Day Hundred and Ninety
An Cansves
Dedh Deg ha Pajer Ügens
De Meurth
ew, an degves dedh a vis Gorefan.
Tuesday, the tenth day of July.
Na vedh
genam lies avel e’n vledhen ma. Rag fra na? (Prag na?) Na veu lies flour war an
wedhen vy e’n gwenton ha nag eus gwenen lowr e’n vledhen ma. Nag eus glaw lowr e’n
hav ma dhe whedhy an frûtys. Ha me a welas lader hedhyw vettin e’n scorrow.
Thera an del o kerna ha nena dew aval a godhas dhe’n dor. Bran a neyjas dhe ves
gen üdn aval, bes piw ew an lader? Edhen aral ew – jannik teg, brîth y skelly
gen blou spladn. A wra ev doas arta avorow? Martesen. Na ora vy.
I won’t
have many apples this year. Why not? There weren’t many flowers on my tree in
the spring and there aren’t enough bees this year. There isn’t enough rain this
summer to swell the fruits. And I saw a
thief this morning in the branches. The leaves were shaking and then two apples
fell down. A rook flew away with one apple, but who is the thief? It’s another
bird – a beautiful jay with wings striped bright blue. Will it come again
tomorrow? Perhaps. I don’t know.
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