gevellyon o mires orth mogh Gyny. E’n tryja shoppa nei a gavas pollen lagya plastek rag an gevellyon. Nei a’s gemeras tre ha war an glesin nei a wrüg hy whethvy ha lenel gen dowr. Pana wharth! The sun shone again. The weather was very hot. We went to the shops – there was quite cool air there. I bought a new printer – dear but efficient – good quality. Perhaps I can print little books. In another shop I got a bale of sawdust for the rabbits. My son bought cat food while the twins looked at guinea-pigs. In the third shop we found a plastic paddling pool for the twins. We took it home and on the lawn we...

Day Two Hundred and Four

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Pajer De Meurth ew, an pajwora dedh warn ügens a vis Gorefan. It’s Tuesday, the 24 th day of July. Gwydn o bes! Chei gwag oll an mettin (ader üdn kei, teyr hath ha dew gònin). O gour a wrüg marhasna, agan omweloryon a wrüg moas dhe’n treth ha me alja ladra cott termyn dhe redya o lever nowydh. Teffi a wrüg fia dhe’n fo dhort Russia. A wrüg hei drehedhes Pow Frenk gans hy fardellow? Me a venja gothvos – bes na ora vy whath. Scon e veu pres li ha res veu dhebm fittya boos.     What bliss! An empty house all the morning (apart from one dog, three cats and two rabbits). My husband was gone shopping, our visitors had gone to the beach and I could steal a short time to read my new book. Teffi ran away from Moscow. Did she reach France with her luggage? I wanted to know – but I don’t know yet. Soon it was lunch time and I had to cook.

Day Two Hundred and Three

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Trei De Lün, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefan. Monday, 23 rd July. Nei oll a dhabras li warbarth – dew dhen, diw venyn ha dew flogh bian (ha dew gei dadn an bord o còrtos browyon). Òja hedna nei a waras gen flehes ha keun e’n lowarth. Nena fittya boos rag kidnyow – ha còsc bian rag an flehes. An dohajedh a veu hebask (agan godrigoryon eth dhe’n bargen tir cyder). Nena omsettyans!! Agan mergh a dheuth gans hy dew flogh. Ha agan mergh wydn a dheuth ewedh gas hy mab pur vian. Agan chei a veu leun ha trosüs. We all ate breakfast together – two men, two women and two small children (and two dogs under the table waiting for crumbs). After that we played with the children and the dogs in the garden. Then preparing food for lunch – and a little sleep (nap) for the children. The afternoon was peaceful (our visitors went to the cider farm). Then invasion!! Our daughter came with her two children. Our granddaughter came as well with her   very small son. Our house...

Day Two Hundred and Two

Dew Cansves Dedh ha Dew De Sül ew, an nessa warn ügens dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Sunday, the 22nd day of July. Devedhys ew an teylû en carr broas leun a lies sagh ha lies kisten. Distowgh ew an chei leun ewedh. Ma pajer person moy ha üdn gath moy gen oll aga daffar. Ma dew wely bian moy e’n chambour ha diw gador ûhel e’n gegin rag an flehes. Spens ha yeyner ew re leun. Nag ew an kei da gen an gath nowydh, ha nag ew an kei lowen drefen boas degeys e’n losowjy rag an nos. The family have come in a big car full of many bags and many boxes. Suddenly the house is full as well. There are four extra people and an extra cat with all their gear. There are two extra little beds (cots) in the bedroom and two high chairs in the kitchen for the children. Larder and fridge are too full. The new cat does not like the dog, and the dog is not happy because it is shut in the conservatory for the night.

Day Two Hundred and One

Dew Cansves Dedh hag Onan De Sadorn, kensa warn ügens mis Gorefan. Saturday, 21st July. E veu dhebm dedh riel dra. Na wrüga vy gwil traveth dhe voas acomptys. Me a veu pur dhiek. Avorow e vedh moy dhe wül. Ownys ew agan mab ha y deylû. Anjei a vedn doas e’n dohajedh. I had a marvellous day. I didn’t do anything worth mentioning. I was very lazy. Tomorrow there will be more to do. Our son and his family are better. They will come in the afternoon.

Day Two Hundred

Dew Cansves Dedh De Gwener, ügensves mis Gorefan. Friday, 20th July. Thera nei o còrtos rag agan mab dhe omweles wara nei. Soweth! Na ell ev doas avorow. Ma pestik dhodho – ha dh’y wreg ha dhe’n gevellyon ewedh. Martesen anjei a wra doas de Sül po de Lün. Ma esperans dhebm. We are waiting for our son to visit us. Oh dear! He can’t come tomorrow. He has a bug – and so do his wife and the twins. Perhaps they will come on Sunday or Monday. I hope. Thera dhen gwisgdy spar. Nebonan a’n kemeras dhe ves. E veu ahoson rag arrayans nowydh et o chombour. Nei a wrüg movya gwisgdy aral, üdn cofer neythow, üdn bord gen gweder mires, diw guben vian, üdn kist lednow, üdn chayr ha teyr styllen levrow (gen lies lever). Nei a gavas podn – meur a bodn – mar veur a bodn! Nag eus whans dhebm dhe waya mebel moy rag termyn pur hir. We had a spare wardrobe. Somebody took it away. There was an opportunity for a new arrangement in my bedroom. We moved another wardrobe, a chest-of-drawers, a (dre...

Day Hundred and Ninety-nine

Cansves Dedh Nawnjek ha Pajer Ügens De Yow, nawnjegves mis Gorefan. Thursday, 19th July. Me ell gweles an loor. Hanter loor po nebes ew – gwarek tew ew hei.  Üdn jorna moy heb glaw o. Me a gerdhas dhe’n savla kyttrin rag moas dhe Trurû. Kerdh pur wheg ew. Thera odhom dhe’n vergh wydn a weres. Na alja hei gwil devnyth a hy gwily ros drefen boas bond ros flatt dhodho. Gour vy eth dhe shoppa diwros ha perna bond ros nowydh. Nag üjy nagonan owth owna bondow hedhyw en jedh, car dre hevel. En kettermyn me a wolhas an lestry ha degy trei sagh atal dhe’n crow frajens. Pana Samaritans da o nei! I can see the moon. It’s almost a half moon – it's a fat crescent.  It was one more day without rain. I walked to the bus stop to go to Truro. It’s a very nice walk. The granddaughter needed help. She couldn’t use her pram because it had a flat tyre. My husband went to a bicycle shop and bought a new tyre. Nobody mends tyres nowadays, so it seems. Meanwhile I did the washing up...

Day Hundred and Ninety-eight

Cansves Dedh Etek ha Pajer Ügens De Merher ew, an ethdegves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Wednesday, the eighteenth day of July. Peth pur vroas ew an kensa laverans a lever. A vedh whans dhe redyoryon dhe redya moy? Terweythyow ma’n geryow o comendya an gwaryoryon e’n gwrians. Terweythyow mowns o settya gwel an gwrians. Otta nebes ensamplow. “Thera Mester Sherlock Holmes esedhys orth bord an haunsel.” (Kei Teylû Baskerville) “Nei o pajer – Jory, Wella Samuel Harrys, me o honan ha Montmorency.” (Tredden en Scath) “Nag ens flehes a’n hens horn wortallath.” (Flehes an Hens Horn) “Thera an gòdhor o lavürya pur galish oll an mettin, o clanhe y jy münys rag an gwenton.” (An Gwens e’n Helyk) “Thera hobys tregys en toll e’n dor.” (An Hobys) The first sentence of a book is a serious matter. Will readers want to read more? Sometimes the words introduce the characters in the action. Sometimes they set the scene of the action. Here are some examples. “Mr. Sherlock Holmes w...

Day Hundred and Ninety-seven

Cansves Dedh Seytek ha Pajer Ügens De Meurth ew, an seythdegves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Tuesday, the seventeenth day of July. Whel moy e’n lowarth arta! Me a gavas üdn bagas ros moy, saw nag ew bagas broas ha nag eus flourys warnodho. Me a’n ajon der y dhelkyow. Agan dor nag ew da ganjo. E’n gwettha pres, agan dor ew pur dha gans oll an whenn. Ma dhen reden ha gwelsednow whegh tros-hes en ûhelder. More work in the garden again! I found one more rose bush, but it’s not a big bush and there aren’t any flowers on it. I recognise it by its leaves. It doesn’t like our ground. Unfortunately, all the weeds like our ground very much. We have bracken and grasses six feet high.

Day Hundred and Ninety-six

Cansves Dedh Whetek ha Pajer Ügens De Lün ew, an whehdegves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Monday, the sixteenth day of July. Skith o vy lebmyn. “Mabm Wydn, gwag o vy.” “Mabm Wydn, me a venja pobas, me a vedn gwil tesednow bian.” “Eus dehen rew dhis?” “Ellesta gwil bara scrawys raga vy?” “Sehes ema dhebm. Me vedn cawas badna dowr.” “Me ell devenya o losow o honan, dhe wül cowl.” “Me a vedn cawas an lever na!” “O lever vy ew hebma!” “A Vabm Wydn, Indy a wrüg o gweskel!” “Me a vedn moas tre! Pe eur a wra Mabm doas?” I’m tired now. “Granny, I’m hungry.” “Granny, I’d like to bake, I want to make buns.” “Have you got any ice cream?” “Can you make me some toast?” “I’m thirsty. I want to have a drink of water.” “I can chop my vegetables myself, to make soup.” “I want that book!” “This is my book!” “Oh, Granny, Indy hit me!” “I want to go home! What time will Mum come?”

Day Hundred and Ninety-five

Cansves Dedh Pemdhek ha Pajer Ügens De Sül ew,  an pemdhegves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Sunday, the fifteenth day of July. Ma cromagrakel dhebm! Ma eneval glas et o lowarth. Prev whehtrosek gwelen ew. (Ma whegh troos dhodho bes nag ew ev askellek.) Ma va o tebry delkyow dreys. O flehes a wrüg gwitha anjei  rag enevales dov, etho me a wor hedna. Del skejwydh ew da ganjans magata. Rag fra ma cromagrakel dhebm? Dre reson thera vy o tedna mes oll o dreys - po trehy anjei dhe’n dor. Na vedh annedh dhodho – ha tra veth dhe dhebry. I have a dilemma! There is a green animal in my garden. It’s a stick insect. (It has six legs but it is not winged.) It eats bramble leaves. My children kept them for pets, so I know that. They like privet leaves as well. Why do I have a dilemma? Because I am pulling up all my brambles - or cutting them down. It will have no home - and nothing to eat. 

Day Hundred and Ninety-four

De Sadorn, pajerdegves mis Gorefan. Saturday, 14 th July. Na wrüga vy gonis et o lowarth vy hedhyw. Na wrüga vy gwil whel veth. Me eth dhe Falmeth ha sedha e’n lowarth o hòthmans gen scriforyon erel. Nei a redyas whedhlow ha gwersyow an eyl dh'y gila.   Thera lies wharth ha nei a dhabras croust gen sevy ha dehen. Na wrüga nei mires orth an peldroos na tennis. Cloudys a   dheuth gen glawednow – rag hedna e veu res dhen dhe blegya emann. Pres veu dhe voas tre en neb cas. An howl a spladnas arta pa wrüga vy hedhas Truru.      I did not work in my garden today. I did no work at all. I went to Falmouth and sat in my friends’ garden with other writers. We read stories and poems to each other. There were many laughs and we ate a picnic with strawberries and cream. We did not watch (or talk about) the football nor tennis. Clouds came with drops of rain – so we had to pack up. It was time to go home anyway. The sun was shining again when I reached Truro.

Day Hundred and Ninety-three

Cansves Dedh Terdhek ha Pajer Ügens De Gwener , terdhegves mis Gorefan. Friday, 13 th July. Dewhelys o vy dhe’n losow an gwel! Ma reden hir o tevy bys en gwedhen spern gwydn war an ke. Tew ew an linas. Pigys ha gwanys o vy. Me a veu lowen dhe voas a-jei arta dhe gona ha goslowes orth concert war an radyo.   I have returned to the weeds! Tall bracken is growing into a hawthorn tree on the hedge. The nettles are thick. I am pricked and stung. I was happy to go indoors again to have supper and listen to a concert on the radio.

Day Hundred and Ninety-two

Cansves Dedh Dewdhek ha Pajer Ügens De Yow, dewdhegves mis Gorefan. Thursday, 12 th July. Pana journa da! Na wrüga vy gonis e’n lowarth. Na wrüga vy batalyas gen whynas. Na wrüga vy golhy goulyow veth. Me eth dhe’n dre dhe vettya cothmans. E’n mettin Mina ha me a evas coffy ha cowsel adro oll sortow taclow. E’n dohajedh me a gawas li ha coffy moy gen cothmans erel (limners) ha nei a wrüg whel gen agan ragdresow art. Me a bernas lever nowydh a scrîfow gen Teffi. Me a redyas radn anodho e’n kyttrin ha me o moas tre. Treylyans ew dhort Russek.   O howethes Ani ew treylyer. What a good day! I didn’t work in the garden. I didn’t go into battle with weeds. I didn’t wash any curtains. I went to town to meet friends. In the morning Mina and I drank coffee and talked about all sorts of things. In the afternoon I had lunch and more coffee with other friends (artists) and we did work with our art projects. I bought a new book of writings by Teffi. I read part of it on the bus a...

day Hundred and Ninety-one

An Cansves Dedh Üdnek ha Pajer Ügens De Merher ew, an üdnegves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Wednesday, the eleventh day of July. Nag o hei re dòbm hedhyw, etho me alja gonis e’n lowarth. Nag ew an gwels na glas na hir – re segh ew an gewer. Bettegens, thew oll an losow an gwel keffres glas ha hir. Hûjes ew an reden, dreynek ew an dreys ha ma’n linas o qwana. Me a gavas rosen rüdh teg ha bagas bian a Rosmarinus (gelwys “niwl an mor”) emesk an planjow broas. Ma sawer wheg dh’aga dew.   It wasn’t too hot today, so I could work in the garden. The grass is neither green nor long – the weather is too dry. However, all the weeds are both green and long. The bracken is huge, the brambles are prickly and the nettles sting. I found a beautiful red rose and a small bush of rosemary (called “mist of the sea”) among the big plants. They both have a lovely smell.

Day Hundred and Ninety

An Cansves Dedh Deg ha Pajer Ügens De Meurth ew, an degves dedh a vis Gorefan. It’s Tuesday, the tenth day of July. Na vedh genam lies avel e’n vledhen ma. Rag fra na? (Prag na?) Na veu lies flour war an wedhen vy e’n gwenton ha nag eus gwenen lowr e’n vledhen ma. Nag eus glaw lowr e’n hav ma dhe whedhy an frûtys. Ha me a welas lader hedhyw vettin e’n scorrow. Thera an del o kerna ha nena dew aval a godhas dhe’n dor. Bran a neyjas dhe ves gen üdn aval, bes piw ew an lader? Edhen aral ew – jannik teg, brîth y skelly gen blou spladn. A wra ev doas arta avorow? Martesen. Na ora vy. I won’t have many apples this year. Why not? There weren’t many flowers on my tree in the spring and there aren’t enough bees this year. There isn’t enough rain this summer to swell the fruits.   And I saw a thief this morning in the branches. The leaves were shaking and then two apples fell down. A rook flew away with one apple, but who is the thief? It’s another bird – a beautiful jay with w...

Day Hundred and Eighty-nine

Cansves Dedh Naw ha Pajer Ügens De Lün, nawhes mis Gorefan. Monday, 9 th July. Ma’n howl o tisqwedhes oll an podn e’n chei. Ma a verkyas dr’o podnek o goulyow beister purpur ha thera odhom dhodhans a wolgh. Dedh pur dha o rag golhy ha seha. Me a grogas peder croglen leb war an linen ha segh o anjei en cott termyn. The sun shows up all the dust in the house. I noticed my purple window curtains were dusty and they needed a wash. It was a very good day for washing and drying. I hung four wet curtains on the line and they were dry in a short time.

Day Hundred and Eighty-eight

Cansves Dedh Eth ha Pajer Ügens De Sül, ethves mis Gorefan. Sunday, 8 th July. Jorna hebask o. E’n dohajedh, coweth a wrüg doas gen tacklow dhort an disqwedhyans art. Nei a withas an mergh scrifa, bordys, estyl disqwedhes, clojyow rag cartednow ha pryntys e’n crow. E vedh odhom anodhans en mis Est. E’n gorthûher thera vy o mires orth skelly-grehednas o neyja a-ûgh agan lowarth. It was a peaceful day.   In the afternoon a friend came with things from the art exhibition. We stored the easels, tables, display boards, card racks and browsers in the shed. They will be needed again in August. In the evening I was watching bats flying above our garden.

Day Hundred and Eighty-seven

Cansves Dedh Seyth ha Pajer Ügens De Sadorn, seythves mis Gorefan. Saturday, 7 th July. Peldroos? Pana beldroos? Me a wrüg gwary gans o flehes wydn rag m’alja tüs an teylû mires orth an TV hebask. Nei a wras tesednow bian, gen oyl, sugra gell, füg gwel, cacao, vanilla, oy, leth soya ha bleus. Da ew gans an meppik bian treylya an kemmyska.   Ha da ew ganjo lappya an lo bredn ha’n scüdel warlergh hedna. Football? What football? I played with my grandchildren so that the menfolk could watch the TV in peace. We made little cakes, with oil, brown sugar, baking powder, cocoa, vanilla, egg, soya milk and flour. The little boy likes to stir the mixture. And he likes to lick the wooden spoon and the bowl afterwards.

Day Hundred and Eighty-six

Cansves Dedh Whegh ha Pajer Ügens De Gwener, wheffes mis Gorefan. Friday, 6 th July. O qweres dhe’n vergh wydn hedhyw -   gwerores da o vy! Me a wrüg golhy an lestry ha fittya boos (tòbma cowl en forn gorrdon!).   Rag fra na ell hei gwil hedna hy honan? Drefen boas flogh bian dhedhy a venja dena brodn oll an termyn. Nag eus termyn dhedhy dhe wül tra veth marnas gwitha an baby. Me a blegyas an lednow flogh glan ewedh ha’ga gorra en coffer neythow. Dew ar glogh anjei eth mes dhe vagas flehes – plegadow rag oll an sensys. Helping the granddaughter today – I’m a good helper! I washed dishes and prepared food (heated soup in a microwave oven!). Why can’t she do that herself? Because she has a small baby who wants to suckle all the time. She doesn’t have time to do anything except look after the baby. I folded the clean baby clothes as well and put them in a chest of drawers. At two o’clock they went out to a children’s group – pleasure for all the senses.

Day Hundred and Eighty-five

Cansves Dedh Pemp ha Pajer Ügens De Yow, pempes mis Gorefan. Thursday, 5 th July. Thera niwl e’n mettin, war an tewednow, bes an howl a’n lescas dhe ves e’n dohajedh. Lowen o an kei dhe gerdhes e’n mettin avarr, bes na venja va moas pell moy diwedhes. Nei a spenjas an gordhûher e’n chei agan mab. E veu cuntellyans scol rag kerens flehes o chaunjya scolyow en mis Gwedngala. Nei a withas an trei flogh.   There was mist in the morning, on the dunes, but the sun burnt it away in the afternoon. The dog was happy to walk in the early morning, but it did not want to go far later. We spent the evening in our son’s house. There was a school meeting for parents of children changing schools in September. We looked after the three children.

Day Hundred and Eighty-four

Cansves Dedh Pajer ha Pajer Ügens De Merher, pajwora mis Gorefan. Wednesday, 4 th July. Loos o an ebron hedhyw, loos avel lüjiw, ha thera glaw terweythyow. Bes da ew hedna genam. An gewer dòbm ew re dòbm raga vy. Thera whel dhe wül e’n lowarth – whenn moy dhe dedna emann ha trehy dhe’n dor – reden, dreys, idhyow, linas, carenja, hag erel. The sky was grey today, as grey as ashes, and there was rain occasionally. But I like that. The hot weather is too hot for me. There was work to do in the garden – more weeds to pull up and cut down – bracken, brambles, ivy, stinging nettles, goose grass (cleavers), etc.

Day Hundred and Eighty-three

Cansves Dedh Trei ha Pajer Ügens De Meurth, tryja mis Gorefan. Tuesday, 3 rd July. Dedh sowen o va hedhyw. E’n mettyn thera cuntellyans bagas Rosweyth. Nei a brederas adro dhe Seythen Cowsel Kernôwek eus passyes. Lowen o nei adro dhedhy. Gwell o es bledhen eus passyes. Nessa bledhen hei a vedh polta gwell (ma esperans dhen). It was a successful day today. In the morning there was a meeting of the Rosweyth (Networking) group. We reflected on the past Speak Cornish Week. We are happy about it. It was better than last year. Next year it will be far superior (we hope). E’n dohajedh thera class dhebm. Nei a wrüg cowsel adro dhe “deyluyow geryow”. Rag sompel, ma lies ger o comprehendya “mor” po “vor”. Nebes anodhans ell boas lymnys gen pycturs – thens tüs po miles – ha ma geryow haval rag pobel ha enevales a’n tir. In the afternoon I had a class. We talked about “word families”. For example, there are many words containing “sea” or (mutated) “sea”. Some of them can be il...

Day Hundred and Eighty-two

An Cansves Dedh Dew ha Pajer Ügens De Lün, nessa mis Gorefan. Monday, 2 nd July. Da via genam cawas flehes wydn còsel ha compes. Bes contrary ew o flehes wydn. Trosüs ha strolyek ens. Thera anjei o qwary de gen “Play-Doh”. Lebmyn therama o clanhe an leur kegin gen collel! Stag ew an stoff glüjek dhe’n prilehednow.     I should like to have quiet, tidy grandchildren. But my grandchildren are the opposite. They are noisy and messy. Yesterday they were playing with “Play-Doh”. Now I am cleaning the kitchen floor with a knife! The sticky stuff is stuck to the tiles.

Day Hundred and Eighty-one

Cansves Dedh Onan ha Pajer Ügens De Sül ew, an kensa dedh a vis Gorefan. Nag eus bes deg dedh warn ügens en mis Efan. Thew mis berr pecar’a misyow Ebrel, Gwedngala ha Dû. Keth ew hirra vel mis ort an loor (eth dedh warn ugens po nebes). Dedh hir o, ha skith o vy. It’s Sunday, the first day of July. There are only thirty days in June. It’s a short month like months April. September and November. Though it’s longer than a lunar month (about 28 days). It was a long day and I'm tired.